Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Forward momentum animation bug PS4 Scalebreaker

Soul Shriven
The animation for forward momentum does not work on my stamina sorcerer all the time. I've tried to recreate the conditions that are causing it, but it doesn't seem to be linked to any specific skill use etc that I can figure out. When forward momentum is used it still uses stamina, and the snare immunity shoes on the character sheet, but the animation doesn't work. It is not a lag based issue imo because my other skills work just fine when it happens. The link below shoes a very short video of it occuring.

  • Arandear
    I have this on my Stamden also, it seems to not have an animation and glitch out if you already have a source of major brutality (Crit Surge or Netch in my case). It also on occasion fails to give snare immunity and even at times refresh major brutality, how they haven't fixed it yet is beyond me.
  • Lady_Rosabella
    Hubby and I are also having this issue on our StamSorcs and it will even happen if it's the first skill we use prior to a fight. It use to not work if trying to activate after Critical Surge you could continue to hit the button for momentum, but it would not work until surge drops to having only 20 seconds remaining. So we switched bars up to use momentum prior to surge. That worked for a small time, then we found it was still not working after changing it up. So we took surge completely off our bars and still having issues with momentum working only part time.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom do you guys have any idea when this is going to be fixed?
  • Lady_Rosabella
    I can also confirm that, while running Scalecaller Peak last night, every time the tank cast Igneous Weapons which states, "you and your allies also gain Major Brutality...." two of us group members were not able to activate our momentum skill. If this working as intended? If so please let us know.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
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