All right, first I'm opening up with a complaint. Okay, now this is just ridiculous... a whole new dlc, with all new plants and available models to use for housing in various capacities, and the new furnishing merchant doesn't even have new things... it's all just a rehash of the Rimmen merchant, EXACT same merchandise, no difference. There's not even an achievement furnishing vendor to spice things up. Now, I'm hoping this changes if they release the achievement furnishing merchant... Because I am REALLY hoping they aren't going to pull some kind of 'Oh yeah, you can have all the new plants and furnishings in Dragonhold... that'll be real money for those, please'.
Next, I have a suggestion to ZoS regarding thinking about that poor little aforementioned idea of locking all those plants and furniture pieces behind crowns... I don't know about you, but I would TOTALLY buy Moonsugar Meadows and turn it into a fruit farm if the new jackfruit tree model was made gold-purchasable at the gold furnishing merchant. If they turn the jackfruit tree into a crown-only furnishing, like moonsugar cane and bamboo? I wanted to turn moonsugar meadows into a moonsugar plantation... but no, Zos: "Sorry, gotta spend crowns on farm plants
"... well SORRY, but YOU aren't getting MY money because of that. Make this tree a gold-bought furnishing, THEN maybe we'll talk about me buying moonsugar meadows for crowns.
"Proud purveyor of Cyrodiil Pickles."