This is just my opinion and how I would like to play the game

What I would prefer?
Skill tree: Threat generation increased 140%(?) with bash while using Spiked Armor (Dk expample)
It would give you enough options to not activating this passive (not getting the passive, not using Spiked Armor while not tanking)
Weapon skills: Threat generation increased 140%(?) with bash while using Defensive Posture.
OR ...while Defensive Posture/Spiked Armor is slotted.
Would it be needed?: No it is not must thing to have since there is taunts but it would be more enjoyable for ppl who has used to play a tank when you dont have to spam taunt and eventually go oos (out of stamina) while you would need to safe those for blocking and dodges.
What would it give to players?: More options to manage your resourses, mostly stamina, and more enjoyable tanking experience overal. It would also give to option to personalize your gaming style more.
I'm not sure if it is the US/EU ping what does it but sometimes it is mildly annoying to taunt all those mobs running for healer when skills dont respond as fast that they should.
Also I'm aware of the running speed problem while blocking but anyway if you are going deep tank you would get the blocking passive to help with that running speed reduction.
Tell me your opinion about this
Edited by Granite on April 13, 2014 2:51PM
Suggestion: Threat passive in shield/1h or in Tanking friendly skill tree. 16 votes
Neutral. If it helps tanking it doesnt bother me.

2 votes