A lot of people are complaining about having no auction house, but they aren't looking at the big picture. Sure, it'll be slow starting up economies, but once they are established, it will be the best thing for the community and economy. Just remember that every economy starts out slow. It's community based, just like real life, there is no giant auction house that everyone in the world can go on and instantly buy and receive an item, Ebay might come close, but that doesn't make or brake the Earth's economy. The Auction House system in games does not work, period.
Think about it, not having an auction house automatically limits the gold sellers, since most of their money is made by buying up cheap items and overpricing them way to much, even low level items, and worthless items, they scoop up anything and everything. Gold sellers have ruined way to many games for me, and I know they have for a lot of you, too. They are such a common thing now that I've seen people on this very game calling others "High and mighty" for speaking out against them. I'm sorry, but if you're using real money to buy in game money, then you're a cheater, it's as simple as that. This game is about exploring, crafting, harvesting, just like any other Elder Scrolls game, if you rush it, try to get to max level as fast as you can, you're just ruining the game for yourself. Stop being impatient, go fishing, pick flowers, chase butterflies, enjoy the game for what it is, and stop complaining that it's not the WoW clone that you want it to be.
Guild Shops are their own economy, or will be, right now everyone's items seems to be hovering around the prices the game sets when you post an item. Basically, they are farmer's markets, they're community based, which means you can haggle. "Hey, this iron ingot has rust on it, can you go down a bit in the price?" You can't haggle with an auction house. Then when the bonds of commerce have been formed, there will be deals, the crafter offering the miner to buy ore at a set price, bypassing the guild shop's sell wait time all together.