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Level 35 sorc my only rant ... Deadric summoner

Deadric summoner is the biggest let down of a class. I am a lvl 35 sorc with level 45 deadric summoning(Yeh that right lvl 45) I can give you a story of why I believe this class needs some luv but Im just gonna throw a list down on what I hate and what I want to see in the future.

My Rant-
1.Poor Ai(I'm pretty sure everyone knows what I am talking about here they literally mostly stand there and watch me get my a$$ handed to me by world bosses).
2. Appearance- Both of them look rushed and not unique at all. They are also all purple? they couldn't give it a more of a touch look?
3. Only 2? We only get 2 deadric? what happen to rest of the things you can summon? If this is a Elder scroll regardless if it a mmo I want more for different play style.
4. Skill 2 - Yes it useful in the beginning but in end it actually a useless skill and you are just better of with another skill. That 3.5 duration makes a lot of difference between life and death.
5. The final skill ..... really? I was actually hype for this skill because I was so excited playing the game I miss read it as "Adds a 210 damage shield for 20 seconds" Which I thought "Omg so it like bound armor but who ever attack me take 210 damage OMG" but apparently I was wrong and it really meant it adds 210 armor until it depletes which it does in one hit for some reason.
6. The magik cost is extremely costly and puts you into a very bad state. What I mean is so far Unstable and twilight both cost 488 magik each so that 976 magik with also reduce 20% magik do you know what that means? Not only both will leave you with barely any magik you also loose 20% of the magik + 10 more if you go with bound armor(Which by the way is a good skill). Sure you can just not summon them if they die but what the point? I have 2 skill slots taken so you are telling me I can only use 2(not including bound armor and ultimate) skills the entire fight?

FYI- I have all skills unlocked and morphed so I do have the 15% magik return when they die.

What I want to see in the future
1.Improve AI I want to see all the mobs I attack get rekt
2.Improved appearance of course and more of a unique touch.
3.More summons I want to literally find rare scrolls like Ice astronarch or flame astronarch that I can summon instead of unstable and twilight. Deadric summoner shouldn't be just stuck with 2 pets the class is called "Deadric SUMMONER" for a reason.
4.Curse and conjured needs to go or changed that is all I can say I have no suggestion on how to buff or change them but I Don't use them so Ill leave it at that.
5.The magik cost and penalty is to harsh when it comes to endgame. You can argue oh use different skills but what for? Why add a class if you can't even use it for endgame and only for *** and giggles? I want to be a summoner and I want to do amazing things as a summoner not be told oh this class is useless level something else.

Just letting you all know what bothers me and I want people opinion do you believe deadric summoner needs some love? Do you agree or disagree with me? Do you have anything else to add to the rant? or do you want to see other changes that I did not put?

I also don't use deadric anymore since the lvl 35+ dungeon really require me to be a dps and I can't have 2 useless lolly gagging around while I have no magik.
Edited by Bape on April 4, 2014 7:34AM
  • Noth
    The issue is that you cannot look at the deadric summoning tree in a vacuum. The Sorc is already considered one of the strongest and most versatile classes in the game. Pets need to kind of suck in order for them to not completely overpower the Sorc.
  • Bape
    Noth wrote: »
    The issue is that you cannot look at the deadric summoning tree in a vacuum. The Sorc is already considered one of the strongest
    and most versatile classes in the game. Pets need to kind of suck in order for them to not completely overpower the Sorc.

    Well im talking about deadric summoner class specifically not everything in one there are some people that like to be pure summoner and like those type of classes. I really don't have interest in dark or storm magic I do have them leveled but my main is deadric summoner class.
  • Noth
    Bape wrote: »
    Noth wrote: »
    The issue is that you cannot look at the deadric summoning tree in a vacuum. The Sorc is already considered one of the strongest
    and most versatile classes in the game. Pets need to kind of suck in order for them to not completely overpower the Sorc.

    Well im talking about deadric summoner class specifically not everything in one there are some people that like to be pure summoner and like those type of classes. I really don't have interest in dark or storm magic I do have them leveled but my main is deadric summoner class.

    Due to the way the skill system works (not being locked out of skill lines by choosing one) you can't look at the skill lines in a vacuum. You have to take the entire class into account, and even other non class skill lines.
  • Bape
    Noth wrote: »
    Bape wrote: »
    Noth wrote: »
    The issue is that you cannot look at the deadric summoning tree in a vacuum. The Sorc is already considered one of the strongest
    and most versatile classes in the game. Pets need to kind of suck in order for them to not completely overpower the Sorc.

    Well im talking about deadric summoner class specifically not everything in one there are some people that like to be pure summoner and like those type of classes. I really don't have interest in dark or storm magic I do have them leveled but my main is deadric summoner class.

    Due to the way the skill system works (not being locked out of skill lines by choosing one) you can't look at the skill lines in a vacuum. You have to take the entire class into account, and even other non class skill lines.

    Yeh but this game isn't about an entire class it about choices how do you want to play and what style. There are many players who goes full storm sorc because they like the entire skill line and it suit them better. This is why I like the game you can choose how to play and what way and for me I prefer to be a full dreadric summoner however I find the class lacking that what my rant is about. Please be noted that it wont make the sorc any better if they choose to have these suggestion they half to sacrifice magik and skill slot for them hence they really can't be powerful.
  • redsteven
    Soul Shriven
    My summoning sorc is only lvl 15 but it's just become really BORING. I wanted to go full summoning which means having both summons up at the same time. I'm also spec'd destruction staff.
    So I've got the 2 summons, daedric curse, destructive touch (with the stun upgrade, so using it with a fire staff knocks back enemies and stuns them) and Force Shock (to stun casters). I feel like the play style has become really boring though. Maybe if I had more skills available then it wouldn't be, but right now I'm feeling like I'm kind of done with this char.

    EDIT: And yes, the horrible AI of your summoned creatures definitely adds frustration.
    Edited by redsteven on April 14, 2014 6:53AM
  • Raice
    Noth wrote: »
    Bape wrote: »
    Noth wrote: »
    The issue is that you cannot look at the deadric summoning tree in a vacuum. The Sorc is already considered one of the strongest
    and most versatile classes in the game. Pets need to kind of suck in order for them to not completely overpower the Sorc.

    Well im talking about deadric summoner class specifically not everything in one there are some people that like to be pure summoner and like those type of classes. I really don't have interest in dark or storm magic I do have them leveled but my main is deadric summoner class.

    Due to the way the skill system works (not being locked out of skill lines by choosing one) you can't look at the skill lines in a vacuum. You have to take the entire class into account, and even other non class skill lines.

    ^ This. The best way to play this game and to build a character is to find which abilities work well together.

    Daedric Curse, Bound Armor, and Conjured Ward simply don't make any sense when combined with any Summoned Pet. Two of those options are Tanking abilities. Why would you need your character to be more of a Tank, when you already have 2 options of Pets to take the damage for you?

    Your best bet for using 2 pets at the same time is to pick up a Bow, a Healing Staff, or go into Dark Magic and pick up Crystal Shard and Encase. And I would still use a Healing staff just so you can keep your pets alive. Luckily, Crystal Shard and Encase both have the Summoning vibe going on. A lot more than Daedric Curse does, at any rate.

    That being said... I kind of have to agree with the OP a little bit. Those Summoned Creatures are 1. uninteresting, and 2. ugly. Why can't we get a Flame Atronarch and a Skeleton?
  • zaria
    I love the clanfear as its my personal tank, against multiple enemies it usually hold one or two, letting me deal with the other.
    Against bosses the clue is to let the clanfear keep agro, CC or dodge tend to let him regain agro, repulse is nice as it does good damage and knocks down the boss to the clanfear keeps agro then cc is done.

    the twinlight dies to fast and yes the clanfear is wortless in groups or PvP.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Lord_Hev
    Seriously... I miss my trash-talking Dremora bad-ass from the the other TES games! WHERE IS HE ZOS???

    What we need to solve this issue... is dedicated Conjurer skill-line. Like how the guild and "world" skills are. Balance it by

    1.) Conjurer skill summons are NOT toggle-ble. They must be summoned during combat as they have a base 30 second duration.[a morph can make them 45-60 seconds.]

    2.) a limit of two. You can only have a maximum of two pets active at a time. So no 2 sorc summons, then new conjurer skill summons.[Storm atro ultimate exception because ultimates are exceptions.]

    So, the conjurer skill-line can add like 5 or more summons[for ex: flame & frost Atronachs(range and melee) Skeletons & Haunting spirit thingyies(melee & ranged)

    Out of all of them, you can only chose a maximum of two for your hot-bar for balance. So choose wisely, but the OPTIONS[Plural] are there for variety and experimentation! Maybe you want a classic Fire and Ice Atronach duo. Maybe you want to go necromantic with the skeleton and wraith. Maybe you don't discriminate, and like to pair a daedra with an undead. Go wild.

    Then, 2 choices for ultimate.

    1.) Summon Dremora Lord/Mistress.

    Summons a trash-talking single enemy DPS monster to destroy any arrogant fool who thinks he can ambush you by himself. But against groups, will get shredded by combined group fire. So, an inverse of the CC God Storm Atronach

    Base duration of 30 seconds. Maybe give him a limited AOE swipe with his greatsword. But again, his/her focus is single target DPS slaughter and tanking,

    Gender should be 50/50. One time you might get a male Dremora. another time you'll get a female Dremora. Identical stats and equipment.

    Self-cast. Dremora has to chase down his victim. You cannot just pop him behind your target.

    2.) Summon Bone Colossus

    Summons a beefy Bone Colossus to block and absorb punishment. Not as precision lethal as the Dremora, but he can CC, and he can survive punishment from group fire. He's like a melee Storm Atro. Needs to be mobile. Balanced by heavy steps, and no stun on spawn. Like the Dremora, He can only be spawned close to the summoner. For further balance to his high health, make him have to crawl out of the necromantic ritual rune on his summon. Think of it like a "start-up" time before unleashing hell.

    Edited by Lord_Hev on April 14, 2014 8:46AM
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
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