So, I like Alchemy, it's fun to experiment and see what combinations I can find. The only bad part is that when I try a combination that fizzles and generates nothing, the game doesn't remember that, and won't tell me if a day later I try that combination again.
Enchanting tells you which successful combinations you've made. Alchemy will tell you which successful combinations you've made when you put two items in the slots.
I feel like I'm wasting some of my rare ingredients by not knowing if I've done this combination before.
Maybe a way to hover over an alchemy item and get "this works well with (show successful combos here). this doesn't work well with (show failed combos here)." it'd also help to show which combos you haven't tried. Oh, I don't see this item on that list, I guess I haven't tried combining it with it yet.
Really, this is my only gripe about Alchemy. I really think it's cool with the odds of making negative effect potions.
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