VaranisArano wrote: »You'd still have people playing every faction just to milk the campaign rewards.
And why the hell should it be problematic when someone with 4 ad 4 ep and 4 dc is able to get the same amount of campaign rewards as someone with 12 ep chars?
The game actively encouraged people to level on multiple factions to balance out pvp since one tamriel. The person who actively played on underpopulated factions did play more to the devs intentions and for the good of the game over the past two years than the self proclaimed faction loyalist.
Why do you feel they should be punished for that now?
VaranisArano wrote: »
That being said, I find it very hard to take multifaction players seriously. Like, its fine if you "want good fights", but I'm laughing when those players show up next to me defending an objective when my raid killed them on AD or DC the other day. We get plenty of good fights in a nightly basis without faction swapping. And its not like "good fights" was the only reason players faction swapped, or that faction swapping never caused problems for the campaigns, so let's not pretend that we're only talking about pure-hearted defenders of the underdogs here.
I don't think that the playstyle of "IDGAF about objectives, just "good fights"" is very beneficial for Cyrodiil as an AvAvA zone in the long term, and I'm quite interested to see if faction locks change that for the better or if they turn out the same way as the not very feasible CP BGs.
And if they don't work out? *shrug* I'll keep on doing my faction loyal thing for EP, whatever anyone else does. Like I've been doing for the last two or so years.
VaranisArano wrote: »
That being said, I find it very hard to take multifaction players seriously. Like, its fine if you "want good fights", but I'm laughing when those players show up next to me defending an objective when my raid killed them on AD or DC the other day.
Joy_Division wrote: »
And yet you take players seriously who'll grind an entire month of their lives on a campaign in which, even if they happen to win, get little more than virtual peanuts? What's so serious about that?. Especially considering even a hardcore player who logs in every single night has little tangible impact as the majority of scoring that decides who wins happens when they are not online and via very unserious mechanics such as allowing nightcapping to count the same as pop locked prime time. Maybe if ZOS took their PvP campaigns a little more seriously, so would I?
As ZOS certainly isn;t providing us with any serious reason to actually participate in an AvAvA format, we all have to get our own abstract fulfillment for cyrodiil. Just because we're not eager to be part of a mob of 30 to cap a resource guarded by 2 for Queen Aryenn doesn't mean we don;t take our time PvPing seriously.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Sure. Everyone enjoys what they enjoy. I don't mean to belittle that.
Just so my position is upfront and obvious, because I'm apparently doing a horrible job of being clear here: I really enjoy faction loyal gameplay for the campaign win, no matter the minor rewards. Others enjoy very different styles and thats 100% fine by me. I wasnt asking for faction locks before we got them, and I'm not entirely sure how well they'll work out long term.
Now, let me try to clarify what I mean by taking someone "seriously" since apparently I cant clearly express myself on this thread to save my life...
As a faction loyal player who's playing for the campaign win - no matter how little tangible rewards I get for that - I don't regard the multifaction players I see playing all sides as reliable members of my team when they are very "here today, on the other side tomorrow". I don't listen to them in zone chat, and I chuckle whenever I see that today they've decided to play EP. They might be super serious experienced PVPers, sure, and many of them are. But I don't ever rely on them the way I listen to or rely on the players I see playing for EP night after night, campaign after campaign. Experience has shown me that while they might be great PVPers, they simply are not reliable team members when it comes to trying to win the campaign which is how I enjoy playing Cyrodiil.
So its not that I disrespect their player vs player fighting chops. Many are quite good, at least the ones who play underdog rather than bandwagoning. There's lot of variety in multifaction players, so for the sake of clarity, I'll assume I'm talking about experienced PVPers who regularly did multifaction play, not the players just there for the Tier 1 rewards.
Given that I choose to fight AvAvA, faction loyal, and for the campaign win...I do not regard multifaction players as reliable and dependable allies, no matter which way they go. The players I know to be reliable and dependable are the players who put the time and effort in to fight for their faction consistantly.
So if "my faction right or wrong" is not your thing, that's fine with me! You do you. Have fun your way!
But please don't be offended that I find the vast majority of multifaction players to be unreliable allies when it comes to playing AvAvA for the campaign win. I really don't understand why that seems to be a problem here, since players who want the benefit of swapping sides are obviously giving up the reputation that comes with being dedicated to one side or the other. Can't really have both...
Sorry, I hope that makes sense. Apparently I can't express what I actually mean very well on this thread, so I might just take a break and drink more coffee. I wasn't even trying to start this faction loyal vs multifaction argument, just trying to point out that the OP's solution doesnt go far enough either way, and apparently I'm failing at that and stumbling right into the faction loyal vs multifaction argument anyway.
So hopefully I don't start a whole new argument, and you all have a great day!
That's almost meaningless. I used to do my absolute best no matter which faction I played for. How much more "reliable" do you want?
VaranisArano wrote: »
But then if you don't care about playing for a single faction, why on earth would you care that you don't have the same reputation with faction loyal players as a player who's been consistently playing for a single faction, helping them win campaign after campaign?
Huh? I don't. With age comes apathy, and right at the bottom of my list of "important things to worry about" is what some random muppet in a game thinks of me.
I'm just a reliable player. I will reliably fight like hell. I will reliably place down 4-5 siege/counter siege in addition to my own for anyone to use. I will reliably try to push the map. You know if you see me I’m doing my best.
I’m probably better for whatever faction I’m playing in than half the leeching sacks of crap in it.
Agreed.Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »I would rather a soft lock. Let me earn rewards and scoreboard place on one faction only but still play and earn ap on other factions.
I think a limited time lock would make neither side happy, though I appreciate the attempt to compromise. Agreed.
VaranisArano wrote: »
I'm faction loyal.
What if for each campaign you chose which faction all of your characters would fight for, just do away with all factions outside of cyrodiil. I guess they wouldn't be able to sell any race any alliance anymore though. But as it is I have 3 magplars, 3 stamblades, 2 stamdens, and 2 magdks on the various factions. Would be awesome to not have to level up redundant characters.