Character login issues - 04/09/2019

Just wanting to let support team know about my current issues regarding login's

Basically I cannot log in into any of my characters.
I get "requesting character load" and am stuck in there for 3-4minutes before it sends me back to the character selection screen. I managed to log onto 2 chars so far but after that it bugged out. I tried multiple different character in different areas (vvardenfell aswell as my private house) but with the same results.

For the last 20minutes I cannot even log onto my account anymore. It tells me server connection interrupted (I am in teamspeak with people, so not discconected, aka internet connection is fine)

Just as a fyi for the support team

Edit: PC-EU that is
Edited by Baumlaus on April 9, 2019 7:03PM
Unchained Animals - EU - @Baumlaus
  • Aragorn79
    I am having the same problem. Cannot loggin.
    At first it was the first loggin screen before character select and now I am stuck in char select and it says "requesting character load".
    I had to try four times before managing to come to char select and now it doesn't log me in.

    This after today's patch.
    Hope you could kindly look into this.

    PC EU

    PS: Now I am back at stage one and it says "unable to connect to game server"

    PSS; got in but game laggy. Containers not opening right away, emails delay etc.
    Edited by Aragorn79 on April 9, 2019 7:28PM
    PC EU
    DC D'aryn, Breton Magblade
    DC T'agwyr, Redguard Stamblade
    EP B'eryth, Nord Magsorc
    EP K'ewan, Nord Magplar
    AD L'adaryel, High Elf MagDK
    AD S'eladiel, Wood Elf StamWarden
    DC D'evyn Imperial StamDK
    DC G'avyn Breton MagNecromancer
  • HidesFromSun
    Yep. Firstly very slow loading screens. Now I try to log into a character, I get the loading pop-up, then a different load screen (as opposed to the usual zone one). Then back to character select.
  • Parrot1986
    Got logged into 1st alt albeit with a 5 min load time. Did writs went to relog and kicked to starting screen. Now been stuck at that for 5 mins as well
  • blairian27
    Try a repair. I have just had to install ESO on a 250gb ssd on its own so the game can *** repair... apparently 120gb ssd isnt big enough anymore......
  • Baumlaus
    I tried that yesterday but it didn't work.

    I re-installed the game overnight completely and after todays maintenance it seems to be working again. Loadscreen got fine, I am not stuck in charselect anymore
    Unchained Animals - EU - @Baumlaus
  • Silent84
    Servers boys are for 5 years, relay bad so get ready! It is a nice game, but the servers are killing it slowly. :(
    Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
  • ZOS_Bill
    Since this is happening after the recent patch and maintenance, the character loading issues could be add-on related. Try removing add-ons as described below and see if there is any improvement with loading.
    1. Go to the "Elder Scrolls Online" folder in My Documents.
    2. Open the "live" folder (NA megaserver) or "liveeu" (EU megaserver).
    3. Remove all files from the "AddOns" folder.
    4. Remove all files from the "SavedVariables" folder.
    5. Remove AddOnSettings.txt from the "live" folder.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Baumlaus
    Baumlaus wrote: »
    I re-installed the game overnight completely and after todays maintenance it seems to be working again. Loadscreen got fine, I am not stuck in charselect anymore

    Like I mentioned, for me personally it is working fine again after a game reinstall and todays patch
    Unchained Animals - EU - @Baumlaus
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