SweetFX - What is the offical word on the usage of SweetFX for ESO?

Is it a bannable offense to use SweetFX on ESO?
  • blackphoenix82b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
  • Fumoporro
    Soul Shriven
    This was posted in reddit regarding sweetfx: http://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/1zsxmk/my_sweetfx_preset/
    Me: I read a forum where someone has enabled SweetFX in The Elder Scrolls Online. This SweetFX removed the red tint which honestly is much easier on the eyes and an overall more clear look! Now this is just my opinion and I understand that, but my question is would it be okay if other players and I used SweetFX in The Elder Scrolls Online? Without the concerns of a ban or something else? I respect ZOS which is the reason I’m asking this, plus I’d hate to see other players banned for this. Thanks for your time, and hope to see you in Tamriel!

    ZOS: Greetings traveler!
    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team
    In order, to better assist you with this question we will be transferring it to our mod team. They will get in contact with you as soon as possible.
    Warm regards, and yes see you in Tamriel!
    The Elders Scroll Online Team

    ZOS: Greetings Traveller!
    Any software that you use without it influencing other players is okay for us, as long as it´s on your system only. We do not support any 3rd party software obviously, but if you want to try, there´s no harm done. =)
    If there´s anything else I can do, please let me know.
    Kind Regards Cedric The Elder Scrolls Online Team
  • Caedes
    Eh, works for me. Thanks. I suppose I'll get to work popping it in.
  • Urbansoldier90ub17_ESO
    Looks like we've got the all clear. Any update from the ESO mod team?
  • QuadroTony
    btw, and this plugin - bannable or not?
    - http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info144-EyefinitySupport.html
  • Vikova
    There is an interesting discussion about SweetFX here for those interested. Once I hear a couple more people try it and don't have issues, I may try it.
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