Thieves Guild Suggestion
My suggestion is to make thievery and the guild a meaningful and dynamic addition to the Elder Scrolls Online world. Rather than just giving quests to steal something from the regular world map and dungeons, I submit making a new zone: Sprawling Residential zones for major cities.
The Residential zones will be a separate map and instance only available at night. This is where most of the npcs live and work and may have some landmarks. For the most part, there is no enemy monsters or hostile npcs here as these are relatively safe areas.
What is here is watchful guards and locked houses.
The players may scour the city utilizing lock picking, disguises, and grappling items to break into houses, stores, and buildings. While in this area, players will receive a new loot bag filled with all the tools they have acquired and to store their stolen loot. This bag, tools, and loot are only accessible in these special residential area. All the stolen loot is cashed in before exiting the zone that increases the Thieves' Guild Level.
The basic goal is to not get caught by guards and to competitively steal while other players are on the map. Some places may be burglarized already and empty. Some players may call the guards attention to another player to get them out of the game.
So the guards... if they catch you and reduce your health to zero, it ends the instance as the player "goes to jail". The guard's attack and armor stat are scaled to a point where combat shouldn't happen.
Going to jail means that any loot you have is confiscated and you are locked out of the Residential Zone for a set amount of time based on what stolen items you have on you. You immediately return to the normal game with a lock out timer before you can re enter.
The gameplay should be about stealth and subterfuge based on the current systems. If a player kills a guard or resident, three things might happen:
1. Their stealth score is lessened as the Guards are now actively looking for a murderer and residents are now more alarmed.
2. Should they get captured, they are locked out of the Residential areas for much longer.
3. Should they not get captured and end their time in the zone voluntarily by turning in their loot to the Thieves Guild, they get less return as the Guild disapproves of killing.
In short, this is not about combat and the system should make it a last resort.
What do you think?
Edited by demacabre on April 10, 2014 2:28PM