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Does quest level = character level ?

My Templar is currently level 10. I have appropriate gear for my level and i believe I have properly allocated my skill points.

My quest journal mainly contains level 10/11/12 quests. I am having problems completing even the level 10 quests, so I have resorted to doing lower level quests. Sometimes they are relatively easy, but sometimes I still find them hard. Here is a concrete example:

Level 8 quest in an instance/dungeon:

My first encounter is a single level 8 Imp. Easy. Then I get two level 8 Imps. Much tougher, but I survive. But then I meet 3 Imps guarding the door through to the next part of the instance. And I die quite fast. I have tried 4 times and the closest I have got is to kill 2 and get the health of the third down to about 75% before dying.

So my questions are these:

Am I just a bad player, because at level 10 I should have no problem with 3 level 8 mobs ?
Or is it normal that I can't defeat them, because the game is designed to force players to play in groups ?
In general, do quest levels correspond to character levels ?

Thank you !
Edited by Deepfry on April 10, 2014 9:38AM
  • Hawke
    Are you blocking the power attacks (white streaks coming from the mob) or interrupting their charged abilities (red streaks coming from the mob)?

    And then after that do a power attack on them to knock em down? You might have to switch between mobs just to interrupt or block em.
  • Syntse
    Tough question. Generally yes quests are designed to the near same level player.

    However builds can vary very much so might be that for someone on that lvl it will be easy and for another almost impossible. Seems your issue there is that you are not able to damage all of the 3 so you would need some area damage to your build or CC to handle more than 2 enemies.

    Personally I do not have issue even with few levels higher enemies even in group with dragonknight throwing in some DoT and circling so that they will not be able to all hit me at once if any. While I hit them to death one by one.
    Edited by Syntse on April 10, 2014 10:32AM
    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
    Ra'Syntse Dominion Khajiit Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
    Syntselle Dominion Dark Elf Dragonknight Magica DPS [50]
    Syntseus Dominion Imperial Templar Healer [50]
    Syntsetar Dominion High Elf Sorcerer Magica DPS [50]
    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • Deepfry
    Syntse wrote: »
    Seems your issue there is that you are not able to damage all of the 3 so you would need some area damage to your build or CC to handle more than 2 enemies.

    I'm a Templar. The only AOEs I have are:

    Radial Sweep (because it's an Ultimate skill, only usable once per fight)
    Puncturing Sweep (only 8m range and only affects mobs in front of me. In the 3 Imps example I gave, the Imps are spread out, using ranged attacks, and are not in a nice neat bunch together so that I can hit them all with Puncturing Sweep)

    My weapon options are Restoration Staff (no AOE) and 1H+Shield (no AOE).

    So what would you suggest to build up AOE or CC ?
  • Miths
    On a templar I suggest Sun Fire morphed into Reflective Light to hit multiple targets. And Piercing Javelin to knock them back.
    Those two primary skills have done a great job keeping my ranged (mostly bow, some staff) level 13 templar alive in even level quests.
  • Osi
    Templar has some snare abilities, Sun Fire I believe is the first one, that will help a bit in the beginning of a fight by slowing everyone down. Will allow you to kite a bit and heal up. Also the ability to throw a spear and knock down an enemy would help to separate enemies while you focus on one. Edit - Piercing javeling.

    I used that to solo Gutsplitter in beta while underleveled, before they nerfed him and made him actually soloable. Combination of Sun Fire and bow, but in your case a Resto Staff would work in place of a bow, just only use the weapon attacks that don't consume magicka.
    Edited by Osi on April 10, 2014 12:02PM
  • Azarul
    When attacking 3 mobs make sure you stay targeted on one till it is dead. Don't swing wildly attacking them all. Also I am going to assume scamps are the ones before Doshia. Do not feel bad those Scamps have killed alot of players. I found them much harder than Doshia herself.
  • Syntse
    Good suggestions on Miths. Also use puncture with 1h+shield to lower the armor, there seemed to be few nice even longer range DoT on Templar that should be used to soften up the enemies while you kill another one. Finally with Imps when ever I see one trying to start casing that firebeams I run to them to disrupt it as it will do nasty damage if you let it hit you.
    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
    Ra'Syntse Dominion Khajiit Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
    Syntselle Dominion Dark Elf Dragonknight Magica DPS [50]
    Syntseus Dominion Imperial Templar Healer [50]
    Syntsetar Dominion High Elf Sorcerer Magica DPS [50]
    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • Vikova
    Deepfry wrote: »
    I'm a Templar. The only AOEs I have are:

    Radial Sweep (because it's an Ultimate skill, only usable once per fight)
    Puncturing Sweep (only 8m range and only affects mobs in front of me. In the 3 Imps example I gave, the Imps are spread out, using ranged attacks, and are not in a nice neat bunch together so that I can hit them all with Puncturing Sweep)

    My weapon options are Restoration Staff (no AOE) and 1H+Shield (no AOE).

    So what would you suggest to build up AOE or CC ?

    It does sound like a build/tactics issue. Are you utilizing blocking and dodging? How have you placed your attributes?

    Also, know that as you level you will have much more AoE available to you as a Templar. And as far as CC, don't underestimate Piercing Javelin just because it isn't a long CC - its magicka cost is surprisingly low, so you can use it multiple times in one fight.
    Edited by Vikova on April 10, 2014 12:29PM
  • Deepfry
    Azarul wrote: »
    Also I am going to assume scamps are the ones before Doshia. Do not feel bad those Scamps have killed alot of players. I found them much harder than Doshia herself.

    Correct assumption, yes, those are the Imps (Scamps) I was referring to.
  • Deepfry
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    It does sound like a build/tactics issue. Are you utilizing blocking and dodging? How have you placed your attributes?

    Also, know that as you level you will have much more AoE available to you as a Templar. And as far as CC, don't underestimate Piercing Javelin just because it isn't a long CC - its magicka cost is surprisingly low, so you can use it multiple times in one fight.

    I use Piercing Javelin a lot, and find it very effective when fighting 1 or 2 mobs. But when there are 3 mobs it just uses up too much of my Magicka and I have nothing left to kill them with.

    Yes, I do dodge a lot. But I must admit I probably don't block enough ... which leads me to another question. All the combat "guides" say that when there are "red glowing lines/effects around the enemy" you should Interrupt (LMB+RMB). And when there are "white/yellow glowing lines/effects around the enemy", they are powering up and you should Block (RMB) and then Power Attack (Hold LMB).

    I'm wondering if I really understand this. The only red lines I ever see around a mob are the thick red glows that surround mobs to show that they are an enemy. And the only white/yellow lines I see around a mob are those thick yellow glows that surround them when they are dead and lootable ! (I just spent 45 minutes wandering around and letting mobs hit me so that I could concentrate on trying to see these "lines/effects" ... no luck !)

    This basically means I tend to block/interrupt on a somewhat random basis. So if anyone can explain what "glowing lines/effects" I should be looking for, I'd be very grateful !

    Thanks to you all for your helpful comments.
    Edited by Deepfry on April 10, 2014 12:59PM
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