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So, do I just suck or ... (Bosmer Nightblade Fails; Film at Eleven)

I just reread this and saw how long it is. Sorry, but I couldn't figure out how to shorten it and say all I needed to say.

Ok, so I made a Bosmer nightblade with a bow dual wielded daggers. I sailed through everything until after level 10 when I combat began to feel challenging, especially world bosses and dungeon bosses. Good; who wants it all to be easy, right?

Now I'm level 14, nearly 15, and starting yesterday I suddenly can't kill ANYTHING. I've been exploring all over the place and fighting everything I see. I have NOT been skipping quests or leaving large areas unexplored. That's not my style. I've cleared all the locations on my map (they're all white). I've been doing anchors and bandit camps if there's a group doing them. I've been following the logical quest progression. I'm now doing quests close to my level (12-13), and I can't complete them because I keep dying.

I'm wearing and using the best gear I can craft (blacksmithing lvl 5, woodworking 7, clothing 7) or find.

I decided to level up on Fighters Guild quests, but I can't even do those, and they start at level 9. I just now got creamed by a couple of level 9 imps.

Here are my stats. How have I screwed up so badly?

Level 14 nightblade
magicka 0, health 4, stamina 9

Max magicka 368, health 496, stamina 469
Regen magicka 18, health 10, stamina 19

Bow damage 22, dual wield damage 43
Armor 283

Syphoning: funnel health
Bow: scorched earth, arrow spray, scatter shot, long shots, accuracy, archery expertise
Dual wield: blinding flurry, whirlwind, dual wield expert
Medium Armor: windwalker
Soul Trap

Thanks for any constructive criticism or advice.

"If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
"Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • Lazarus_Long
    I would suggest you start blocking, interrupting, and stunning when ever possible. I have a hunch the MG and FG quests are designed to make you check yourself on basic tactics. Practice on easy mobs and when you get the hang of it go back. I would also recommend checking out the guide in my sig. It's a list of thing you can do to help you improve.
    Edited by Lazarus_Long on April 8, 2014 8:22PM
    The List For Living - A guide for new or troubled players

    Hey Jute, get in my bag
    Take a lag spike and make it better
    Remember to let research play its part
    Then you can start to make a sweater

    The Bohemian Auction House
  • Shimond
    Are you opening with a stealth attack? I'm currently 11 on my bow nightblade and finding it really easy (I realize you said you're higher level). I typically start in stealth behind the target with a heavy bow shot. You get a pretty long stun with the extra damage, leaving you plenty of time to stack on even more damage and more often than not kill them before they can get to melee (or if they do, low enough health for an execute).

    It's important to not just be stealth but be behind the target to get the stun.
  • Sue_D_Nim
    Shimond wrote: »
    Are you opening with a stealth attack? I'm currently 11 on my bow nightblade and finding it really easy (I realize you said you're higher level). I typically start in stealth behind the target with a heavy bow shot. You get a pretty long stun with the extra damage, leaving you plenty of time to stack on even more damage and more often than not kill them before they can get to melee (or if they do, low enough health for an execute).

    It's important to not just be stealth but be behind the target to get the stun.
    Yes; that's exactly what I do (suits my RP style anyway) and it works great on normal enemies, one at a time. It doesn't do me much good on bosses, though, or on mobs of more than two. The bosses have so much health that it seems as though my attacks do virtually no damage. They can kill me long before I can whittle them down. Yesterday was just a frustrating day. I couldn't seem to kill anything.

    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • Sue_D_Nim
    I would suggest you start blocking, interrupting, and stunning when ever possible. I have a hunch the MG and FG quests are designed to make you check yourself on basic tactics. Practice on easy mobs and when you get the hang of it go back. I would also recommend checking out the guide in my sig. It's a list of thing you can do to help you improve.

    Thanks; I'll ready your guide ASAP. I do block and interrupt, but I have no stun skill. I do have scatter shot, which is supposed to knock back and disorient, but I can't use the skill; it remains greyed out. I might have to look at taking some different skills.
    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • Azzuria
    I understand your feeling because, at 12, things are starting to get beyond easy-mode. Finally!

    What's worked for me is to DODGE! And interrupt. And knock-back and stun when possible. And the judicious application of Syphoning HoT and stuns when there are more than 2 mobs.
    Brunhilda Icehammer - Nord Dragonknight, 'Smith & Enchantress 'What is 'ranged? I need to hit something!!'
    Laehl Direthorn - Bosmer Nightblade, Purveyor of fine Clothes, Bows and Staves
    Reeza gra-Zuni - Orc Templar 'War Shaman' and Apothecary
    Noemi Snowpaw - Kajiit Dragon Knight - I laugh... or I'd have to kill you.
    Kitera Dreamon - Breton of The Dominion: Because those Daggers don't appreciate a great Mage.
    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
  • Shimond
    One combo I did take was the first two shadow skills, you can then vanish and instantly stun/disorient (which lets you knockdown if you hit them with a heavy attack) things in melee range when they get to you. You can keep more range and keep laying damage on them by just kind of constant cc/damage. On the tougher things I'm just always running around them trying to trip them up whenever I can. Another thing is when you block a heavy attack and they get that brief disorient window, you can hit them with a heavy attack to knock them down. Same thing if you interrupt a spell cast with the morphed poison arrow.
  • Sue_D_Nim
    Thanks, everybody who replied. I was able to beat Doshia in one try after acquiring Silver Bolts. I still have a lot of work to do, but things are looking up.
    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • Phoebvs
    Scatter shot is not a ranged skill - the enemy should be really close for activation (not being grayed out). And, yeah, scatter shot is your best friend :wink:
    Poison arrow deals good damage and stuns mages if landed properly.
  • Bhakura
    Im same, bow nightblade, dual wield, the bow only came later at 15 when i could swap.
    Find it hard to believe you have or had such troubles with it, its easy mode?
    Sneak attack, normal attack, ambush, magnumshot and theyre done for, the sneak attack pretty much kills the first mob and the rest get knocked around and stunned by ambush and magnum.
    Its fun to fight 4-5 mobs at once and not one can reach you because of the magnumshot barrage, that skill is insane good and all nightblades should pack it :D
  • Gaudrath
    Khm... is your gear undamaged? People sometimes forget to check on their gear and it can be broken after you die a lot meaning you're actually getting NO protection from it. And you die easy.

    I play an altmer Templar with bow and 2 daggers, so by no means an optimal synergy choice, but I don't have any problems taking on groups of three or even more, often a few levels above me.

    However, I also keep my crafting skills up to date and wear best medium armor I can find/craft, and keep all my gear in a relatively good condition.
  • Haltus_Kain
    As a fellow bow/siphon nightblade-er, here's what my rotation generally looks like:

    ...sorry, don't remember the names of the abilities, but they're probably different from your anyway because of morphs, and if you've been using them too you should probably recognize them.

    Open with a stealth, fully charged L-click attack.
    Immediately follow with the root ability from Siphon.
    Charge and fire another full-power L-click, which will break the root.
    Use the Siphon attack that gives you a heal over time
    <most basic NPC's are dead at this point>
    If any health remains, if a L-click light attack is enough to finish it off, use that; otherwise, use the poison arrow ability.

    The Bow knockback is extremely useful too.
    Bow AoE ability can be useful, but usually when there's multiple NPC's involved, I've found it works best to root one and kite the other. In group settings though, AoE rocks!

    Siphon ultimate for tough fights.

    *that should cover your entire skillbar.

    Don't dodge - it uses WAY too much stamina.

    For boss fights, focus primarily on blocking incoming attacks; then slip in quick L-click attacks and Siphon heal-over-time attack (heep the HoT up at all times). It will make the fight take forever, but it seems to work pretty reliably.

    Make sure you're taking into account any unique mechanics that may be in play - boss fights often have conditions that require very specific reactions that if you don't take, you die. Those are often mentioned in quest text, so if you're leading up to a boss fight, don't just skip the dialogue (really, don't skip it ever - the story is great!).

    Umm... make sure you're spending all of your skill points and character points. If you want to stick with siphon, start dumping more into Magicka.

    If you're equipping gear upgrades as you find them, you shouldn't need to repair really anything. I'm 16 at the moment, and I haven't repaired a single piece of gear, cuz I don't want to waste the gold.

    Don't feel obligated to just use medium armor, either. I'm going for the sneaky-***-archer-thing too, but I've got a pretty even distribution of light, medium, and heavy armor. Pick what gives you the best stats. Sticking more with a single type will probably be more important later game, but for the starting stuff, mixing will almost definitely yield the best results.

    Hope that helps!

    Let me know if you need me to elaborate on anything... I'm no expert on this game, but I'm dropping most mobs before they reach me, so I think I'm doing something right. ^_^
    Hey, YOU,
    Petition to include chat bubbles to ESO - http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/61316/floating-text-chat-bubble-addon/p1

    /sign it^^
  • Sue_D_Nim
    This is all fantastic advice. Having a blast now, and when I die it's to my own carelessness. Until the next time I plateau, anyway. :) I'm a work in progress.
    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • Vikova
    As others said: at a certain point, dodging and blocking become vital. And for squishier characters, crowd control also becomes vital.
  • Lalai
    I don't really have anything useful to contribute.. I just wanted to say a big 'ol thank you for coming in to ask how you could improve instead of saying the content was too hard. Totally giving you an awesome for that :D

    I'm glad to see some of the advice helped, and hopefully more people will follow suit instead of suggesting difficulty get tuned down (I like that I've died in this game!)

    Happy hunting!
    Edited by Lalai on April 9, 2014 2:31PM
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Reavan
    I am a level 38 bosmer Night blade that uses 2h only.

    At my level I can sneak attack one shot NPCs my level.
    I can two shot stuff with critical rush.. handling groups can be risky but i can sail through it.

    At low levels i did a similar set up of stats.. now I have put everything in stam.

    Last level I got hold of Vampire and it makes things again another level of easy.
    I believe you must be doing something wrong I dabaled with bows at those early levels too and it was VERY easy.
  • Klimarov
    Hmm, you really doing some thing wrong, i'm level 24 now, but all those 24 levels i've been able to solo groups of 3-4 monbs on my Khajit nightblade. I'm also a vamp since level 15 and i'm practically unkillable, i can solo the anchors by my self. I dual wield swords, 5 medium peices of gear 2 heavy, specced in both to lvl 30. vamp of course and bloodleech talent from class talents. I can even dps tank bosses in dungeons.
  • silver302ca
    I would like to see your build then klimarov beacuse im a khjit NB to and i get my face handed to me if i even try to take on 3 mobs i die like crazy and im lvl20 here my set up on bow swallow soul 1,shadowy disguise 2,surprise attack2, venom arrow1, scatter shot2. for my dual wield i use sneak and walk in close then i hit them with lotus fan 1 then i hit shadowy disguise 2 for the armor boost when coming out of it when i hit them with my next attack witch is whirlwind witch i spam as much as i can if there more then one mob and to finish them off i use rapid strikeand i all so have bloody craze 1 on that bare to get some life back if i need to im haveing a hard time with this build i am planing on takeing vamp to my nightblad but right now im having a hard time staying alive that why i want to know kilimarov build it seems to sound good and i have aproblem i do not see magnumshot or silver shot cant ppl just name the skill what it starts at lvl1 i mean the only one i can see is that is a aoe is volley on the bow skill line is this the one u are talking about?and what pasive skill line do u have klimarov? i would like to see what u have and thanks and if any one as some sugestions for me please tell me if my build is ok or it could be better at this point and thank u
  • Hawke
    I just did a video guide for Doshia and some basic combat techniques.. it may help, or may not... I hope it does.

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