Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Constant disconnection!

Hi all,

So I have been playing for little more than a 4-5 days and since day one I have random disconnections from the server, it happens at any time during multiple events, from loading into an area,(cave, dungeon waypoint) during dialogue with NPCs or while I am running about in the world(Sommerset). I have a decent and stable connection 8175172781.png[/url]

I changed my PC recently, about 4 months ago, I was using my main rig for gaming, but I put this one together because my main one is now my Workstation(for work) and although it is not a top of the line all singing all dancing rig, it more than meets the minimum and recommended stats for this game.

Win 7 64bit on a 500GB boot SSD
GTX 1060 6GB
i5 4670k
16GB DDR3 1600Mhz
1TB SSD Samsung 860 exclusively for gaming

All my drivers are up-to-date(Stable builds), I clean my system weekly of redundant, backup and download files. In other words I keep it maintained and in good working order.

I am not blind that something on my system could be causing an issue, but I was wondering if there is any known reason for this disconnecting issue and a way to fix it with a setting in game or on my PC it would be great to hear.
  • Trinity_Is_My_Name
    Do you use a wireless Internet connection? If so, suggest going hard wired.
  • Tippertty
    I use an ethernet cable.

    I should also say that I have tried the usual fixes, restarting my PC, router, checked for updates, checked the files through steam.
  • ZOS_Bill

    There are some additional steps you can take to improve your connection to help avoid disconnections.
    • Configure your router to open the following outbound ports:
      • TCP / UDP Ports 24100 through 24131
      • TCP / UDP Ports 24300 through 24331
      • TCP / UDP Ports 24500 through 24507
      • TCP Port 80
      • TCP Port 433
    • Update the firmware of your router (it is always a good step to take, as it prevents that an outdated firmware interferes on your connection).
    • Try to put your modem/router far from all electrical devices and do not coil up any excess signal or power cables (to eliminate possible interference problems).

    If none of these steps stop you from getting disconnected, you can contact customer support for additional assistance.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Tippertty
    Hi @ZOS_BillE

    I have forwarded the ports that you pointed out, when the server is back up and running after the recent maintenance I will see how things go.

    Thank you for the info
  • Silent84
    They have 5 years of worst servers i've ever seen in 19 years of gaming!
    Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
  • Tippertty
    So I went and forwarded/opened the ports in my router and still I am getting disconnection errors, I read somewhere that playing the game through steam causes a lot of errors, will playing the game through the official launcher fix this damn disconnection errors, because I like the game, but I am about to quit because disconnecting a lot is really starting to grind on me!
  • Tippertty
    Silent84 wrote: »
    They have 5 years of worst servers i've ever seen in 19 years of gaming!

    I am beginning to see your point, I mean seriously is this launch or what?

  • Silent84
    Time to unsub, and take a break from this game! :(
    Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
  • ZOS_Bill
    If you are playing on the PC-EU servers, the post from Matt Firor below explains why you are seeing login queues now.

    PC-EU Server Update - April 11
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Tippertty
    Hello Zoe_BillE

    I don't suppose there is an ETA on when they will be adding more resources to the server or are they thinking long term, that the player base will drop to a more acceptable number, like after the event has ended and not adding any extra resources to the server.

    I mean I get it, adding extra to the server, costs money and there is no guaranteed financial gain out of it, because you don't know if the new players will stay or the people that are also adding to the extra player base(long time players) that are only logging into the event will remain after.

    As a new player I want to say, firstly I like the game, but secondly why was this not seen in advance, surely past experience has shown that anniversary events always add huge strain on the server due to the rewards they give, plus the marketing that happens. To me it seems like the US servers were given extra resources ahead of the event or they would be experiencing the same server issues, I know that post you linked said "Starting in January we've had an influx of new players" and I can see with the current event, this has taxed the server more than usual.

    I honestly don't know the server numbers, so I can't see what server is given the highest priority. I also get that, I mean, the server that generates the higher player base or highest capital return, will, of course, get the highest priority. I will never argue against that policy. However, since this has been a problem for around two months and that the server engineers have been working on the problem for that amount of time. I am willing to bet that most of these changes have been on the software side rather than hardware.

    My only worry is that you have a huge update coming out soon, the DLC: Elsweyr which is going to bring even more new players into the game, has this been planned ahead or are we going to have huge queue times as player fight each other for queue time to log in? Has upper management agreed to server updates for this patch/DLC, but won't allow the server resources until a future date?

    I realize you're only a forum MOD, this not taking a shot at your position. I have been in your situation and I know the restrictions that are placed on you, to not speak about or communicate company policy on the forums, but I also realize you have a chain of command or communication chain. So I ask you to place a message to the upper team to communicate with the player base on what the plans are to fix these server issues. I also mean a good communication effort and not a generic single post on the forums that is too vague to answer any real concerns by the player base. Maybe a Stream Q&A, a reddit Q&A something that allows the players a one on one with the developer team that will have real questions and answers.

    Like I said I like the game, there is a lot of love put into the lore, mechanics, art/graphics and voice acting, but if we don't get to enjoy these because the game is constantly crashing and/or disconnecting. Then even the development team has to agree, where is the fun?
  • ZOS_Bill

    I don't have an ETA I can provide you on when the server improvements are coming. We will likely make a post on the forums with further updates when more details are available.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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