Something in TES IV: Oblivion that stuck out to me was the Bravil mage's guild recommendation quest. A Mage's staff is stolen and when asked about it Kud-Ei responds with "It's more symbolic than practical, but each carries great significance to its owner." This is touched upon later when you finally join the mages guild with Raminus Polus saying "Every mage carries a staff. It is crafted and enchanted by the guild, and is a symbol of status. You need such a staff." So Staves are very important to mages/wizards but for more ceremonial or status reasons rather than being conduits for their power.
So while my magicka Sorcerer has no issues carrying a mage's staff around, my Nightblade, and templar don't much care for them. Priests don't really carry staves, assassins or thieves don't usually have them on their back when completing "jobs".
So I propose a motif to hide the staff, giving the appearance of not having one in hand.
From a practical standpoint, something I noticed when playing my Nightblade and Necromancer, the staff tends to disappear then reappear when using certain abilities, and this (I feel) would enhance them more, as there's no longer a staff to disappear and reappear, just the fluid animation of the skill on display.
I'd only ask this to be for Staves, as this would prevent people from asking "If I cant see the weapon how will I know what they're using?"
The "point" of the staff where the animations for light and heavy attacks come from can/should be moved down closer to the hand to have an appearance more like the magic is being fired from the hand.
"Why settle for just stabbing your foes when you can roast them alive in a gout of arcane fire?"
[| DC Breton Sorcerer || NA PS4 || PSN: Catalyst10e |]
[| DC Dunmer Dragon Knight |]