Suggested change for PvP

We have all seen the gradual decline in both performance and Original game play in Cyrodill, for ALL factions especially at peak times of the day, this is by no means a rant about the servers i have come up with a few suggestions that "may" or "may not" help, some will hate the ideas some will not and others may not care either way but i'll welcome the feedback all the same.

The main issue for me is the same fights in the same place and either one two or all three factions running "super zergs" around the same 6 keeps locking the game up completely for alot of players.
my suggested solution for this would be to change the way Emperor is achieved.
As Imperial City is no longer part of Cyrodill then take away the need only to capture those keeps Surrounding it as is currently the case.
Remove the endless "flipping" by awarding Emperor once per Campaign to the Alliance that has the most points
this will encourage a constant population not just a surge at peek times, it will also encourage more "long ranged" Assaults by All factions because they will need to take ALL the keeps not just the 6 in the middle. this will also bring back bridge and mile gate siege play as the need to stem attacks will be more prudent.
The need to have more keeps will open up the factions allowing for more small scale PVP groups to play without so much lag (and would be fun running a gorilla type offensive)

Thats just a few of my ideas as i said any others are welcome this is just to get a conversation going :)
  • marius_buys
    You see the zerg...aaand 999+ ping... aaand disconnect.
  • marius_buys
    Low pop damage buff?
    Runs and pops invis.
  • Mr_Walker
    Low pop damage buff?
    Runs and pops invis.

    In Cyro in off peak this is largely academic - you're either the group with numerical superiority, in which case you paint the map, or you're not, in which case you watch TV
  • silver1surfer69
    Ty, i love it when ppl come up with constructive ideas. 1 thing i want to add: given the goal is u want to win the cyro campaign, then u need points. For points u need scrolls, what i want to say is, emp is not the most importotat thing in cyro, its not only about emp. The idea maybe needs to be expanded.
    Starstréam - NB, Loveknight - HybridDK (4*), Stahlstrahlenreiter - StamDen, Azgul Grahl Bashrugk - HybridSorc (5*), Tínúvíél - StamCro, Thógard - StamPlar
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