PVP game has HUGE GLARING Problems!!

Why does ESO PvP Design seem like amateur hour? (I'm not not wanting to be offensive, just calling it out)


Think about all this as if you were a regular PvP Player of your game please!!!

Same nonsense happening regularly. The design of ESO PvP is increasing favoring the dominating faction, discouraging and limiting the ability of underdogs.

This is VERY unsound and negligent PvP game design. Underdogs need incentives and bonuses to be able to compete against the zergs ESO design favors. It's not on guilds, because the game is not Guild vs. Guild, it's Realm vs. Realm. Dev's wanted to control everything rather than leave it to the guilds, so we need restrictions and balancing efforts to help ensure robust gameplay for any that log on..

ESO PvP started out at full throttle with plenty of potential and has continuously and relentless diminished to this current almost-nothingness because of this blatant and obvious design flaw of favoring the dominating (Emp bonuses, scrolls combat bonuses, Zerging, etc.)

Many times the low-pop faction, which clearly has no one on, makes more points/time than the other two who have active people on and fighting for the map. Low-pop bonus is a FAILED idea!! Underdogs need to be granted combat bonuses to help when they are actually online and playing!!! What player wants a score bonus after they log off? Please Develop to the GAMEPLAY, not the silly (scroll-hyper-inflated) scoring. THINK!!!!

Then there is the introduction of a Daedric Hammer to PvP to help underdogs, yet the EMP faction can pick it up and uses it probably far more often than the non-EMP faction on most campaigns. Why not put in a simple flag so emp faction players cannot pick it up?? It's ASININE BS!!

You dev's seem to be developing the PvP side of the game with a PvE mentality. They are almost diametric opposites (I enjoy both). We want robust PvP competition, not rewards on top of rewards for the winners. Surely a huge company like ZOS can recruit one or two PvP devs that understand and can help implement these fundamental and basic PvP norms in such a HUGE title???? What gives?

I've played all three factions since launch and have seen it all from all sides. This is objective feedback. Make ESO PvP Fun Again!!!!
Edited by Enkil on July 12, 2019 6:36AM
  • Cernunnos55
    This is certainly not objective feedback.

    The hammer needs some readjustments to its spawning reliability to ensure that it more regularly starts in the hands of the faction with the lowest score, population or number of keeps. It could also do with a hard reset timer of around thirty minutes. That notwithstanding, the hammer adds an interactive and dynamic addition to PvP that enables folk to think about their strategy a little more, and contributes to the "race for power" ethic that the entire game is based upon. For me it is a welcome addition.

    Besides, it's not like the hammer is invincible. I came 5% health off ganking it the other day, and I only failed because I wasn't concentrating at the time, entirely my fault. It can be sieged, piled on etc - and it requires some really good healers following it around to keep it safe.

    As for the rest of PvP - ESO provides what vast quantities of gamers would otherwise be crying out for: a complex build-based combat simulator with thousands of combination possibilities for each and every new character. What you perceive as a downfall of this is... what, a game that favours... winners? Gee I don't play cards and expect a reward when I lose. Of course it favours the winners and the experienced and the people who have put more effort into their builds. If new players get discouraged it is not from being beaten multiple times before they get better, it is hate whispers, name calling, or people switching onto a toon in the opposing faction to have a meltdown and essentially call them all every crappy thing under the sun.

    Population issues are a wheel that keeps turning. If you've been playing long enough you'll know it's a cycle, and in between each one there are some really awesome fights. It just depends upon the whims of the faction swappers which faction will have the most members that week. I can agree that the low pop bonus needs reworked, but I don't necessarily agree that the faction with the lowest amount of players should somehow be in the lead. It's AvA - Alliance vs Alliance - that is not a singular victory. It's a war simulator, and sometimes wars are simply won through numbers.
    Guild Master of The Pride of Daggerfall, D.C. loyalist and commander of the Cerglings.

    R’hana – Khajiit – StamBlade – Crafter/PvP
    Iranduril – Altmer – MagSorc – PvE DPS
    Sayelo Tomylilfren – Argonian – Hybrid Dragonknight – PvE Tank
    A Brexit Policy – Redguard – StamSorc – PvP
  • Major_Lag
    The hammer needs some readjustments to its spawning reliability to ensure that it more regularly starts in the hands of the faction with the lowest score, population or number of keeps.
    I call BS... at times of significant population imbalance, the most populated faction WILL quickly grab a hold of the hammer, simply by overwhelming the underdogs with sheer numbers and/or lagging them out and making them disconnect/crash.
    and it requires some really good healers following it around to keep it safe.
    Yep, and the zergiest faction will invariably supply 20+ healers to aid the cause. Good luck with that.

    Instead of the nonsensical "low pop" score bonus, the low pop factions should receive a progressive "last stand bonus" (buffing their stats) which increases in strength as the population imbalance grows.
    For balance reasons, said bonus should be relatively weak for PLAYERS but quite strong for NPCs.
    Edited by Major_Lag on August 23, 2019 3:26PM
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    What?!?!? No way!!!
    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • Kartalin
    Major_Lag wrote: »
    Instead of the nonsensical "low pop" score bonus, the low pop factions should receive a progressive "last stand bonus" (buffing their stats) which increases in strength as the population imbalance grows.
    For balance reasons, said bonus should be relatively weak for PLAYERS but quite strong for NPCs.
    Man, if only there was a mechanic that was in the game at some point that helped this to a degree. Like what if outnumbered players were able to generate ultimate more quickly... Hmm....
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