Were you dragon leaped or wreckingblowedTheBonesXXX wrote: »The one time in early release I got God Slapped into Elswyer.
Edirt_seliv wrote: »A tribe of 7 naked people chasing me from bleakers to giant camp trying to punch me to death.
Easiest 1v7 anyone could have ever had but enjoyable none the less.
I think is still have the clip aomewhere...
A guy hovering above the keep and then launching an endless assault of meteors
I’ve seen quite a few crazy things in terms of actual fights go, but I think the most comical and absurd incident was this one time a level 14 or so got killed, leveled up as a corpse and came back to life with full health. It happened instantly so it was like down up down.
I've had this happen in Kyne once. I was on top of the Alessian Bridge tower fighting 2 people. They brought me down and I managed to get a mages wrath off on one of them. I was at like 1% health and when the 1st guy died I leveled up and hit full health instantly. Immediately focused and killed the second guy.
ScruffyWhiskers wrote: »Watching people get flame clenched off the bridge was always good for a laugh. Took a swim once or twice myself.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »
Those are 2 different things but both funny when they happen.
If you get experience after dieing and level up, it brings you back to life.
If you get experience while you are alive and level up, it restores your health, magicka and stamina to 100%.
https://youtu.be/bf8P78uJJic?t=335 (5m 35secs)
Lots of great videos of that dark time, this is the only one with the names sensored
Lots of great videos of that dark time, this is the only one with the names sensored