Let me regale you with a short yet nauseatingly sweet tale of a DC group, their Scrolls, and the Reds futile attempt at an interception.
It starts in a red dominated map with an empty pop. A couple blues had taken Harlun's Watch behind us, and I linger around in stealth watching what they do here cause now they had a spawn in our backyard. Sure enough, eventually a dozen of em come out the door, and go north. They go and take Farragut and one of their Scrolls we kept there, then started going west. I anticipated this and went to Arrius cause that's where their second was. Called it out in Zone, and as they neared, Reds started trickling in to intercept. Eventually I think the majority of the Red server pop was there. But this Blue group was, of course, one of their coordinated Bombers with mega heals. Thus began the Resource Farming.
No matter how many bodies we threw at them, how many Meat Catapults we used, the healing was insane and our attacks pointless. We could only down a straggler but the group never fell. After they moved on from the Mine to the Farm and continued there, I notice the group's leader, who carried the scroll had overextended himself in one of their pushes and came toward three of us. I dropped my Balista Ult and dropped him with a Killer's Blade to the back when he tried to run. We did it, got the scroll dropped and away from their group. I immediately tried to pick it up, was interrupted, but tried a second time and in the middle of a dog pile I managed to get it, but then just as we had managed a turn around, all of the reds decided to just stand back. I got snared, hard and couldn't get away. I dropped the Scroll and no one tried to interrupt the Blues as they just picked it back up, revived their leader and went right back to farming.
I was furious. Tell me "u mad?" and I'll say yes, I was. It was horrendous, that opportunity chucked out the window.
The group eventually went on to take Arrius, picked the second Scroll up, and then in a still EP dominated map, ran a Victory lap around Cyrodiil going the long way back to their Temples. And we just let em do it.
CP2,000 Master Explorer -
AvA One Star General -
Console Peasant -
The ClanQuest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!