Steadfast, hands down.
The key difference is that Steadfast is something you can reliably count on. Especially when going from being offensive, to defensive - which is the time you need it the most.
Example; Charge onto a target, CC him and start pounding. Suddenly someone gapcloses from behind and CC's you with a decent combo, putting you at 50% HP in 2 GCD or close. Lets say a NB gapclosed and incapped you.
With Pirate Skeleton, you either get extremely lucky with a proc, or you die.
With Steadfast you CC break and Cleanse, for a guaranteed proc on Steadfast, to help you turn the fight around by going offensive.
Steadfast, hands down.
The key difference is that Steadfast is something you can reliably count on. Especially when going from being offensive, to defensive - which is the time you need it the most.
Example; Charge onto a target, CC him and start pounding. Suddenly someone gapcloses from behind and CC's you with a decent combo, putting you at 50% HP in 2 GCD or close. Lets say a NB gapclosed and incapped you.
With Pirate Skeleton, you either get extremely lucky with a proc, or you die.
With Steadfast you CC break and Cleanse, for a guaranteed proc on Steadfast, to help you turn the fight around by going offensive.
Steadfast, hands down.
The key difference is that Steadfast is something you can reliably count on. Especially when going from being offensive, to defensive - which is the time you need it the most.
Example; Charge onto a target, CC him and start pounding. Suddenly someone gapcloses from behind and CC's you with a decent combo, putting you at 50% HP in 2 GCD or close. Lets say a NB gapclosed and incapped you.
With Pirate Skeleton, you either get extremely lucky with a proc, or you die.
With Steadfast you CC break and Cleanse, for a guaranteed proc on Steadfast, to help you turn the fight around by going offensive.
The 30% damage reduction applies after the calculation of the damage mitigation or before? Because if you have a lot of resistances already and the 30% applies after then is really small that 30% and it makes no sense use this set if you already cap armor resistances.