Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »Population locks aren't the way to go either (aside from server performance related once) all that is required is dynamic scoring based on population. This way people's effort / dedication is still rewarded just weighted against the challenge and amount of players on the server.
Currently 12 ppl playing when no one else plays can make more impact than 60 playing when the servers are full and this simply isn't logical.
it is noted that you want people to fight and not locked out with no one to fight.
im absolute the devs see that.
but there is more to the story, alot more is happening that causes problems that is the need for faction locks.
i am with you that i want someone to fight and not just all EP standing around with no enemies.
we get it.
but i know for a fact that's not going to happen and it honestly looks like these threads are trying to point to a problem that is not going to happen.
the populations on all three alliances is Huge on both EU and NA
I think baby sitter solutions to off ours are a bad idea. That is essentially the idea presented in the OP.
It’s a bad idea to say you cannot PvP or your PvP will be restricted during the hours I do not play.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »I actually like being gated lol... don't have to go far for a fight. Don't get to fight there often either.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »
Yeah I realized this, edited the OP.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »What about possibly making the gate keeps for a population under 2 bars invulnerable?
Cyrodiil already has a low population AP boost. I really do not know what it is or how it has been adjusted over the years, but it is there. I just never really cared if I was getting a low pop boost or now.
That brings up the bigger issue. Players tend to play when they can. Yes, they play more during double AP weeks but it still comes down to when they can.
The issue remains that the idea tells people who cannot PvP during the hours you can that their ability to play is limited unless they can somehow wake up the rest of the world to join them in Cyrodiil.
This becomes a much bigger issue in a matter of weeks when faction locks return to Cyrodiil.
Cyrodiil already has a low population AP boost. I really do not know what it is or how it has been adjusted over the years, but it is there. I just never really cared if I was getting a low pop boost or now.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »
Yeah not sure how this works... It needs to be more clear when it gets activated and changed so that it is announced to the world that you can earn more AP.
If I was in PVE or something and got a population notification I'd want to go into cyrodiil for the keep defences as the opponent pushes south, would be fun.
I do not know when it kicks it as I’ve never been concerned with it. Ask in your PvP guild. I’m sure they know.
When campaigns are heavily out of balance it’s more about who is online than anything else.
Low population and low score bonuses already exist. If you’re not getting them it’s because you’re not meeting the requirements.