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Community Game Improvement Discussion

Hello there,

I wasn't quite sure of the best place to post this so I thought I'd move it here.
I'm representing the Guild The Ebonheart Pact and I'm proposing a few ideas on behalf of the guild that we feel may benefit the game and and make a more enjoyable experience as a whole.


Below is a few things in our opinion would help in guild structure and management:

More guild rank options
This is a big one and a lot of player have brought this up without even ring asked about it. This would make it easier to delegate different positions to cover a wide range of aspects in the guild (such as PvP commanding, dungeon organising, trading administration etc). If guild members of a higher standing had their own unique ranks and permissions to organise certain areas it would be easy for the guild to see who they need to get in contact with.

Guild Tabard
Will add a bit of graphical representation of the guild. People will one to know the guild at a glance (if it is of considerable size). This one is a 50/50. A considerable amount of people have voiced that they would not like to see guild tabards, and also the fact that it would not be something that can be turned off for players that do not want it (such as UI changes).

Guild information tab
We'd like for there to be just a touch more room in the guild description section, there is ALMOST enough room there to provide a succinct description. Hyperlinks in description for ease of access to guild website (for the lazy members).

Guild store
If more selling slots could be unlocked after completing something in the game I feel that would encourage the use of the guild store for players buying and selling.

Guild rewards and awards
A nice little perk would be having guild rewards available after members gain points for the guild from completing objectives, or have the rewards available for purchase as some sort of game coin-sink (for example 5% increased chance to gain an additional iron ore when mining an iron ore node etc) just to add a little more guild presence in the game.
Customisable awards would be an amazing addition as many players are achievement hunters and seeing a little medal pop up to add to their collection can be very satisfying for some.
The awards/medals section is more popular than the rewards, some feel this pushes it too similar to other MMO's.


Below I have included a few things that would be some interesting changes to the game overall.

Player name and guild hover above character
If there was an option to have these implemented it would give a sense of identity, and to promote positive behaviour if a player is representing their guild. Can be toggled on/off depending on whether players want to see nameplates or not.

Floating chat
Above players when they're talking so when you're in an area having a chat, it feels more like a conversation rather than an impersonal chat over a web server.

An option to change chat mouse-scrolling to scroll by line rather than scroll by sentence/post so that spammers with a massive spam post can be easily identified (sometimes if the spam is massive when you scroll up it skips the spammers name altogether).

Player moderators
Giving a few selected trustworthy players this position to provide them with temporary mutes and priority reporting (and nothing else, should be no in-game advantage whatsoever). These players should be easily identified by using something like a chat symbol to represent that they are available to help anyone with a non-game content related issue. This will also make them easily identifiable so that if they are abusing their position they can be easily dealt with.

Guild Chat
The option to use character name OR account name. A lot of players like to be identified by the uniqueness of their character name and I know most would prefer this for guild chat.

Player profile
Accessible in-game, shows things like achievements, map completion %, rank in guild and so forth.

The option to view it as a list or as a grid. More dialogue from the bankers. A separate materials section.

Swimming underwater
Pretty self explanatory.. I've seen a few argonians so angry that they went into a skooma rampage.

This is all we've discussed so far but we're always tossing ideas around and we'd like to hear some community input! So if you disagree with some of these, comment and let is know why, and if you have more ideas that would have a positive impact on the game, feel free to add them as well!

This list will be edited an updated as time goes on.

Best of luck to everyone enjoying the game so far,

- Vorpedagel
Edited by Vorpedagel on April 9, 2014 6:13AM
  • Vectur
    I agree with all of your points.the game feels a little barren. We have to remember that this is an MMO first and an Elder Scrolls game 2nd and it must be that way or the game itself will suffer because it is an MMO.
  • Vorpedagel
    Is there anything else at the moment you can think of that could be added to this list?
  • Memnock
    All your suggestions are good , except one. I kind of hate tabards , it covers the chest of my character , and covers the robe/breastplate i am wearing at the time. So instead of that , i would suggest a cloak with the guild emblem , or the ability to paint the guild emblem on one of our should pads.
  • Memnock
    Also , as a suggestion , it would be nice to have alliances between guilds , be an actual thing in the game , not talking about 2 guilds agreeing to do stuff together here , i am talking about a system in which 2 or more guilds ( since we can join 5 ) can forge an alliance , that would open up the stores and keeps that one or another guild obtains , to the rest of the alliance as well. A system that i first encountered in Lineage 2 and loved it :D
  • Sakiri
    Guild emblems seem pointless with the multiguild system, as do nameplates.

    God no, nothing like WoW's guild perk system. Again, multiple huge, impersonal guilds will be encouraged more than they already are due to the nature of the store.

    I agree on ranks. Need more bank permissions. Need bank access for guilds under 10 members. I have 6 and grow tired of constantly asking if people have/need excess cafting materials.
  • Vorpedagel
    Memnock wrote: »
    Also , as a suggestion , it would be nice to have alliances between guilds , be an actual thing in the game , not talking about 2 guilds agreeing to do stuff together here , i am talking about a system in which 2 or more guilds ( since we can join 5 ) can forge an alliance , that would open up the stores and keeps that one or another guild obtains , to the rest of the alliance as well. A system that i first encountered in Lineage 2 and loved it :D

    That does sound like a pretty good idea and it would encourage the use of the multiguild system which is what Zenimax want. Although I guess you could get pretty much the same thing if two guilds just added each other's members ..

    Also I'd love to see cloaks in the game as well but I don't think it's quite as important as some of the other things we've outlined here.

    Guild emblems seem pointless with the multiguild system, as do nameplates.

    God no, nothing like WoW's guild perk system. Again, multiple huge, impersonal guilds will be encouraged more than they already are due to the nature of the store.

    I agree on ranks. Need more bank permissions. Need bank access for guilds under 10 members. I have 6 and grow tired of constantly asking if people have/need excess cafting materials.

    I see your point, unless you're a die hard RP fan you're probably not going to stay with just one guild and represent it. One of the biggest things on the list I think is the guild ranking system. Four ranks just isn't enough for larger guilds. I think it would be useful if there were separate permissions for withdrawing items from the guild bank and withdrawing gold from the guild bank. Would be a good place for officers to store the guilds wealth and the guild will be able to see it without being able to take it. I think that would be helpful for funding rewards and such.

    Thanks to both of you for your input!

    - Dave
  • vizionblind_ESO
    player and npc nametags
  • Vorpedagel
    player and npc nametags

    What about them? Why do you think we need/don't need them?
  • Vorpedagel
    player and npc nametags

    What about them? Why do you think we need/don't need them?
  • Vikova
    Vorpedagel wrote: »
    I see your point, unless you're a die hard RP fan you're probably not going to stay with just one guild and represent it.

    Dedicated PvP guilds absolutely care about representation. Wait until one guild has double digit previous emperors in it. The name will be important.
    Edited by Vikova on April 9, 2014 2:38PM
  • Audigy
    I am not a fan of anything that can expose yourself to griefers, therefore I disagree with an armory as suggested.

    The amount of hate and grief that it created at wow is a good indicator for what such systems do to players. Soon we will have a GS system and humiliation towards people without a big "e peen".

    Guild tabards are coming as far I know ;)

    The only thing that I miss is a housing system. A system that unlocks depending on your achievements.
    Killed a special mob, put his picture on your wall. Achieved a high level in woodworking? Be able to make chairs and tables.

    Depending on how far you are in the game, new and bigger houses are unlocked. Building those house could work in various ways, be a woodworker, a blacksmith or maybe have a totally new profession for housing or just buy the house based on your achievement points.
  • Vorpedagel
    With the housing system.. Would it be like an instanced area, that people in your group can follow you into? How do you think housing would/could work in ESO?

    To be honest that seems like a considerably large change to the game.. I wonder how they go implementing it if it were to be added.
  • Marpat_Ninja
    Player owned stores that can be set up anywhere you feel is safe enough would be great! Alchemists could sell potions outside of dungeons or you could meet a wondering player blacksmith on the road.
  • Greydog
    I agree with most of your points, especially swimming. Guilds I normally have no use for so you guys can do as you will there. In here I have one issue with them which I'll address later. I like the chat idea too. With the scroll by post option having the name always starting at the top.

    You asked for suggestions ..
    - Individual banks per character (while keeping the shared bank)
    - Use some of that empty map space to build Bazaar's where guilds can place merchants. 3-5 per alliance would work nicely I think.
    - Disable visuals on headpiece.
    - Match color to chestpiece.
    - Dyes
    - Barber/Beauty Shop/Cosmetic Surgeon.

    "I Plan on living forever ..so far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • Enteum
    Memnock wrote: »
    All your suggestions are good , except one. I kind of hate tabards , it covers the chest of my character , and covers the robe/breastplate i am wearing at the time. So instead of that , i would suggest a cloak with the guild emblem , or the ability to paint the guild emblem on one of our should pads.

    This would be quite different and a really good idea. To have the guild emblem able to be imprinted on your crafted gear. Pauldrons, Chestplate, Thighs etc...Would be good community spirit for your guild plus extra options in crafting.

    Nice idea @Memnock
    Asira Avalis - Mage
  • Enteum
    Player owned stores that can be set up anywhere you feel is safe enough would be great! Alchemists could sell potions outside of dungeons or you could meet a wondering player blacksmith on the road.

    A nice thought, but I fear the over-running of player shops outside of specific places selling the specific items you need to compete that dungeon/boss.

    The idea behind this is very good, I just believe it could become overwhelming unless some epic phasing/instancing could occur.
    Asira Avalis - Mage
  • Blackhorne
    Greydog wrote: »
    - Disable visuals on headpiece.
    Do you mean hiding your helmet? If so, Settings->Gameplay->Items->Hide Helmet.
    If not, could you clarify?
  • Greydog
    ahh ..thank you. One would normally find that by rt clicking the item.
    "I Plan on living forever ..so far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • Mortelus
    I myself, not really fussed about big guilds, prefer small RL friendly guilds, and run solo most of the time.

    As for your other points, my opinion is:

    Player name and guild hover above character If the have put a toggle on/off option because I certainly don't want it. But other can have it.

    Floating chat If the have put a toggle on/off option because I certainly don't want it. But other can have it.

    Chat Agree!

    Player moderators Disagree, this is just asking for jumped-up little idiots to act all big and mighty because they have moderators access or whatever.

    Guild Chat It should just be your character name. Especially as the name they use is actually your account name. Kind of a silly idea.

    Player profile I would like to see things like, death/kill ratio. and some of the things you mentioned. We can already see achievements.

    Bank I think it is fine now.

    Swimming underwater Nope, then you'll have people wanting fighting under water etc.. and sorry, swinging a sword under water is completely immersion breaking. If purely to swim and explore with no mobs to kill then maybe. But I could see that getting boring pretty quickly.

    The thing I want most. Player housing with individual store. Same as in EQ2. Really helps the pure crafters out there. Log in, stay in your home all day selling items to players. Other players actually coming to your home to pick up their goods. Awesome...
    Edited by Mortelus on April 10, 2014 12:11AM
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • Vorpedagel
    Player owned stores that can be set up anywhere you feel is safe enough would be great! Alchemists could sell potions outside of dungeons or you could meet a wondering player blacksmith on the road.
    I see, it could be something bought from an alchemising NPC for example, something like a temporary potion store you set up, with a 1 hour duration and 23 hr cool down which would be shared across all stalls for each player(to stop mass stalls appearing everywhere).
    Greydog wrote: »

    You asked for suggestions ..
    - Individual banks per character (while keeping the shared bank)
    - Use some of that empty map space to build Bazaar's where guilds can place merchants. 3-5 per alliance would work nicely I think.
    - Disable visuals on headpiece.
    - Match color to chestpiece.
    - Dyes
    - Barber/Beauty Shop/Cosmetic Surgeon.

    The guild bazaars seems like a really interesting idea. It would be nice to sell your crafted gear that can bear the emblem of the creators guild as suggested by @Enteum .

    With the character bank.. I have found it's an issue when you're doing different crafting on different characters.. You lose a LOT of space. Houses in elder scrolls games previously had no "bank" limit did they ;)
    Mortelus wrote: »
    I myself, not really fussed about big guilds, prefer small RL friendly guilds, and run solo most of the time.

    The thing I want most. Player housing with individual store. Same as in EQ2. Really helps the pure crafters out there. Log in, stay in your home all day selling items to players. Other players actually coming to your home to pick up their goods. Awesome...

    Thanks for your feedback on most of those. I agree that for certain things such as nameplates, there should be an option to toggle things that only affect the individual. That way everyone is happy.
    Edited by Vorpedagel on April 10, 2014 12:25AM
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