Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

Pug Badness!

The Banished Cells 2

So I get here to the Blue Portal of Death. Random que on a tank. 810 DragonKnight Healer, 810 DPS and CP 200 ish DPS. I’m on a medium armor Alkosh/Powerful Assault Warden tank.

Uhm....let’s get straight into it! The Hardmode for this dungeon is to beat the boss with 3 Deadroth’s Still alive. They spawn one at a time throughout the fight. Usually you have to wait on killing the boss to get the third Deadroth.

I’m holding on to 8,9,10 Daedroth’s and the boss is at %84 health.

So, the DPS is poo, no big deal, what else is new.

Mostly, I was super impressed by this DK healer. But this was also one of those cases where healing and buffing the daylights out of a ~<10k DPS is just not gonna be enough.

By all accounts we should have wiped way before I got close to 10 Daedroth’s. Some were Dying by being punctured so much. SMDH. Honestly, I’m not like a super good tank. The group was cool and talking and stuff, so there’s no need to be mean or anything.

My thaughts go to, “Why are DK healers not a thing?” So rarely you see a DK healer! This Guy is keeping the whole group alive no problem. I’m in freaking medium armor, holding on to way more aggro than I should even have. Blows my mind.

That 810 DPS....ehem. She was in chat. Asking me all these questions about tanking. Uhm. Very nice lady. We couldn’t finish it.


Yassss! I Love coming into a Dungeon to be greeted by the blue Portal of Death seriously, this is SpindleClutch, WTH is going on here !?#

Okay. This time, I’m on a Stamina NightBlade que’d as a healer. I know, shame on me. I have Vigor! Slotted Blood Alter, and Barrier. No special gear or anything really. Vicious Ophidian/ Briarhearts/ Veledreth. The group was all mid 200 Champion Point.

The Tank stood right with us. Aggro the boss looking straight at us. Uhm...whatever this guy’s having fun, I’m not gonna tell him how to play his game.

DPS to my right starts his executioner spam and keeps it going for The Whole fight.

DPS to my leftis doing a Wall of Elements then Resto Staff heavy attack rotation.

I was waiting for one of these nubs to start popping Siege Shield.

Vigor Heals, Blood Altar, and Barrier was enough to one shot the boss. Well that and a semi decently executed nightblade rotation.

The most epic moment that makes this story worth telling is the end:

Left DPS gets on Mic and says “ You got to be Freaking Kidding Me!” They’d been stuck in there for awhile....

I apologized for not being the healer they were expecting and saw myself out.

A little about me

You may have guessed by now, I don’t often play the role I select proper. Haven’t slotted a Resto Staff in years. S/B I find to be completely optional. Meta is so boring, Hybrid doesn’t work, and I may very well be the reason and cause for much grief in this game. However, I can switch it up and change at any given time and try to be good.

So Hit the veteran random grief generator, que as a healer and find myself whisked away to the City of Ash 2 Dungeon! Where upon arrival am instantly greeted by The Blue Portal of Death

City of Ash 2

This is just normal for me at this point. It is leagues better than some crappy DLC Dungeon though, I must admit. So here we are. CP 700 DPS, CP 200 DPS and CP 300 tank rocking S/B 2H, and me on MagSorc no pet. FML.

They’re at the Fire Maw Boss. Went ahead and put Barrier on. We start hammering away on the boss. It’s not so bad. Chipped away to victory fairly painless.

Those little sneak through the lava tricks to skip a few ad phases...that was not happening with this group. The little guy. He just wants to pick a fight with everything.
So we pull the whole dungeon mobs and ads to the big ash titan boss. Try un successfully to nuke them down. We wipe. I knew I was gonna need more heals so I Slot the Matriarch.

Oh yeah, I’m wearing Scathing Mage and Netches Touch. I heard they were pretty much trash but had to find out for myself. (Got a Scathing Lightning Staff)

Those sets are pretty much trash. I’d have to admit.

Scathing Mage has about a %30 up time if your lucky and Netch is easily outshined by Julianos. I can nuke large trash mobs down very quick and easily, but bosses take forever. It’s just not very good single target damage. Or maybe I just don’t know what I’m doing? It’s completely possible.

So. Nuke the ash titan. The CP 700 DPS was actually pretty good...but he spent a lot of time reviving the CP 200 guy. The tank pulled the Wind Atros straight to us. So they were in the fight the whole time. The little guy kept getting clipped by these things and not doing so well.

Next Stop: Valkyn Skoria

I skipped the immolator boss with Stone Atros it was relatively uneventful.

Getting right into it, the tank takes him right where he stands. Burned him down pretty good. Everything going fine. When he blows up the platform and ports to another. The little guy just killed over. A few times. The tank went over to get res when we wouldn’t. Skoria stoned me, I broke free. Then he took a big swing that oversized claymore. No Stam. Can’t dodge. I’m dead. We wipe.

Tank goes right straight back into it. Same thing. The little guy just won’t stop dying. I think a lot of CP carries hard here in taking less damage. And good gear and stuff. But really cp carries hard.

The tank is doing his best to get this guy up. They must be friends or something. This time we were so close. So close. Skoria has 75k health left. The 200 gets up. Your time to shine!

Nope. He’s dead.

Alright this is it. One more shot and I’m out.

The little guy straightened up and learned how to play a little bit. This time he did not die. It was freaking amazing! He may very well have been standing there holding block the whole time, but whatever. We didn’t have to waste time getting him back up.

Got it done at the beginning of the fourth pad. Not bad. I got to go eat dinner.

See y’all around Tamriel

Later friends
Edited by kylewwefan on April 23, 2019 3:06PM
  • p00tx
    You have the patience of a saint.
    PC/Xbox NA Mindmender|Swashbuckler Supreme|Planes Breaker|Dawnbringer|Godslayer|Immortal Redeemer|Gryphon Heart|Tick-tock Tormentor|Dro-m'Athra Destroyer|Stormproof|Grand Overlord|Grand Mastercrafter|Master Grappler|Tamriel Hero
  • Suddwrath
    One of my favorite pugs happened little over a week ago:

    I joined in on an nMaw trial run. The run went smoothly but rather slow (according to CMX I was doing over 30% of the group's DPS).

    We finally made it to Rakkat and wiped once due to the runners. During the 2nd attempt on the 4th pad the freaking tank jumps off the pad and goes to run the backroom. Rakkat then aggro'd me and when I realized that I had aggro I got on the pad and tanked the rest of the fight while still maintaining over 30% of the group DPS.

    It was too hilarious to get frustrated at, and I ended up getting a shield of Alkosh so it was ultimately worth it.
  • msalvia
    Foremost, props for having the patience. No way I would have stuck with some of these groups!

    But really, how did you get TEN daedroth in that amount of time? Is this a bit of an exaggeration or was the group dps like 4k total?
  • VaranisArano
    That was hilarious and well-written. Thanks for sharing the trials and triumphs of groupfinder!
  • El_Borracho
    Vet BC2 can be torturous with a low DPS group. I know, as I once upon a time went in there with a haphazardly built low DPS character. Night and day now that I know what I am doing.

    Ran a couple PUGs earlier this week. One of the guys was a new tank that was awesome. Wouldn't know he was new until he told us.

    I must be one of the lucky ones to end up with some pretty decent PUGs.
  • kylewwefan
    I wish I could say it was an exaggeration. The DPS I come across in group finder is often really bad. That one was exceptionally bad. The healer was phenomenal, and a cool dude 😎

    The Damage Dealer on mic was nice. But there Wasn’t enough damage going out on the boss.

    There’s no shame in sticking to normal. It’s much better than finding out you’re not really Vet ready. 2 people that need a little bit of carrying. Aren’t gonna be able to carry each other.

  • ThanatosXR
    kylewwefan wrote: »
    I wish I could say it was an exaggeration. The DPS I come across in group finder is often really bad. That one was exceptionally bad. The healer was phenomenal, and a cool dude 😎

    The Damage Dealer on mic was nice. But there Wasn’t enough damage going out on the boss.

    There’s no shame in sticking to normal. It’s much better than finding out you’re not really Vet ready. 2 people that need a little bit of carrying. Aren’t gonna be able to carry each other.

    Cause most dps players spam the same rotation level 1 to 810cp, and everything changes every second for tanks and healer, worse while having bad dps on top of that they tend to do werid things,standing in AoEs,never roll dodging or too far way for buffs/heals/shield. Pvp dps'ers tend to know what they are doing though.
    Edited by ThanatosXR on May 2, 2019 12:48PM
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