My Surreal Estate ... mostly finished

Once upon a time there was activity at the Surreal Estate in Coldharbour...

Well, I actually had never planned on building a lot of stuff at the Surreal Estate. Just one small house. Coldharbour felt so un-cozy, and Cassius, my main, absolutely wanted a roof. So at first I built some Clockwork barracks - a square made of metal, with catwalks for windows and a Redguard bed. Nothing else.

"Vhoa, that must be cold at night", my son said. "This house needs curtains. And doors."
So I added curtains, and more curtains yet for doors.

"Add shutters", my son said. "Do you want somebody to break into the house?"
Well, I added shutters.

"No we need a second floor", my son said.
Hmmmm... I had enough grates to make some kind of cage as a second floor, but I didn't have enough metal left for another roof.

"Mom, you don't need a roof up there. Make it an upstairs pole dance bar. Or a garden."
Since the zombie guys didn't look as if they were overjoyed by the prospect of dancing around a pole, upstairs became some kind of garden...

Now this is the house from a short distance. No, things are not as crooked as they look like in this pic ... my monitor is just bizarrely proportioned, that's all. So imagine those struts to be very straight. - Can you make out Pirharri on the window shutters, and the Zombie at the well, doing the laundry?
I'll put the rest of the pics in spoiler brackets, because... well... too big.
Side shot of the house and yard from a distance:
The gate and the gate guard, with a view of the yard:
Parts of the yard, back entry, bench and Banekin:
Other side of the yard with stairs to the roof garden:
Roof garden as seen from the entrance:
Another view of the roof garden, the 'reading rug' can be seen in the back:
The roof garden as seen from the back:
The inside: Left side with back entrance, kitchen and dining corner:
The inside: Right side with desk area and a tiny glimpse of the living room:
The inside: The living area. The cat is stretching and the Augur is hiding:
The inside: And finally, the bedroom...
...nope, no spoiler-worthy action ;)

...and they lived happily ever after, searching for even more plants and pots for their roof garden.

EDIT: The gap between pillar and wall in the dining area has been fixed by now.
Edited by Ye_Olde_Crowe on May 16, 2019 6:00AM

=primarily PvH (Player vs. House)=
  • Sharalei
    This is a really nice, unique build. I love the rooftop garden, would probably sleep up there myself. :)

    From inside, it's hard to tell one is in Coldharbour. It's funny that such an eclectic mix if furniture styles can work so well together.

    Thanks for sharing. :)
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