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Something is missing...

I have a confession to make. I'm not having fun. This is hard for me to say. I played the beta, played the final product since 5 days early access, love MMOs and love the Elder Scrolls universe. I WANT to be having fun. I've explored extensively, crafted, PvPd, gone into dungeons, etc. I've tried to experience the game as fully as I can but overall I honestly can say I'm not particularly enjoying myself.

I've played UO, WOW, EQ and found these to be much more engrossing and engaging. And I also enjoyed Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim immensely. I have played all of these games for many hours, losing track of time and getting completely and joyfully absorbed in the game. I haven't had the same experience with ESO. Basically I had a lot more fun in these games than I have in ESO.

Maybe I'm just getting older and the lustre of MMO gaming is beginning to fade for me. Maybe I ramped up my anticipation levels too high, and in my experience that almost invariably leads to disappointment.

But maybe ESO really doesn't stack up (in my personal gaming experience of course - others experience may vary).

The issue seems to be this: Ostensibly Zenimax have tried to make a game that caters to both MMO fans and single player Elder Scrolls fans. It's a wonderful idea, but at the same time it feels that this approach has detracted from both elements - it has resulted in a game that is quite a bit less engaging, less fun than a 'pure' MMO or single player Elder Scrolls game.

Do many others feel this way? Is my opinion an outlier? A minority view? Or is there a large enough playerbase that have similar feelings that it may impact the future viability of ESO? If so, can it be fixed?

I know many will jump to the defense of the game and that's fine. I was defensive about criticism of the game during beta. But if your opinion differs from mine I will happily listen and accommodate it, if stated thoughtfully and civilly (i.e. I do realise there will be a backlash due to these views, but keep it cool please).
  • Lonn87b16_ESO
    My experience is completely opposite to yours, 4 hours ago I said to myself, "just gonna finish this quest and then I'm going to bed". As soon as I turned it in I saw a solo dungeon off in the distance and after that..... Well, yeah, I guess you get the point ;D
    Edited by Lonn87b16_ESO on April 14, 2014 3:26AM
  • Midgardian
    While I understand you don't like the game and have reasons, there have been plenty of these "it's both single-player and MMO" posts. And they aren't productive. They are incredibly vague.
  • Genomic
    My experience is completely opposite to yours, 4 hours ago I said to myself, "just gonna finish this quest and then I'm going to bed". As soon as I turned it in I saw a solo dungeon off in the distance and after that..... Well, yeah, I guess you get the point ;D

    That's been exactly my experience in other MMOs and ES games. But not this one. I really am not sure why. Perhaps my view that ESO tried to hard to be both MMO and single player that it diluted both elements is just a rationalisation to explain my experience. Or maybe there is something to it? If the majority of people are enjoying the game as you are, then maybe I need to find out what's within me that's preventing me from enjoying the game.
  • Seraseth
    I'm personally really enjoying it (except for the massive time sink of inventory management) but my spouse has the same opinion as you. He's a big mmo and ES player, and finds eso is missing too much of ES to be an ES game, and too much of an mmo to be an mmo.
  • Reymas
    This must simply be a taste thing, OP. I have a similar background in both MMOs and TES and I have never had more fun in a Theme Park MMO before. Honestly I think part of that is my rabid TES fandom, to be sure but compared to other theme parks like GW2, TOR, Rift, WoW, EQ2 and such, that regularly bore me to tears, this is one of the first theme parks that I am completely engrossed and engaged in.

    Admittedly I normally prefer sandboxes like UO or SWG but I'll be damned if ESO doesn't have its hooks into me completely. Hit VR1 today and so excited for the 50+ and 50++ content.
    Honor, Duty and Piety for Morrowind
  • Alyrn_Grey
    Not every game is for every person. Thus the reason for different games to be created. If TESO isn't for you then go find the game that does thrill you and have great fun playing it.
  • Altheina
    The Elder Scrolls series has always been special in my heart and I knew that at some point it will be made into mmo and I am right. I also have anticipated that I can't expect much from the mmo version for it will certainly lack that 'exclusivity' feel that I find in the single player versions.

    So I believe it's about setting the expectations on this game, you will begin to enjoy it once the expectation is adjusted :)
    Altheina - Wood Elf Nightblade
    TESO Fun-fact 1: It takes to kill 119,050 mudcrabs to reach level 50
    TESO Fun-fact 2: There are 61 million items in the game
    TESO Fun-fact 3: There are 40,656,000 different weapon variations in the game
  • Sue_D_Nim
    My experience is completely opposite to yours, 4 hours ago I said to myself, "just gonna finish this quest and then I'm going to bed". As soon as I turned it in I saw a solo dungeon off in the distance and after that..... Well, yeah, I guess you get the point ;D

    Lol. I did exactly that just a minute ago. I found my eyelids dropping and myself having to force them open, and what did I do? I said, "Okay, I'm going to bed now ... okay, I'm going to the bank and then I'm going to bed."
    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • Hypersillyman
    Sue_D_Nim wrote: »
    My experience is completely opposite to yours, 4 hours ago I said to myself, "just gonna finish this quest and then I'm going to bed". As soon as I turned it in I saw a solo dungeon off in the distance and after that..... Well, yeah, I guess you get the point ;D

    Lol. I did exactly that just a minute ago. I found my eyelids dropping and myself having to force them open, and what did I do? I said, "Okay, I'm going to bed now ... okay, I'm going to the bank and then I'm going to bed."

    I've done the same thing the last 3 nights running. Last night, I played until I actually fell asleep at the keyboard, and my character ran off a cliff and died. I wasn't particularly amused but my brother thought it was hilarious.

    As to the OP, I think your issue is one of 3 things, all of which have been mentioned.

    1. Your expectations were too high, and you are feeling a bit of disappointment.
    2. You are becoming jaded with/tired of the MMO format and might want to consider moving on to another genre, even if only temporarily.
    3. You were hoping for something closer to the previous, single player ES games, and your mind is not reacting well to not getting it.

    Unfortunately, there is no real cure or treatment for this. This may simply not be the game for you. It may be possible, with the passage of time, for the game to grow on you, but that seems iffy based on your commentary. You seem to genuinely want to like the game, and I appreciate that, because the game needs more people who are truly trying to find their stride. Too many people either blindly defend the game regardless of flaws, or condemn it over every perceived imperfection. You are making an honest assessment and I respect that. That being said, if you can't find some way to make yourself like the game before your free 30 days run out, you should probably move on to greener pastures. However much you might want to like the game, and want for it to succeed, there's no need for you to compromise your entertainment value for nothing more than the love of the Elder Scrolls name.

    I hope you find your joy in the game and decide to stay. If not, at least you made a sincere and honest effort. More power to you.

    Good luck. :)
    LFG Fippy Darkpaw. PST.
  • RaZaddha
    I can tell you how to eat food, I can tell you how to be pretentious and do all the smell/savour of the wine, but I can't tell you how to enjoy eating and drinking. Just follow your heart and do what you want or enjoy. Just forget everything and try to enjoy, if you can't, this isn't the game for you, it's simple.
  • Laerian
    All these restrictions: repair/respect costs, small inventory, long cooldowns without queues (horse feed, researching), overcharged (with green items), few active skills, guild store or chat spam the only to sell something.

    I'm having fun but at the same time I feel like I'm playing with my hands tied. I'm walking along the edge; I cannot decide if it's the best mmo I've played or the worst.
  • Raice
    So... I've had some pretty major gripes with MMO's for the past 5 years or so. Technically longer, but it wasn't until about 5 years ago where I told myself I hate this genre until something comes along that makes some changes.

    1. Class Structure:

    I'm tired of picking the same classes, with the same expectations, and being forced into the same gameplay and group role. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of picking "The Rogue" and knowing exactly what to expect from that class. No matter how convoluted they make the "Talent Tree" - it's always going to be the Sneak Attack guy in Medium Armor that Dual Wields and whose entire defense relies on his ability to Stealth. All of the classes in every MMO I've played for the past 10 years behaves this way.

    ESO simply doesn't do this. Sure, Nightblade is a Sneak Attack sort of thing. But you can also make that class wear Heavy Armor, use a 2-Handed Sword, and be a Tank. That's my point. The class has nothing to do with the group role.

    The Class Structure is so good in ESO, I will say it's even better than SWG was way back in the day. And I've never said that about any MMO... ever.

    2. User Interface and Combat:

    I am sick and tired....

    !!!SICK AND TIRED!!!

    Of playing Whack-a-Mole in every single MMO. You all know exactly what I am talking about. You have a screen completely filled in every pixel with some kind of HUD element. You've got buttons all over the place. Your Quest Tracker shows 20 bazillion quests. Your Mini-Map is ridiculous. You have 20 different Health Bars that all tell you the same information. You have Mana Bars. You have flashing lights on all the buttons. Timers and DoT counters, and Damage Numbers floating everywhere.


    Man... I am so glad ESO doesn't do this. Sure... there's a little bit there. But it's very minimal. And much to the agony of some elitist groups too. But not me. I love it. Just look at all that open real estate on the screen. Nothing is there but the game world. Why? Because all of that other stuff... you don't need it. You never did.

    It does this, and it even manages to feel like a TES hybrid, with the Active Combat mechanics: Light/Heavy Attack, Blocking, Dodging, Sprinting, etc. It's such a nice breath of fresh air...

    3. Hand Holding:

    I remember playing SWTOR. I remember I didn't die a single time in that game until my character was level 32. And, it only happened because I had to run to the restroom and thought I was safe.

    I don't remember dying too much in most any MMO I played. And why not? Because the game won't let you. If you're in the zone you're supposed to be in... everything in that zone is custom built for your level range - even the bosses. Unless you do something completely stupid, like pull extra mobs, or accidently fall from too high up, or I don't even know... you can't die.

    ESO isn't like that. It isn't afraid to let you die. And you can die in a quick hurry in this game if you aren't paying attention.

    4. Exploration:

    There's a reason to explore in this game. For one, you'll pick up extra quests. And for two... you're rewarded by Sky Shards, treasure chests, special boss mobs... or maybe you just might get the chance to run into someone who could use some help.

    Other MMO's, there is no exploration - none.

    It is because of these four reasons that I love ESO. I think anyone who has trouble liking this game has unreasonable and unrealistic expectations, or for some reason or another, prefers the way MMO's have been made for the past 10 years.
  • mutharex
    Ok so if you are free to bore us with this kind of posts, am I free to ask for your stuff?
  • Athise
    It's because this game lacks a reason to keep on playing.

    -Dungeons are rewardless and a waste of leveling time. The bosses/trash are mostly about avoiding red markers and hope the healer can heal enough.(i can't even target my heals...)

    - Pvp is just zerg + siege weapons. your mostly not even doing PvP and the faction with the most nightdwellers win the campain.

    - PvE is just the same as any generic mmo. Get quest do quest get *** reward and xp. Atleast other mmo's give better rewards.
    (1500xp isn't enough for a long quest where i'm wasting 30min time on. that's like killing 15mobs which i can do in less than 2min).

    Exploration ... there is absolutly no exploration in this game i don't even understand why this is brought up as a positive aspect of the game.
  • Thunder
    Elder Scrolls isn't WoW in Skyrim... thankfully so in my opinion!

    I know it seems like WoW in Skyrim at first glance. It fooled me too. I was like... bleh, been there done that. Yet there are subtle changes that make a world of difference.

    The biggest difference is that this isn't a race to cap and grind out raid gear game. In fact, there's nothing to race to at all! You can, and might as well, just settle back and enjoy the ride, because there's no raid mount to ride around the bank steps and show off.

    The second biggest difference is an extension of the first. Altitis isn't a crippling disease here. In most other endgame raid centric MMO's, time spent on an alt is time not spent progressing your main. Here you can relax and jump on an alt because you don't have to grind raids 3 hours a night to keep up with the Jones'.

    The third biggest difference, a subtle one, but quite profound, is that you can't tag an enemy and claim it as your own. With that old system, the WoW way, you are adversaries with the other players in open world PVE. Here in ESO, you can work together with other random strangers you run into and everyone reaps the reward.

    All that being said, my biggest fear is ESO will backslide into WoW in Skyrim because of popular demand. The biggest asset ESO has in my opinion is that there's no point to it other than to just play for the pure enjoyment of playing.
  • mutharex
    I think people should learn to be more flexible and adapt to different systems. Or at least learn to read and watch videos related to a game before running to buy it...
    And ESO won't backslide in WoW IF we support devs choices against the wowkiddies onslaught.
    Edited by mutharex on April 14, 2014 10:37AM
  • Sanspoof
    Thunder wrote: »
    The second biggest difference is an extension of the first. Altitis isn't a crippling disease here. In most other endgame raid centric MMO's, time spent on an alt is time not spent progressing your main. Here you can relax and jump on an alt because you don't have to grind raids 3 hours a night to keep up with the Jones'.
    With only 8 character slots, a small shared bank, and VR content making you quest through other faction's areas, I wouldn't say this game was designed with altoholics in mind.
  • Censorious
    There was always a danger that the game would fall 'between two stools'.
    On the whole, I think they've done a good job of avoiding a broken limb.

    As long as the devs resist the vocal onslaughts from both interested minorities, the 'wowkiddies' and the 'elder scrolls RP-ers' things will be fine.

    (I do wish they hadn't given in to the demand for NPC collision - that is a serious pain for smooth movement in cities)
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Shazarak
    I'm agree with the previous post.

    I think this game can be fun if you try to play in a different way than other MMO.
    If you run (rush) to max lvl without enjoying everything you are going to lose the true spirit of this game.

    Just for example:
    Before reaching lvl 5 I put some point in the "KEEN" abilities in the crafting skills tree just to see better the resources around me and sometimes I play for 10 to 15 minutes just running around collecting flower or oak wood and iron ore and killing the monster who are guarding them.

    I cannot help you finding a way to enjoy the game, everyone has his own playstyle and if yours does not give you enough fun you can only try to change the way you approach to the game because you cannot change the game to fit your needs.

    I hope you can find the fun you need here or in another game :smile:
  • Thunder
    Sanspoof wrote: »
    With only 8 character slots, a small shared bank, and VR content making you quest through other faction's areas, I wouldn't say this game was designed with altoholics in mind.

    You just have to let go of the hoarder mentality. There's nothing (well, very little) in ESO that you can't get again, so grind up or vendor all that junk and save yourself the time and headache of being a hoarder.

    Believe me, I wanted to hoard as much as everyone else when I started here, and did. Yet when I let go and started getting rid of all the junk it was very freeing. Now I just relax and kill stuff until my bags are full, clear it all out and start over.
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