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The underwhelming Werewolf

Soul Shriven
I know there are several posts about this already, but Werewolf skill tree really needs some serious work. I truely hope devs check these forums now and then.

Compared to the vampire, WWs are really weak atm. While vampires are strong in both PvE and PvP and have a weakness that can be adressed with using certain gear or being a certain race, the WW is just weak everywhere. You can do entire builds around being a vampire, which is really cool. With the WW? not so much..

Lets look at the WWs weakness. Additional dmg to poison. This is fine, but its always there. If the weakness is always there, how come the bonuses are only there during a short and VERY expensive tranformation? (not counting blood rage). We are werewolfs all the time, not just during tranformation ffs!

2 skills, seriously, 2...for 1000 ultimate and underwhelming light and heavy attacks during a short tranformation period. Any WW will tell you this. Any player with his mainbar and "regular ultimate" will outdps a WW, by a large margin as well. Yes we run faster, whoopdidoo. Dont forget the fact all the extra abilities and skill slots you lose when you transform. Add to that the fact that we cant break out of CC and you have a completley useless ultimate.

Blood Rage is ok, but ultimate has to be slotted, and unless im totally way off here, which i dont think i am, it needs to be on the bar you are using. You cant have it slotted in your second bar and expect it to work. During fast paced pve and pvp encounters you really dont want to use a clunky weap swap to your second bar just to use your main ultimate..

There is so much you can do to fix some of the issues. Makin WW form a toggle ability maybe? Blood rage always working nomatter what. Increasing the dmg done by light and heavy attacks while in form. Having a smaller % gain in stamina when in human form, and not just the gigantic increase when in WW form. More skills, etc etc.

I have no doubt that the devs will take a look at the WW sooner or later. Sadly i think it will take a long time before this happens. Kind of sad, really wanted to be a WW, and when i finally got it, its just so bad that it makes me sad :(
  • biodragon
    I don't think WW need much more skills because werewolfes are savage beast, not trained soldier (maybe 1 skill more to emergency retreat like leap back or something with abilty to break CC or do some self healing after morph). I also think if change could be permanent (not limited by time) 900-1000 ultimate for doing that is fair price.

    My dream is to walk in WW form when i want (or almost when i want) and be able to do all solo instances much faster and from beginning to end in that form.

    People on this forum give ZOS so many ideas for free how to make it possible and still not too much OP( eg. light/heavy attack uses resource like magicka or ulti and turn back when 0 + channelled (interrupt-able) devour to regain that resource and HP is my favourite :P and of course no turning back in fight). I know that the Werewolf skill line was added in late development stage (late and in a hurry i guess) but there is still time to fix it and make it RP friendly.

    Sorry for my english :blush:
    Edited by biodragon on April 15, 2014 3:32PM
  • neocomab16_ESO
    that is pretty much the reason why I never go WW. There's no point now anymore thanks to the blood rage nerf which makes it a requirement to have transform slotted in order to build up ult faster. Plus the odd animations ....sprinting as a WW looks like a dog on rollerblades. So awful. Even WoW's worgen mount animation is way better than this. Why not bring something like this? Plus ...there is no Pack thing going on like being in a pack of wolves makes the pack stronger or such. You know ...there are certain wolf stories that center around that fact. They always stay in packs ...but here, nope. Not really needed except for a passive that seems so weird because the transform duration is somewhat unpredictable. Hate it. really. Transform should be a toggle. Ult something else. period.
  • MordenOtomo
    Question: I have been told that the Fighters Guild attacks affect WW's out of form as well as in form. Can someone confirm if this is true.
    Edited by MordenOtomo on April 15, 2014 3:57PM
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  • Tacromus_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I agree that another ability or two should be added. My idea would be a "Savage Bite" and/or a "Savage Strike/Slash" that adds bleed damage from a "gushing wound" that is stamina based. I also agree that having your Transformation as your Ult is a waste, especially with it resetting all the time (which I'm still confused as to why this happens). Some of the passive abilities are pretty useless. All in all, I'm happy to be a WW, but it def needs some tweaking to make it more viable. I get that WW shouldn't be like Vamps, for the reason that Vamps dont have to turn to gain their strength, but since WW's have to turn to gain our "true" strength, I think it should be easier to gain/maintain then it is now. The fact that I am able to kill more mobs in human form then in WW, is a little disconcerning. If it's maintained as an ult, it should be dropped down to atleast 300, but 150 or 200 would be better, make it so blood rage is active at all times, and allow it to build ult faster, and unless people are going to be running in "packs" soon, change "Call of the Pack" to something like, you summon 3 or 4 WWs to fight with you for 30 seconds or something, otherwise, this is pretty useless. Also, Rousing Roar needs to be changed also imo, in the video about WW's way back when, you said that when a WW you'd feel like you're in control at all control of the hunt, at this point, WW's feel more of a support skill line...I want to be in control of the fight. Rousing roar should increase your own attack power and maybe your allies too, but my point is all abilities/skills in WW should do something for you, not just your allies. The same could be said for Pack leader...where your allies gain their ult faster...where I get that a pack leader should inspire their subordinates to do better, It should still benefit you, as the pack leader as well; maybe you passively gain ult for every hit you/your allies deal (which would then tie into my variation of "call of the Pack" nicely). And I agree with the others that have said that WW ult should be more of a toggle and be able to be gained faster then it is at this point. These are my thoughts. Thanks for listening.
  • Jonnymorrow
    Werewolf needs work for sure. I would like to see more skills in Were form, like some of the ones mentioned above for sure.

    Also if the werewolf passives dont work in human form then why should the weaknesses? Perhaps we should recieve 50% of our passive benefits in human form to make up for this.

    And the Ult reset bug needs fixing to ease the cost of 1000 ult to transform.
  • hamaneb18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Question: I have been told that the Fighters Guild attacks affect WW's out of form as well as in form. Can someone confirm if this is true.

    im almost certain it does. when it comes to the weaknesses of WW you have it 100% of the time, but the benefits almost only when your in WW form
  • Eivar
    while I agree that werewolf needs some tweaking and obviously bugfixes I'd like to say a few things about the ultimate cost, yes it's probably to expensive but, with 2/2 blood rage and the fact that the cost goes down every time it ranks up, and the duration lasts longer and longer with each skill line rank as well, it's really not to bad, maybe drop the base cost to 800 or so. as a 43 nightblade and rank 10 werewolf i do some really sick damage, but i stack stamina, all my enchants on my armor are +stamina, since i got werewolf i've been splitting my attribute points between hp and sta instead of an even split across the board. I've also noticed that a lot of the things that cause you to gain ultimate, most people don't do , like block heavy hits, or use heavies on off balance targets, all of those actions give you a bonus to your ultimate during combat. Granted not all of those actions need to be taken, which is an entirely different thing for ZOS to take a look at(at least for non veteran gameplay) but if you try to maximize your ultimate gain it actually tends to build faster than you would think.
    Edited by Eivar on April 16, 2014 4:24PM
  • MasterLanz
    A CC breaker would be a definite boon. A rampaging angry werewolf shouldn't be easier to pin down than an ordinary mortal.
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