Pet Sorc pve build

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So long story short ..i just came back to ESO after a very long break and i mainly play a pet sorc and right now i don't know what items should i use and what skills should i have ..If some1 could help me with a build ,skills and rotation i'd be grateful.(i'm 810 CP, i have all DLCs and chapters except elswyr).
  • zvavi
    How much pet do you want in your pet sorc? Do you want it to off heal? Is it ok to run eledrain in your opinion? Are you ok with frags? Do you want a heavy attack rotation? What is the meaning of life?

    Please answer 5 out of the 6 questions above

    Edit: also making sure, pve, right?
    Edited by zvavi on November 26, 2019 8:33AM
  • xTrick
    I'd like to use only 1 pet but i don't mind using 2 .....well i think healers should have ele drain so i don't see a reason for me to use it....i don't really like frags bcz if i use frags it means i need some sort of spammable and that means i'll have sustain issues( i never practiced a spammable build ...i always used a build with heavy attacks for sustain)..but if spammable builds are the only solutions i'll learn those ....hmm regarding the meaning of life far i got nothing but the search continues :(
  • macsmooth
    4 slots 2 pets = 42 answer to life universe everything
  • xTrick
    @zvavi yap pve :smile:
    @macsmooth lol
  • zvavi
    I forgot to ask which pet you want, if you use potions, and what race
    Edited by zvavi on November 26, 2019 9:18AM
  • xTrick
    @zvavi from what i saw the flying thingy got buffed and deals more dmg than the the one with higher dmg
  • phoenixkungfu
    Well if you goal is to be a super strong heavy attack build. Long story short you will have to earn it. The best heavy attack builds require alot of farming. The maelstrom staff is prized above all else. Amazing secret is the undaunted Infiltrator set. Once again, alot of farming to get the weapons. This set is medium so jewelry is the way to go. Jewelry equal the ability to back bar this set. After alot of time and good old fashion grind. The ultimate goal is a lightning staff the front bar to simple the bar switching from maelstrom to undaunted Infiltrator. This set up has not been affected by nerf to much over all. That's the earn it way...
    The friendly beginning way is max magic set up...Unfortunately this way has been extremely nerfed. But still effective, nerco and bright I recommend. It's a great set up to start.
  • zvavi
    Flying thingy got nerfed back like a month ago hehe, sorcs run scamp now
  • xTrick
    @phoenixkungfu i already have gold light and fire maelstrom staffs...right now i'm using my old set ( illambris moondancer and necropotence) . I saw some ppl using some sort of armor with slayer and mother's sorrow but idk if that's ok since i'm using pets..i kinda need necro don't i ?
    @zvavi oh..ok
  • zvavi
    Anyway, what i would do, probably, is an 8 skill 12 second rotation to keep things simple, front bar
    Frags, fire rune(mages), deadric prey, liquid lightning, scump, atro
    Back bar
    Wall of elements (12 second morph), degeneration (10 sec), scamp, 2 flex spots (shields/ surge/trap beast or whatever), destro ult/mage guild/negate.

    Scamp before fight, rotation:
    Wall, degeneration , daedric prey, heavy attack, liquid lightning, scamp, rune, daedric prey, heavy attack, rune.

    You proc frag instead of rune for up to 2 times per rotation (liquid lightning and scamp can be replaced by frags too, and moved 1 cast later, but beware of using 2 frags at the same 4 skill rotation)

    This rotation is built for a relatively casual experience, high sustain etc, not bis, it is to be comfy to use while still being a bit dynamic (the lightning heavy attack gives some time to breath)

    trial setup (group already has IA and dk is giving engulfing):
    Body new moon acolyte, head and shoulders zaan/maw of the infernal, weapon(both infused, back bar spell dmg front fire enchant)+jewelry bloodthirsty, mechanical acuity (i assume you dont want to use expensive potions), back bar fire vMA staff
    Dungeon setup:
    Body new moon acolyte, head and shoulders zaan/maw of the infernal, weapon(back infused, front crit, back bar spell dmg front fire enchant)+jewelry bloodthirsty, AI (i assume you dont want to use expensive potions), back bar lightning vMA staff

    Again, not bis, but this is what i would consider fun to play with no rush (more or less) general idea is 4 skills heavy attack 4 skills heavy attack, no rush intended. . If u manage to finish 4 skills and a heavy sooner than 6 seconds pass, rotation needs to change a bit

    Mundus spell dmg/crit/shadow

    Again, probably not optimal, but definitely fun imo (also mechanical acuity is probably not such a good option, i just like it) feel free to change sets and even skills, after all, your sorc (you can even run the meta pfg+ms), the most important thing, enjoy your time playing <3
    Edited by zvavi on November 26, 2019 10:57AM
  • T3hasiangod
    This is an example of your typical end-game pet sorc.

    Pretty much all end-game petsorcs will be using a LA rotation with a spammable. Heavy attack builds just do not output enough DPS to be strong enough in higher-end content like vMaw HM, vHoF HM, vAS + 1/2, etc.

    If you are concerned about sustain, use a Breton with False God's Devotion, but usually just one or the other is fine for sustain.
    PC/NA - Mayflower, Hellfire Dominion

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer - Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor - Voice of Reason - Gryphon Heart - The Unchained - Extinguisher of Flames

    Tank - Healer - DPS (all classes, all specs)

    Youtube - Twitch
  • zvavi
    I mean, i agree, but he asked for a heavy attack rotation. They were always behind in dmg, it is a thing all pet sorcs are aware of. you should also be aware that in dungeons sustain is ape *** especially with pug healers. So, one thing i can say for a heavy attack rotation, it is pug proof
  • xTrick
    @T3hasiangod ty for the video ^^ helped a lot
    @zvavi i guess i'll have to git gud ...:D
  • zvavi
    Ok, good luck mate :3
  • The_Lex
    What I hate is that a meta Sorc cannot focus on their specialty - shock. mDKs specialize in fire. mNBs specialize in blood magic. Necros specialize in death and decay. mSorc, though, not a single skill on a meta build uses shock.
  • El_Borracho
    Run Necro + Mother's Sorrow + Zaan/Siroria/Iceheart. Massive magicka pool. Heavy attack when necessary. Sustain should not be a problem.

    I run the scamp and the twilight matriarch. Degeneration, Daedric Prey, Lightning Flood, and Unstable Wall are the only constant skills. I swap in and out things like Empowered Ward, Frags, Ele Drain, Channeled Acceleration, and Boundless Storm depending on the content and/or group I am in. Prefer the Storm Atro for the ultimate
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