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Suggestion: Threat passive in shield/1h or in Tanking friendly skill tree.

This is just my opinion and how I would like to play the game :blush:

What I would prefer?
Skill tree: Threat generation increased 140%(?) with bash while using Spiked Armor (Dk expample)

It would give you enough options to not activating this passive (not getting the passive, not using Spiked Armor while not tanking)

Weapon skills: Threat generation increased 140%(?) with bash while using Defensive Posture.

OR ...while Defensive Posture/Spiked Armor is slotted.

Would it be needed?: No it is not must thing to have since there is taunts but it would be more enjoyable for ppl who has used to play a tank when you dont have to spam taunt and eventually go oos (out of stamina) while you would need to safe those for blocking and dodges.

What would it give to players?: More options to manage your resourses, mostly stamina, and more enjoyable tanking experience overal. It would also give to option to personalize your gaming style more.

I'm not sure if it is the US/EU ping what does it but sometimes it is mildly annoying to taunt all those mobs running for healer when skills dont respond as fast that they should.

Also I'm aware of the running speed problem while blocking but anyway if you are going deep tank you would get the blocking passive to help with that running speed reduction.

Tell me your opinion about this :smile:
Edited by Granite on April 13, 2014 2:51PM

Suggestion: Threat passive in shield/1h or in Tanking friendly skill tree. 16 votes

I like the idea.
sunluvr2ub14_ESOMalachiGraniteWoutyLordLOL55 5 votes
I don't like the idea.
GravisHyperRalathar44Criselli 4 votes
Neutral. If it helps tanking it doesnt bother me.
Kendariczarathustra 2 votes
Go back to WOW
RebAlphoter5AlchemyDevilJadeviper1974kongkim 5 votes
  • kongkim
    Go back to WOW
    You are not supposed to hold aggro on all target in here like in WOW and mobs are made to switch tagets from time to time.

    If something need to be made for tanking its is more threat skill types to make it a little more fun to play rather then only have 2 skills that do it.
  • Ralathar44
    I don't like the idea.
    Also keep in mind that a passive is always on, this take away choice not adds it.
    Some questions answer themselves:
    So what is the problem with building specifically against an oil farm????

    oil farm????
  • Xsorus
    Granite...Don't spam taunt...It doesn't work like other games where you spam the ability to taunt the target.

    You hit the target 1 time with Taunt, and then you don't touch it again with that ability till the debuff runs out and need to be reapplied.

  • Raice
    I vote no. Here's why:

    The strength of this game is that no class has to be anything in particular. Having something like this would single handed make DK the only viable Tank class. No one would accept any other class or build as a Tank. And that's exactly what I don't want happening in this game.

    No offense, but you guys seriously need to get out of the WoW and other typical MMO mentality.
  • Granite
    I like the idea.
    Raice wrote: »
    I vote no. Here's why:

    The strength of this game is that no class has to be anything in particular. Having something like this would single handed make DK the only viable Tank class. No one would accept any other class or build as a Tank. And that's exactly what I don't want happening in this game.

    No offense, but you guys seriously need to get out of the WoW and other typical MMO mentality.

    Actually havent even played wow. "Go back to wow" was for trolls and and if you just want to vote to see aswers :D

    Why would DK be only viable tank class. That was just DK example because I play DK and I know skills what it uses. It could be healer tank or ranged tank, anything :P

    And why would I need to get out of some mentality I like? That makes no sense to me :D This is a game where you can play how you want and tanking would be something I would like^^

    Granite...Don't spam taunt...It doesn't work like other games where you spam the ability to taunt the target.

    You hit the target 1 time with Taunt, and then you don't touch it again with that ability till the debuff runs out and need to be reapplied.

    Yeah I know how taunt works :P Meant the spamming when you have to taunt multible target and thats where the problems pop out >.>
    Ralathar44 wrote: »
    Also keep in mind that a passive is always on, this take away choice not adds it.

    I made examples how you would prevent using the passive while you dont want to get threat.
    kongkim wrote: »
    You are not supposed to hold aggro on all target in here like in WOW and mobs are made to switch tagets from time to time.

    If something need to be made for tanking its is more threat skill types to make it a little more fun to play rather then only have 2 skills that do it.

    Harder content will be really chaotic whitout tanks but everyone can play how they want and that the point. I would like to play like this and its my opinion^^

    Also those were examples. General idea for threat inc passives is what the vote was for not the 2 exact skills xD
  • Ralathar44
    I don't like the idea.
    Lets be fair here, regardless of our personal opinions you seem very deeply entrenched in your point of view. My opinion is actually neutral I just pointed out a potential problem and I think your solution is limiting and clunky.

    That being said the design aesthetics behind this game seem to conflict directly with your idea. I personally don't believe they wish the tank to have as much control of aggro as you seem to want. IMO the boss mechanics show this quite clearly and during my dungeon runs our tanks still manage to hold aggro most of the time.

    The balance seems pretty good currently and their philosophy seems clear. I just don't see any reason for the developers to change what they are doing to accommodate your wishes despite me not having any personal stake in this.
    Some questions answer themselves:
    So what is the problem with building specifically against an oil farm????

    oil farm????
  • Granite
    I like the idea.
    Ralathar44 wrote: »
    Lets be fair here, regardless of our personal opinions you seem very deeply entrenched in your point of view.

    I have a lot of views but this is one of those and I wanted to discuss about it. Im just telling my opinion about what other wrote. No one should be offended about that I disagree about those. And sertainly Im not getting offended no matter what but you are right that I am entrenched about my point of view :D ofc I am because its an opinion^^

    But that doesnt mean that we cant discuss about it even if there is no straight "yes"/"no" answer. Solving things is the best part for me, not the solution<3
    Ralathar44 wrote: »
    My opinion is actually neutral I just pointed out a potential problem and I think your solution is limiting and clunky.

    What makes you think its clunky and how about if it could be just switched off?
    How would you make it less "clunky"?
    Ralathar44 wrote: »
    That being said the design aesthetics behind this game seem to conflict directly with your idea. I personally don't believe they wish the tank to have as much control of aggro as you seem to want. IMO the boss mechanics show this quite clearly and during my dungeon runs our tanks still manage to hold aggro most of the time.

    Just pointing this out first. There is one problem (or several but Im staying with this one now xD) when games try to make systems without holy trinity. When there is no tanks the content has to scale according to the weakest players in defence so if you throw a tank in this mess the content would be face roll because the tank could take all the dmg and no one dies. There is way around this to make game purely/heavily skill based but that would be unfair to some players too and I rarely see purely/heavily skill based mmos (teso is not one of these. Almost everybody can dodge huge red indicators). What TESO has done is loose holy trinity (they still did it) and it causes huge balance issues in content. How about this one group dont want to use tanks. Does zeni scale difficulty for those or for the group that has tank and can take the dmg. This is why I dont see why zeni wouldnt want responsibility for tank as they already adapted the holy trinity. Or what do you think?

    What comes to those dungeons. Atm Im only 20ish lvl and got only those low lvl dungeons and Im holding agro just fine (maybe because those are super easy xD) but the tanking is not as fun as it could be ;D
    Edited by Granite on April 14, 2014 3:13AM
  • Raice
    Granite wrote: »
    Raice wrote: »
    I vote no. Here's why:

    The strength of this game is that no class has to be anything in particular. Having something like this would single handed make DK the only viable Tank class. No one would accept any other class or build as a Tank. And that's exactly what I don't want happening in this game.

    No offense, but you guys seriously need to get out of the WoW and other typical MMO mentality.

    Actually havent even played wow. "Go back to wow" was for trolls and and if you just want to vote to see aswers :D

    Why would DK be only viable tank class. That was just DK example because I play DK and I know skills what it uses. It could be healer tank or ranged tank, anything :P

    And why would I need to get out of some mentality I like? That makes no sense to me :D This is a game where you can play how you want and tanking would be something I would like^^

    Have you played any MMO in the past 10 years? If so, then - Yes... you have played WoW. They're all the same, and they all formulate from the same design ethos, which creates the same gamer mentality across the board. I didn't say you need to go back to WoW. I said that you need to get out of it. And you're totally in it.

    I didn't say a DK could only be a Tank. I said it would be the only viable Tank. It could still be a Healer or a whatever... but no other class could be a Tank as good as the DK. That would make it the only option for groups and Raids. And it's all because it would be the best option for controlling aggro. Once the aggro can be controlled, this game loses the very thing that makes it so good and different - the difficulty. All of this leads back to the WoW design ethos and the gamer mentality that it spawns. It's not going to work in this game.

    If you want to enjoy this game - you're going to need to get out of the mentality that you like. If you don't want to do that - then you're not going to enjoy this game. And if you're not going to enjoy this game on its own terms, but would rather instead complain about how it needs to be more like a WoW design ethos that has been run into the ground by every MMO for the past 10 years... then frankly man... I'm going to have something to say about it.

    Finally - you can Tank very well in this game. The difference is you can't control aggro like you do in WoW and similar games. My advice to you is to get out of the WoW mentality, and try to experience this game from a different angle. Otherwise, I don't know what else to tell you.
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