Those have been and still are much more prevalent on the 7 day.
Ad won vivec for that long sorely beacuse of pvdoor, same thing ep did on sotha.
On tbe 7 day both ep and dc are doing it now, rendering the campaign scoring pointless.
Nice thing for me when i play on there is to farm the pvdoor heroes for good ap.
Until they implement things like dynamic scoring, to discourage ppl from ONLY playing vs NPCs and empty keeps, the scoring, faction loyalty and the whole war is utterly pointless.
Then once they alleviate thoss issues, re-evaluate rewards.
Im actually suprised they implemented faction locks before doing any of that.
What will happen now is that ppl who want their campaign rewards will lock themselves to the most likely winner and stick to it for 30days, making population imbalances even worse.
We may not see the effects right now, but once the most dominant faction on each campaign is clear, this is exactly what a lot of ppl will do.
Which is sad beacuse it has nothing to do with faction loyalty, which what everyone here was hoping to enforce with the lock, just playing for the winning side, which what many has done for years.
Bonus points fot locking ppl out of playing their alts(if on different faction) and stopping people to switch to the underdog faction to make tjings more equal.
Clearly what we needed for a healthier pvp experience.
OrdoHermetica wrote: »Keep the faction lock as is, but reduce the lock-out to 72 hours. If the goal is to prevent people from hopping between alliances to exploit the map, then a three day cooldown will do that handily. If that's not enough on its own, you can have people choose an alliance at the start and treat all other alliance characters they play in that campaign as guesting. I simply see no reason for a full 30 day lock.
If you can switch alliances during a campaign it isn't a lock at all. If you can switch teams during a campaign, why have teams. Without the lock it is not AvAvA it is me vs me vs me. The 3 banner war makes absolutely no sense without locks.
VaranisArano wrote: »I don't think ZOS can unbind Alliance from character.
Considering the 7 day is always dead empty and locks are so popular would be in the games best interest to make the 7day locked so it has population >.>
OrdoHermetica wrote: »
My characters are members of Alliances. I am not.
Do you honestly think ZOS can implement something thats more complex than throwing cosmetics into a box of surprise mechanics?
3. Mercenary Faction. I use to support this but all it would cause is a 2-6 man squad at every resource being a major annoyance. But it is a Small Scalers dream
dtsharples wrote: »*Kinda rattled on a bit here, maybe I'll find a better place to post it*
Thinking a little more on this, I'd also remove all point scoring from PVDoor.
Keeps and Outposts become just transportation and a means to defend yourself from enemies whilst inside.
Make scoring Points + AP depend almost entirely on actual PVP - Combat with other players.
The idea of this would be to encourage people to spread out on their own, as overwhelming an empty map would offer no AP / Points at all.
This also still relies on the OPs suggestion of locking accounts to factions, not factions to campaigns.
It would also make a smaller-scale playstyle more appealing, as the efforts of these smaller groups would equally affect the campaign score, where they don't really do this at the moment.
yea, and regardless what you want to play as, you dont change sides during a match, thats like the loosing side in a dota final, suddenly all leave their chairs and yoin the winning side, mid game... so all can win, thats just so brilliantly stupid... if you want to change sides, you do that when a match has been concluded...
Luckilly, as far as i know, there is no indication that SoZ is going to change this... and at this point mods should just merge all threads since its just a tiny portion flooding the forum over and over... i think someone said that the biggest poll was like 169 people or sometihing, thats not even a base to make anything viable even with statistiks...