Hi guys, so I was playing some ESO singing along to music and I thought, wouldn't it be a cool idea for all players in the game to come together for a sing-off? We could host it in a discord, just like The Voice we'd have four judges (People with years of music experience of course). All players are welcome to join in but we would keep it to 10 singer entries max per-season so it doesn't drag on for too long. Hopefully we'd be able to rack up a big enough audience so we can host poll votes on the forums to advance the singers to the next level. We could charge 1-2k gold per audience member for donations towards the singers and for a seat in discord and charge singers a 5k entry fee so nothing big or expensive. Prize pool would go to first, second and third place singers. I'd take a cut of 5% for hosting and the rest goes to the singers.
If things happen to pop off and this becomes a thing we could raise big prize pools so more people become interested.
Singers are welcome to use an instrument to sing along to or use an instrumental song (karaoke)
Let me know what you guys think
The Voice - ESO (live music)? 8 votes
Would love to see this happen!

2 votes
It's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll
1 vote