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Returning to ESO after almost 2 years - what has changed?

Hey fellow community,

I consider returning to ESO after about 2 years, having quit the game somewhere around April/May 2017 shortly before the release of Morrowind. I played on Xbox EU since Xbox release in June 2015, was at CP max. and had the game pretty much figured out (surely not anymore :lol: )

With 2 years passed, I'm very sure that the game has changed immensely, especially as ESO could shift the meta hard with just a single big patch. Now I probably need to read through a myriad of patch notes to really get back into it, but perhaps someone can tell me a little what big changes happened since pre-Morrowind, what the meta is right now, in how it might play differently from 2 years ago, and of course if it's even a good idea to come back?

Last thing I remember is the big patch mainly concerning resource management at the beginning of 2017 (PC/MAC: v2.7.5 and Xbox: v1.7.0, I believe). Prior to that, PvP meta mainly consisted of broken Sw&Shield-Tanks with endless healing to sustain even a 10 men gank, and DPS were able to push damage to maximum and still have huge stamina recovery to maintain their output. Maybe someone remembers those times and knows what my stand is. ^^'

I would be very grateful for any help you can offer!
  • Kane_Hart
  • russelmmendoza
    Necromancer and dragons. Summerset. Elswhyr.
    Morrowind. Jewelry crafting.
  • Silver_Strider
    Sustain got worse after you left due to Morrowind nerfing sustain related CP, with Stat Regen CP being lowered down to 15% regen from 25% and Cost Reduction CP being removed entirely
    Races recently got reworked to have flat values instead of % based ones, among other things (some positive, some negative)
    Transmutation was added in Clockwork City, allowing you to change traits on gear for 50 Trasmutation Gems acquire from PvP, Undaunted Dailies, Random Group Finder rewards, Trial Coffer, etc. Transmutation stations can be purchased from the Writ Vendor to use at your house or you can you the one in Clockwork City (only location it is founded outside of Player Housing).
    Jewelry Crafted was added in Summerset (need to own the DLC to use the stations) and works with Transmutation to allow you to alter jewelry traits.
    PvP Battlegrounds have been added to the base game, allowing for 4v4v4 matches of varies games, such as Deathmatch and King of the Hill.
    1h Weapon Enchantments were recently cut in half in terms of potency.

    Can't think of anything else noteworthy to explain. More DLCs, Dungeons, Trials, etc. got released but that should be expected.
    Edited by Silver_Strider on February 28, 2019 6:53AM
    Argonian forever
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    nothing...go back to lol.
  • LordGavus
    So much has changed it would probably be a good idea to just roll a new character to relearn the game.
  • Bam_Bam
    They've added "Explain Your New Character Through The Medium Of Interprative Dance".
    Joined January 2014
    PC EU - PvE & BGs & PvP (Vivec)
    Grand Master Crafter


    Lims Kragm'a
    Bam Bam Bara
  • BattleAxe
    This game despite what some May Day is actually in a very good spot now races are now much more balanced and u will not be far off top dps by using a non meta race. Nords recieved a nice buff and are actually finally top tier at something. Argonians got nerfed a bit but still competitive (argonians imho need a complete rework). Overall the changes are a breathe of fresh air. Final note next big update and dlc chapter brings another new class Neceomancer
  • Tasear
    * sustain has become game mechic
    * random groups have divisions. Under 45 no dlc. Cp 160 for hard dungeons
    * group finder works...
    * trials are common place in craglorn even vets.
    * the division of races is better as they mean less in matter won't break build and skill matters more.
    * healer classes are warden, Templar, Sorc in popularity in end game competitive.
    * Storm atro damage buffed
    * concussion lasts 4 secs
    * Off balance can only happen every 20 on bosses
    * rules for snares and roots that I don't know off hand.
    * 2 hander weapon counts as too
    * olorime competes with spc set of old days
    * Housing storage is real
    * Guild trader ui changed
    * special fishing in summerset
    * special events in summerset
    * sliver leash can be used as a chain for other classes then do to compete.
    * battlegrounds are public and can select mode
    * Free stuff from zos pretty frequently
    * daily rewards that aren't that great
    * eso live gives free crates
    * jelewery crafting exists but market is bad
    * Proc sets don't critical
    * reset skills takes less time
    * Zone guide makes questing so much more enjoyable
    * dragons and nercomancers coming so pre-order today.
    Edited by Tasear on February 28, 2019 7:12AM
  • Operativ
    Really a lot has changed in the game since then and it would be very difficult to fit in a single post.

    To start with, a lot in the terms of balance has changed. Recently every racial passive has been reworked to provide for a more fair ground between races, like the Dunmer finally being a viable Stamina choice instead of only a Magicka one, and so on.

    A completely new crafting line for Jewelry Crafting, along with new type of dark anchors in the Summerset.

    Morrowind - Warden class
    Elsweyr - Necromancer class (upcoming)

    Monthly income of crowns for ESO Plus increased from 1500 to 1650.

    Log-in rewards, that sometimes include costumes, or even permanent DLC unlocks like the Murkmire.

    Interface overhaul with a zone guide to help with game navigation for newer and older players.

    New battlegrounds, dungeons.

    And regarding the balance, the game feels a lot more satisfying right now than before, and it continuously develops in a good direction.
  • HappyLittleTree
    If you listen to the forums:
    • the game is dead
    • race balancing is BS
    • pvp is horrible (this one i can not confirm, I'm no pvper)
    • ZOS only wants your money, Crownstore is the only thing that gets patched
    • Everything is either to hard or to easy
    • *insert class* is the only one that gets nerfed all other gets buffed
    • *insert race* is the only one that gets nerfed all other gets buffed

    Edited by HappyLittleTree on February 28, 2019 8:31AM
    Thuu chakkuth lod Hajhiit c’oo? Hajhiit gortsuquth gorihuth thuu gooluthduj thdeitoluu!

  • Operativ
    If you listen to the forums:


    Which I hope he/she does not, as usually negative commentary is always provided from a vocal minority. Satisfied players barely have time or initiative to go on the forums, as most of the time they just prefer to spend their time on enjoying the game instead.
  • HappyLittleTree
    Operativ wrote: »
    If you listen to the forums:


    Which I hope he/she does not, as usually negative commentary is always provided from a vocal minority. Satisfied players barely have time or initiative to go on the forums, as most of the time they just prefer to spend their time on enjoying the game instead.

    Agreed :)
    Game's at a good state currently, it needs some tweaks yeah, but in my opinion it's clear that ZOS is trying to fix these things
    Edited by HappyLittleTree on February 28, 2019 8:57AM
    Thuu chakkuth lod Hajhiit c’oo? Hajhiit gortsuquth gorihuth thuu gooluthduj thdeitoluu!

  • Keras
    Thanks for the replies!
    If you listen to the forums:
    • the game is dead
    • race balancing is BS
    • pvp is horrible (this one i can not confirm, I'm no pvper)
    • ZOS only wants your money, Crownstore is the only thing that gets patched
    • Everything is either to hard or to easy
    • *insert class* is the only one that gets nerfed all other gets buffed
    • *insert race* is the only one that gets nerfed all other gets buffed

    Pretty much the only thing I didn't expect to change! I personally have complained about the class balancing (and the senseless explanations by the dev team that came with them) and the laggy AvA, too, but there has always been a lot of pointless whining in the forum. ^^

    Can someone playing AvA confirm that it's still broken and laggy once 2 whole alliances clash? That was a huge issue with AvA for the entire 2 years I played. Never kept me from playing it, though.

    Tasear wrote: »
    * group finder works...
    * healer classes are warden, Templar, Sorc in popularity in end game competitive.
    * 2 hander weapon counts as too
    * Guild trader ui changed
    * Proc sets don't critical

    Oh *** the group finder actually works? That was a game-breaking issue, with the search taking easily longer than completing the daily vet dungeons.

    Perhaps I'm wrong, but I can't remember Sorc being a popular healer. Before Warden, it was only Templar who was competitive on that matter. Though you were able to heal at least through every vet dungeon with every class if you knew how to.

    The change to 2 handers was much needed!

    In how far has the guild trader UI changed? I always hoped for a big combined market where players could sell their stuff outside of guilds, like in SWTOR. Took an absurd amount of time to check for the best price on a single crafting style, for days on end in 20 guild stores spread over 4 regions...

    No more crits on proc sets, okay, but are they still overpowered in PvP? PvP-wise, the game was seriously p2w with a game-breaking monster set like Velidreth only available to ESO+ and DLC buyers. The amount of times this set procd with insanely high damage, enabling stamina gankers to effectively one shot you, was just ridiculous. Overpowered proc sets were the height of RNG-based combat and probably the single most nerve-wracking thing in PvP. From that perspective, I hope they were severely nerfed.
    That was always a problem with ESO, though: No separate balancing between PvP and PvE. I didn't ever really mind proc sets in PvE. Some lack of balance between classes was fully okay there, as every class was capable of doing the content (except poor MagSorcs in PvE maybe, but never played one) just fine. In PvP, it was game-breaking at times, and no patch could really fix the issues. I remember how they first nerfed MagDKs after Xbox release. Then up until I quit, they buffed MagDKs to being the strongest magicka class. MagNBs, at first the strongest gank class in AvA, was then nerfed into oblivion, replaced by now overpowered StamNB gankers (their high damage wasn't the big issue, as a ganker should have a 1v1 advantage in an ambush. That they were also able to sustain in a 1vX fight because of the ridiculously high stam resources was). I don't hope for that being fixed entirely, but I hope that proc sets lost their much too high significance in PvP.

    Thanks a lot for the info, Tasear!

    Were the race balance changes so needed? Except for trials (never had a big enough group) I played all the end game stuff, weekly Vet Maelstrom, the hard vet dungeons and such. There was always an advantage for say a Redguard in terms of stamina compared to other classes, but I've never seen this as a big issue. I started out as a Stamina DK Dunmer. Then a Stamina Sorc Bosmer Tank and finally a Magicka NB Argonian Heal - I chose all those races out of personal preference (kind of role-play wise), and while a Dunmer sure wasn't the best choice for a Stam DK, it never kept me from playing the hardest content in this game.

    I'm still open for every piece of information I can get! :smile:
  • Pops_ND_Irish
    hehehe Game has gotten better and better
    Just jump back in and enjoy.
    If you listen to the ones that have to now work at playing the game instead of one hitting in pvp you will never play.
    Game is great !!
  • Axmouth
    "You've been in a comma away from ESO for two years."

    "Oh boy, can't wait to crit more with my Khajiit again and regen more magicka with my altmer! Also to do some thieving with my bosmer stealth skills!"

    Crafted gear is not BiS, the newest content has some of the BiS sets, don't know where to begin with shield changes. Light attacks do more damage and are even more important now. Vma bows/staves are still great for pve. Not sure what else to add. There's more to pvp, but I'm not the best to talk for that. DPS is quite a bit higher since, too. Materials seem cheaper(not jewelry crafting). Also don't be looking forward to selling any fortified nirncrux.
  • Keras
    Axmouth wrote: »
    "You've been in a comma away from ESO for two years."

    "Oh boy, can't wait to crit more with my Khajiit again and regen more magicka with my altmer! Also to do some thieving with my bosmer stealth skills!"

    Crafted gear is not BiS, the newest content has some of the BiS sets, don't know where to begin with shield changes. Light attacks do more damage and are even more important now. Vma bows/staves are still great for pve. Not sure what else to add. There's more to pvp, but I'm not the best to talk for that. DPS is quite a bit higher since, too. Materials seem cheaper(not jewelry crafting). Also don't be looking forward to selling any fortified nirncrux.

    Well, sounds like it's good that I chose races solely out of cosmetic and roleplay reasons.

    Crafted gear wasn't BiS in my times as well. PvE-wise, the only real stuff were trial drop-sets like Twice-Fanged Serpent or Vicious Serpent. PvP was always more crafted gear I believe.

    What do you mean with 'shield changes'?
  • Axmouth
    Keras wrote: »
    Axmouth wrote: »
    "You've been in a comma away from ESO for two years."

    "Oh boy, can't wait to crit more with my Khajiit again and regen more magicka with my altmer! Also to do some thieving with my bosmer stealth skills!"

    Crafted gear is not BiS, the newest content has some of the BiS sets, don't know where to begin with shield changes. Light attacks do more damage and are even more important now. Vma bows/staves are still great for pve. Not sure what else to add. There's more to pvp, but I'm not the best to talk for that. DPS is quite a bit higher since, too. Materials seem cheaper(not jewelry crafting). Also don't be looking forward to selling any fortified nirncrux.

    Well, sounds like it's good that I chose races solely out of cosmetic and roleplay reasons.

    Crafted gear wasn't BiS in my times as well. PvE-wise, the only real stuff were trial drop-sets like Twice-Fanged Serpent or Vicious Serpent. PvP was always more crafted gear I believe.

    What do you mean with 'shield changes'?

    They made many shields limited to a portion of your max health. And oops, I went too far back! I just remembered the Twice Born Star, Julianos, etc times and all.

    I think many of the racial passive changes are good btw, and overall good, but they were so close to making it much better..
  • eso_lags
    Keras wrote: »
    Hey fellow community,

    I consider returning to ESO after about 2 years, having quit the game somewhere around April/May 2017 shortly before the release of Morrowind. I played on Xbox EU since Xbox release in June 2015, was at CP max. and had the game pretty much figured out (surely not anymore :lol: )

    With 2 years passed, I'm very sure that the game has changed immensely, especially as ESO could shift the meta hard with just a single big patch. Now I probably need to read through a myriad of patch notes to really get back into it, but perhaps someone can tell me a little what big changes happened since pre-Morrowind, what the meta is right now, in how it might play differently from 2 years ago, and of course if it's even a good idea to come back?

    Last thing I remember is the big patch mainly concerning resource management at the beginning of 2017 (PC/MAC: v2.7.5 and Xbox: v1.7.0, I believe). Prior to that, PvP meta mainly consisted of broken Sw&Shield-Tanks with endless healing to sustain even a 10 men gank, and DPS were able to push damage to maximum and still have huge stamina recovery to maintain their output. Maybe someone remembers those times and knows what my stand is. ^^'

    I would be very grateful for any help you can offer!

    are you a pvp player? If so i would stay gone.
  • Keras
    eso_lags wrote: »
    are you a pvp player? If so i would stay gone.

    Why though? What's the problem with PvP?
    (I'm fully aware though that many things in PvP were kind of broken back when I played; but why is it bad NOW?)
  • Tasear
    Keras wrote: »
    Thanks for the replies!
    If you listen to the forums:
    • the game is dead
    • race balancing is BS
    • pvp is horrible (this one i can not confirm, I'm no pvper)
    • ZOS only wants your money, Crownstore is the only thing that gets patched
    • Everything is either to hard or to easy
    • *insert class* is the only one that gets nerfed all other gets buffed
    • *insert race* is the only one that gets nerfed all other gets buffed

    Pretty much the only thing I didn't expect to change! I personally have complained about the class balancing (and the senseless explanations by the dev team that came with them) and the laggy AvA, too, but there has always been a lot of pointless whining in the forum. ^^

    Can someone playing AvA confirm that it's still broken and laggy once 2 whole alliances clash? That was a huge issue with AvA for the entire 2 years I played. Never kept me from playing it, though.

    Tasear wrote: »
    * group finder works...
    * healer classes are warden, Templar, Sorc in popularity in end game competitive.
    * 2 hander weapon counts as too
    * Guild trader ui changed
    * Proc sets don't critical

    Oh *** the group finder actually works? That was a game-breaking issue, with the search taking easily longer than completing the daily vet dungeons.

    Perhaps I'm wrong, but I can't remember Sorc being a popular healer. Before Warden, it was only Templar who was competitive on that matter. Though you were able to heal at least through every vet dungeon with every class if you knew how to.

    The change to 2 handers was much needed!

    In how far has the guild trader UI changed? I always hoped for a big combined market where players could sell their stuff outside of guilds, like in SWTOR. Took an absurd amount of time to check for the best price on a single crafting style, for days on end in 20 guild stores spread over 4 regions...

    No more crits on proc sets, okay, but are they still overpowered in PvP? PvP-wise, the game was seriously p2w with a game-breaking monster set like Velidreth only available to ESO+ and DLC buyers. The amount of times this set procd with insanely high damage, enabling stamina gankers to effectively one shot you, was just ridiculous. Overpowered proc sets were the height of RNG-based combat and probably the single most nerve-wracking thing in PvP. From that perspective, I hope they were severely nerfed.
    That was always a problem with ESO, though: No separate balancing between PvP and PvE. I didn't ever really mind proc sets in PvE. Some lack of balance between classes was fully okay there, as every class was capable of doing the content (except poor MagSorcs in PvE maybe, but never played one) just fine. In PvP, it was game-breaking at times, and no patch could really fix the issues. I remember how they first nerfed MagDKs after Xbox release. Then up until I quit, they buffed MagDKs to being the strongest magicka class. MagNBs, at first the strongest gank class in AvA, was then nerfed into oblivion, replaced by now overpowered StamNB gankers (their high damage wasn't the big issue, as a ganker should have a 1v1 advantage in an ambush. That they were also able to sustain in a 1vX fight because of the ridiculously high stam resources was). I don't hope for that being fixed entirely, but I hope that proc sets lost their much too high significance in PvP.

    Thanks a lot for the info, Tasear!

    Were the race balance changes so needed? Except for trials (never had a big enough group) I played all the end game stuff, weekly Vet Maelstrom, the hard vet dungeons and such. There was always an advantage for say a Redguard in terms of stamina compared to other classes, but I've never seen this as a big issue. I started out as a Stamina DK Dunmer. Then a Stamina Sorc Bosmer Tank and finally a Magicka NB Argonian Heal - I chose all those races out of personal preference (kind of role-play wise), and while a Dunmer sure wasn't the best choice for a Stam DK, it never kept me from playing the hardest content in this game.

    I'm still open for every piece of information I can get! :smile:

    Yeah after stiles starting using it became popular in the mist of Sorc DPS falling greatly behind other classes. They are brought for on demand synergy. Still in light of that and many other changes the class has become a lot more popular to be seen.

    With Morrowind every class got access to giving resources back to allies which means any class can fit healer role.

    In regards to racials they were needed so players had the feeling of more free and race choice makes less then skill now.
  • eso_lags
    Keras wrote: »
    eso_lags wrote: »
    are you a pvp player? If so i would stay gone.

    Why though? What's the problem with PvP?
    (I'm fully aware though that many things in PvP were kind of broken back when I played; but why is it bad NOW?)

    Its mainly performance at this point and developers who pretend there is no issue... On xbox its very bad. Idk about xbox EU but ive heard its similar to NA. I guess i should have been more specific, its very bad if you are a small scale player.

    Performance is worse than ever, at least since the BS early on in the game. Its awful. Its pretty bad on PC, but awful on xbox. Vivec, the main campaign, is unplayable. Between teleporting players, load screens, crashes, abilities not going off, abilities taking 4-5-6+ seconds more than normal to go off, double stuns, not being able to CC break, and just all around choppy performance, its unplayable 99% of the time. Zos will not acknowledge the issue.

    Then you have NO CP, which is dead. You have under level 50 which is pretty dead and only for under level 50. Then you have shor, which can be decent on weekends and some days during prime time, but I'd say more than half of the time its pretty dead as well. But at least the performance is much better than vivec..

    Then you have battlegrounds (no CP) which has its own issues, mainly the broken ques, strong groups with strong meta builds, and sometimes it can get laggy. But overall BG's is pretty good. I enjoy it but its not what i personally want to do, what I like is small scale open world.

    So If you are a large scale player you will probably enjoy it. Even at prime time in vivec, at its laggiest, Its easier if you're in a big group. You have dozens of people to rely on so if half of your abilities dont work its nowhere near as bad as a solo or duo or something. I guess it all comes down to what you want to do in PVP. If vivec didnt have performance issues it would be fun, because its always populated. But the less players in your group, down to solo, the more the performance will impact you.

    And on another positive note PC players are reporting better performance after the newest update which will hit xbox in a week or so, but ill believe it when it see it. PC and xbox are very different.

  • Keras
    eso_lags wrote: »
    Keras wrote: »
    eso_lags wrote: »
    are you a pvp player? If so i would stay gone.

    Why though? What's the problem with PvP?
    (I'm fully aware though that many things in PvP were kind of broken back when I played; but why is it bad NOW?)

    Its mainly performance at this point and developers who pretend there is no issue... On xbox its very bad. Idk about xbox EU but ive heard its similar to NA. I guess i should have been more specific, its very bad if you are a small scale player.

    Performance is worse than ever, at least since the BS early on in the game. Its awful. Its pretty bad on PC, but awful on xbox. Vivec, the main campaign, is unplayable. Between teleporting players, load screens, crashes, abilities not going off, abilities taking 4-5-6+ seconds more than normal to go off, double stuns, not being able to CC break, and just all around choppy performance, its unplayable 99% of the time. Zos will not acknowledge the issue.

    Then you have NO CP, which is dead. You have under level 50 which is pretty dead and only for under level 50. Then you have shor, which can be decent on weekends and some days during prime time, but I'd say more than half of the time its pretty dead as well. But at least the performance is much better than vivec..

    Then you have battlegrounds (no CP) which has its own issues, mainly the broken ques, strong groups with strong meta builds, and sometimes it can get laggy. But overall BG's is pretty good. I enjoy it but its not what i personally want to do, what I like is small scale open world.

    So If you are a large scale player you will probably enjoy it. Even at prime time in vivec, at its laggiest, Its easier if you're in a big group. You have dozens of people to rely on so if half of your abilities dont work its nowhere near as bad as a solo or duo or something. I guess it all comes down to what you want to do in PVP. If vivec didnt have performance issues it would be fun, because its always populated. But the less players in your group, down to solo, the more the performance will impact you.

    And on another positive note PC players are reporting better performance after the newest update which will hit xbox in a week or so, but ill believe it when it see it. PC and xbox are very different.

    Thanks a lot for the insight!

    This sadly sounds exactly like it has been when I left.

    Since release, basically, there was ever only one campaign running, all others were devoid of players. And since release, the AvA has been broken. The idea of AvA and the actual concept in the game is super awesome and I love it. I still spend many hours in AvA and would very clearly prefer it - as a game mode - over small scale PvP. But I experienced all the issues you list 2 years+ ago already, as the performance - so it seems - was never improved.

    It's really really sad to see this. As you say, ZoS never cared about the game-breaking issues in AvA. I don't know why - perhaps they have no clue how to or don't want to fix their servers, so they keep on hunting bugs and the like in AvA to tame their PvP community but otherwise don't care as they only commercialize PvE anyway. Why bother about a vanilla feature from 4 years ago (longer on PC) when the only thing you're expanding on and selling is PvE related...

    You're probably right that it wouldn't bother me as much if I were to run with a big enough zerg through AvA (though that's boring af), but unfortunately I'm in the same spot as you. Always only played together with my brother, directly contributing to big fights or ganking along the enemy's respawn route. The latter sometimes avoided the nasty issues because you were staying away from the big alliance clashes. But as you say, there's the obvious downside that you can't rely on the mass once the game *** up.

    However, while it bothers me not only from the perspective of an avid PvP player, but also on principle as it can't be that the AvA has not been fixed in 4 years, I would still consider returning for the huge amount of PvE content. I believe with Shadows of the Hist, which I never played, there are 10 group dungeons I never played, some trials I never touched, Morrowind and Summerset which I never set a foot in and stuff like some 15-20 armor and weapon styles I've never seen in-game.

    A big thing I still wonder about:

    Morrowind and Summerset - is there a reason to play in those regions in the endgame? So when I'm through with the story there, collected my skyshards and completed every little dungeon for the sake of an ingame achievement, is there still something to always come back for? Perhaps it's a completely subjective question, but even then I would like to hear some personal insights if anyone has some to offer.
  • SydneyGrey
    People have already touched on these, but ...
    In the past two years they've added housing, jewelry crafting, transmutation (being able to change the traits on your items), and my personal favorite: Any two-handed weapons (bows, staves and 2-H melee) now count as two items for the purposes of completing armor sets, so all characters can now have two 5-piece sets with a 2-piece monster set.

    Oh, and in the past couple of weeks, they've added a search bar in guild traders.
  • Androconium
    If you listen to the forums:
    • the game is dead
    • race balancing is BS
    • pvp is horrible (this one i can not confirm, I'm no pvper)
    • ZOS only wants your money, Crownstore is the only thing that gets patched
    • Everything is either too hard or too easy
    • *insert class* is the only one that gets nerfed all other gets buffed
    • *insert race* is the only one that gets nerfed all other gets buffed

    ^^ this, this is NOT sarcasm (<this is).

    The obvious clue that is obvious, is that the Syuper-efficient ZOS Forum spellchecker doesn't recognise the word "nerfed". Is anyone making sense to me yet?
  • Marcus_Thracius
    gambling with loot crates - wait that was from before ...riiiiight cuz zos needs $$$ - they all need $$$
  • kollege14a5
    Cyrodiil got 3x more laggy
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