Alliance Locked

I'm trying to enter Cyro on a new character but it's blocking me saying that one of my older DC characters has the current campaign set as home.
I have not entered Cyro yet this month so is there a way to remove the restriction and enter on my new character?
  • dennissomb16_ESO
    If you left any character in Cyrodiil (even if you never log that character in) from the previous month, then you will be locked to that faction. All you can do at this point is make sure you remove all characters from cyrodiil before the new campaigns start in a couple days. Many say you also have to remove the "home" from all characters before the reset (not sure if that is true or not).
  • deviousthevile
    You are not stuck unless you load the DC toon that is in Cyrodiil in and let the 5 minute lock warning time out, or press X to close it. If you ahven't done this, then all you need to do is take the toon out of cyrodiil and change the DC toons home campaign to one you are not trying to enter on your new toon
    CP 1220
    Devious The Vile Lv 50 Stamblade
    The Elven Terror Lv 50 PvP Support Healplar
    Kintao Doombringer Lv 50 MagSorc
    Healz Ur Bum Lv 50 Healplar
    Toby the Fat Node Hunter Lv 50 Stamina DK (Farmer)
    Something Disgusting Lv 50 Stamden
    You Hit my Splodey Button Lv 50 Blazing Shield Templar Tank
    Kyo Kane Lv 50 Magblade
    Watch Me Burn Lv 50 MagDK
    R N Geesus Lv 50 Stamblade
    Rampage the Vile Lv 50 Stamblade
    Backslash Playdead Lv 50 Healcro
    Sallidadna of House Vile Lv 50 Stamcro
    Hand of the Night King Lv 50 Magcro
    Fróstβíté Lv 40 Ice Warden
    Bella av Cava Vile Lv 24 MagSorc
    Storc the Orc Stam Sorc Lv 50 StamSorc

    You are not stuck unless you load the DC toon that is in Cyrodiil in and let the 5 minute lock warning time out, or press X to close it. If you ahven't done this, then all you need to do is take the toon out of cyrodiil and change the DC toons home campaign to one you are not trying to enter on your new toon

    Ok thanks, I'll try this later. I did load onto my DC character that was in Cyro but left before the timer ran out.
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