So I've been playing ESO on and off since the beta, so I'm not a new player at all. For a long time I have on occasion been crafting and using 'Ravage health potions' in PvP. The way I read these, they do something like 11k damage to your target and a small dot (I imagine like a explosive flask or whatever).
Indeed these potions seem effective, as many a time in my combat logs I noticed "ravage health potion" damage, so I always assumed cunning opponents were using these lethal potions on me as well.

But today I fought a particularly vicious mudcrab outside of Rawl'kha and accidentally activated my ravaging health potion, only to notice this mudcrab suddenly took out 45% of my health and had not taken any noticeable damage himself.
Finally 2 and 2 came together. I don't even want to think about how many of my PvP deaths I have caused myself.

I mean what person with a sane mind expects your potion to inflict 11k damage on yourself? What evil mad(wo)man came up with that?? So a warning in case anyone else on this planet is as stupid as I obviously am: don't use ravaging health potion in PvP (or anywhere, really)