4th time I've run BC, 4th time I can't finish because it bugs halfway through

Daedra don't spawn, can't continue. Thought maybe the 4 hours of down time might include a patch to fix the first dungeon in the game. Nope....
  • Ciovala
    Same for me tonight. Last room was empty. :(
    Looking for a mature and helpful social guild - play PvE, PvP, and like crafting.
  • ryukanb14_ESO
    I have run this with multiple groups over the last few days and the Keeper Aeldur in the first room has always bugged out. Yet there are people ni my guild running it at the same time and it works fine for them. Every group I have tried to do BC with has tried multiple things to try and workaround the bug and nothing works. Daaaaaaaaamn frustrating.
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