To all you PVErs who are going into IC...

Maintenance for the week of March 31:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 31, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Thank you for all the TelVar and your hate tells, your tears sustain me ;)

Note: just because you are in a group doesn’t mean your safe with your all divines armor
Edited by DUTCH_REAPER on September 6, 2019 9:14PM
  • NyassaV
    "Wear impen or don't complain"

    Copy and pasted message to everyone PvE player who hate tells me
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • VaranisArano
    My usual advice is "wear impen and build tanky", because the ganker is looking for the obvious weak target. It won't save you, but it makes you less likely to be the one they pick out of the crowd as their target for Vicious Death. Also, little things like being alert, holding block, and using detect potions helps.

    (All stuff I wish I'd known when I started to PVP :) )
    I can’t respond back to them and tell them to put on impen armor and get a snare removal/immunity or I would because they block me but keep messaging lol
    Tab target FTW
  • heng14rwb17_ESO
  • vamp_emily
    Beware of the BOMB blades.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Mr_Walker
    Ah, and we all wonder why PvP in this game is dying....

  • VaranisArano
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    Ah, and we all wonder why PvP in this game is dying....

    Ooh! Is it persistent performance issues driving away those who love to PVP?
  • Major_Lag
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    Ah, and we all wonder why PvP in this game is dying....
    Lol. Today morning I took my mule alt into IC to try and get any progress done on the IC main quest.

    This character was never meant to complete any "serious" content, so he's very weak due to unlevelled skill lines etc.

    Several times I've experienced a situation where I was oneshot by one or more enemy players while obviously struggling with the NPCs. I hope they enjoyed their <50 telvar gain (and about half of the time, 0 telvar even) :D

    If that kind of behavior isn't simply griefing purely for the sake of griefing, then I don't know what it is.

    And inb4 "wear impen or don't complain": that's not the point here, this is about unsporting behavior.
    You go into IC without a good PvP build and good PvP skills, you will die. A lot. This is not even a question.

    The problem is that this kind of behavior is not only moronic in the short run, it also hurts the playerbase in the long run.
    Most "new" players will go into IC for the first time, get griefed repeatedly, then proceed to swear like a sailor and never return to IC. That's not how you go about "reviving" a dead zone.

    BTW we had a similar situation during 5th anniversary event, with the Cyrodiil PvE griefing. And everyone is wondering why is the Cyro population constantly declining... :/
  • zyk
    Killing members of opposition factions is not, in itself, griefing. No one is entitled to opt out of PVP in IC or Cyrodiil. The PVE elements in both zones is intended to involve PVP. This is especially true in IC where hunting players for TV is explicitly designed. If you want to complete the content, come prepared.

    The only thing I think is lame is when good players on different factions don't fight each other -- in IC or Cyro.

  • DocFrost72
    zyk wrote: »

    The only thing I think is lame is when good players on different factions don't fight each other -- in IC or Cyro.

    In Cyro, sure.

    I think it's entirely palatable to not kill the other factions while the literal demons spawning from a plane that is, for all intents and purposes the ninth circle of hell are wrecking the crowned jewel of the Empire. Self preservation tends to make allies of enemies, if only briefly.
    Edited by DocFrost72 on September 7, 2019 4:41AM
  • zyk
    DocFrost72 wrote: »

    In Cyro, sure.

    I think it's entirely palatable to not kill the other factions while the literal demons spawning from a plane that is, for all intents and purposes the ninth circle of hell are wrecking the crowned jewel of the Empire. Self preservation tends to make allies of enemies, if only briefly.

    It's the opposite. The plane meld resulted in the Three Banners War (AKA alliance war). Each faction is opportunistically looking to profit from the weakness of the Imperials.

    And by good players not fighting each other, I don't mean in order to quest, I mean ignoring each other to farm squishies. If the squishies are on your team, help them out!
  • Major_Lag
    zyk wrote: »
    Killing members of opposition factions is not, in itself, griefing.
    Fighting actual PvPers, absolutely.
    But fighting questers who are obviously not attacking enemy players and carry 0 to very little telvar? Repeatedly? Are you serious?

    Killing questers accomplishes next to nothing, outside of epeen enlargement. You get almost no telvar and usually very low AP (because the quester has been killed repeatedly already).

    You'd think that carrying next to 0 telvar would eventually drive the point home, but apparently some people don't care and are only "playing" in the IC to troll and grief.
    zyk wrote: »
    where hunting players for TV is explicitly designed.
    Except for the IC arena... which is 100% sociopathic in its design, because there is an in-game incentive (an achievement) to farm even 0 telvar questers in there. I have no words...

    I sure won't buy any crown store skyshards or skill lines (waste of money), but if ZOS ever puts the IC mainquest completion in the crown store, then that's one of the very few things I'd buy without a second thought for new alts.
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    Self preservation tends to make allies of enemies, if only briefly.
    It happens, yes. And it led to a humorous situation today.
    An "enemy" quester showed up while I was doing the "defend the doors" quest. We fought the NPC enemies together for a while, then a group from my alliance showed up and wiped the enemy quester :(
  • Cadbury
    Running solo through sewers near AD side earlier today, I'm pretty sure I accidentally ganked a poor lvl 30ish sorc quester who's only crime was getting too close to me. He didn't even retaliate and ran away. I didn't chase him, because he didn't seem like he was looking for a fight and just looked like he was farming stones from the PvE mobs.

    Normally, I don't feel any sympathy for players like that. But today I kinda felt bad for it. It was a weird feeling...

    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • JinougaX
    Hi there. PVPer here. Tonight we had both DC and EP in Red Diamond sitting on our platform outside base (working together), killing people the moment they came out the door. This is griefing, pure and simple. And its why I laugh when people say this game has a wonderful community. Yes, server lag and bugs are driving people away. But its also the playerbase. There are some disgusting, hate-filled people playing this game. And they will always look for an easy win, or a way to grief.
  • heng14rwb17_ESO
  • Major_Lag
    JinougaX wrote: »
    Hi there. PVPer here. Tonight we had both DC and EP in Red Diamond sitting on our platform outside base (working together), killing people the moment they came out the door.
    So things are again back to a rough IC equivalent of setting up sieges in quest giver houses in Cyro. Nice.

    That's not PvP, that's PvLoadscreen. In other words, griefing.

    (edit: oops, draft malfunction)
    Edited by Major_Lag on September 7, 2019 9:42AM
  • dtsharples
    If you chose right now to get the quests done in IC then it's your own fault if you get nuked.
    IC has been around for what, 4 years? And you choose now to make progress?
    Maybe wait a week or two until the event has finished to take under-geared and under-prepared toons into IC.
    Would you expect to take a level 10 character in training armour to a world boss and kill it alone without any issues?

  • redgreensunset
    I have to say the people in this thread made me reconfirm my decision to not touch pvp in this game. Funny, when I saw this event I thought "heck, maybe I should give it a try", but IC is a confusing mess with nothing explained and the community is unhelpful and toxic as a whole.
    So I'll stick to WGT and IP for tickets and otherwise happily ignore the event, because it's not going to make a pvp'er out of me with these people around.
  • Cadbury
    dtsharples wrote: »
    Would you expect to take a level 10 character in training armour to a world boss and kill it alone without any issues?

    To be fair, according to those who say that the overland areas are super easy, you can do exactly that.
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • dtsharples
    I would indeed stick with dungeons.
    Because guess what, at the heart of PVP is you guessed it Player versus Player i.e. people trying to kill you.
    The only way you can opt out of the PVP part of the sewers or Imperial city, is to just not go.
    I wouldn't expect to join a decent trials team as a DD with 10k DPS. It's a very similar thing for PVP.
  • dtsharples
    Cadbury wrote: »

    To be fair, according to those who say that the overland areas are super easy, you can do exactly that.

    I'd love to see it :)
  • Major_Lag
    dtsharples wrote: »
    If you chose right now to get the quests done in IC then it's your own fault if you get nuked.
    Absolutely. I went in there ON PURPOSE to see how a high-pop situation looks like in the IC, since that's not something you see every day!

    And no, I didn't expect to make much progress. In fact it went exactly as I expected - which is to say that the Arena proved to be an insurmountable roadblock.

    That's beside the point though. This is/was about highly dubious behavior of some of the so-called "elite PvPers", not about me or my underpowered mule alt that I hardly care about.
    dtsharples wrote: »
    Would you expect to take a level 10 character in training armour to a world boss and kill it alone without any issues? Absurd.
    Sure, I can do that no problem on a lv10 Sorc, by taking advantage of the Clannfear "soft taunt" mechanic. Problem? :trollface:
    Not ALL WB's are easily soloable like that, but SOME of them are.
  • EmEm_Oh
    NyassaV wrote: »
    "Wear impen or don't complain"

    Copy and pasted message to everyone PvE player who hate tells me

    Impen does little. They are better of with something else.

    Why postpone your death. If you don't know how to sustain and dps in there...impen just makes the situation worse.

    Get in fast. Kill fast. Get out fast. If one cannot that...stick with a group AND don't be that toon that is followi behind that group. :)
  • InvictusApollo
    Major_Lag wrote: »
    Lol. Today morning I took my mule alt into IC to try and get any progress done on the IC main quest.

    This character was never meant to complete any "serious" content, so he's very weak due to unlevelled skill lines etc.

    Several times I've experienced a situation where I was oneshot by one or more enemy players while obviously struggling with the NPCs. I hope they enjoyed their <50 telvar gain (and about half of the time, 0 telvar even) :D

    If that kind of behavior isn't simply griefing purely for the sake of griefing, then I don't know what it is.

    And inb4 "wear impen or don't complain": that's not the point here, this is about unsporting behavior.
    You go into IC without a good PvP build and good PvP skills, you will die. A lot. This is not even a question.

    The problem is that this kind of behavior is not only moronic in the short run, it also hurts the playerbase in the long run.
    Most "new" players will go into IC for the first time, get griefed repeatedly, then proceed to swear like a sailor and never return to IC. That's not how you go about "reviving" a dead zone.

    BTW we had a similar situation during 5th anniversary event, with the Cyrodiil PvE griefing. And everyone is wondering why is the Cyro population constantly declining... :/

    Uhm... how are people supposed to know that this is your "mule" character? Even if it is low level, combat is sometimes so hectic that everyone shoots first and asks questions later.
    Why did you even go to IC during event? You could have went there when it is almost empty.
  • Major_Lag
    EmEm_Oh wrote: »
    Uhm... how are people supposed to know that this is your "mule" character?
    I've mentioned it in one of my earlier post, I was struggling to kill Xivkyn NPCs with this character because of how few skills he has available (unlevelled skill lines).

    Also I got repeatedly killed by the same enemy player while trying to do the "defend the doors quest" (and struggling quite badly with the quest NPC enemies), despite carrying 0 telvar and never attacking any enemy players. You can't weasel your way out of that one.
    Why did you even go to IC during event? You could have went there when it is almost empty.
    Also explained it in my previous post. It was a "sightseeing" trip, any quest progress achieved was an inconsequential side effect.
    And before you ask, yes I DID have a lot of fun, there were many hilarious situations that happened, so in that way it was a huge success :D

    (edit: oops, quoting fail)
    Edited by Major_Lag on September 7, 2019 11:19AM
  • xeha_arwen11
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    Ah, and we all wonder why PvP in this game is dying....

    This. PvP is just full of super toxic people as evidenced by this thread and its creator. It makes me cringe so hard to read the posts of these PvPers bullying PvEers. How do you not feel embarrassed acting like this towards the people you "farm"?

    Act like a decent human being. PvP is fast declining and I won't be surprised if it dies soon along with this game because of the absolutely rampant toxicity and elitism.
    Edited by xeha_arwen11 on September 7, 2019 5:24PM
    I don’t feel bad at all actually. It’s a PVP zone. You come in it. You better be ready to PVP.

  • VaranisArano
    I have to say the people in this thread made me reconfirm my decision to not touch pvp in this game. Funny, when I saw this event I thought "heck, maybe I should give it a try", but IC is a confusing mess with nothing explained and the community is unhelpful and toxic as a whole.
    So I'll stick to WGT and IP for tickets and otherwise happily ignore the event, because it's not going to make a pvp'er out of me with these people around.

    If you want explanations, try one of the guides.

    I've written one:

    Here's another:

    If all you want is to avoid PVP, doing the dungeons is a total valid choice.

    Just please don't queue up for a PvPvE zone and expect to avoid the PVP component. It doesnt work that way!
    Edited by VaranisArano on September 7, 2019 4:00PM
    Oh and for the record, I got a nice whisper from a player on AD who has never been in IC and asked me what he could do to not be an easy target and I told him. He got on a different toon went back down there and was able to complete his stuff. He tried sending me some gold as a thank you but I RTSd it. So no. We the PVPers are not all toxic. But when a PVEr has some sort of entitlement expectation in IC will be left wanting.
This discussion has been closed.