VaranisArano wrote: »I hope someone at ZOS takes a look at how the different AOEs which are smaller group's best option for dealing with large groups and stacked raids are actually performing (or not) under pressure.
Preliminary draft is up here:
I'm hoping to finish it over the weekend when I have more time.
You're all welcome to comment here or in the Google Doc itself.
Nova (Templar Ult): Forget about it. It might show up 20 seconds late on the other side of the map.
Preliminary draft is up here:
I'm hoping to finish it over the weekend when I have more time.
You're all welcome to comment here or in the Google Doc itself.
How do you defeat an army? Form your own army and have competent raid leads. An army of sheep led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by a sheep.
I believe that @ZOS_BrianWheeler said on one of the ESO Live casts about 2 years ago (I could be way off on timing) that a small group should not be able to beat a large group - or something along those lines. I'm sure that we would all love an update on the combat team's intent for PvP numbers, and what their goals are for likelihood of specific sized groups being able to win vs other specific sized groups.
Based on the following:
- Groups have equal skill levels
- A very high chance is seen as 90%
- A high chance is seen as 75%
- A medium chance is seen as 50%
- A low chance is seen as 25%
- A very low chance is seen as 10%
There should be reasonable GOALS as set by the combat / pvp teams:
- Two groups of 12 should have a medium chance to win against each other.
- A group of 12 should have a low chance of winning against a group of 24, largely based on how well the group executes a strategy.
- A group of 12 should have a very low chance of winning against a group of 48.
- It should not be impossible for a group of 12 to win vs any other sized group if they use the right strategy.
- Lag should not be one of the conditions for winning (as it is now, a group of 72 wins vs anything else)
Sandman929 wrote: »
Is that a Jack Handy quote? Because that doesn't make sense at all. Wouldn't the army of lions beat the one leader lion then kill the sheep?
I believe that @ZOS_BrianWheeler said on one of the ESO Live casts about 2 years ago (I could be way off on timing) that a small group should not be able to beat a large group - or something along those lines. I'm sure that we would all love an update on the combat team's intent for PvP numbers, and what their goals are for likelihood of specific sized groups being able to win vs other specific sized groups.
Based on the following:
- Groups have equal skill levels
- A very high chance is seen as 90%
- A high chance is seen as 75%
- A medium chance is seen as 50%
- A low chance is seen as 25%
- A very low chance is seen as 10%
There should be reasonable GOALS as set by the combat / pvp teams:
- Two groups of 12 should have a medium chance to win against each other.
- A group of 12 should have a low chance of winning against a group of 24, largely based on how well the group executes a strategy.
- A group of 12 should have a very low chance of winning against a group of 48.
- It should not be impossible for a group of 12 to win vs any other sized group if they use the right strategy.
- Lag should not be one of the conditions for winning (as it is now, a group of 72 wins vs anything else)
Alexander the Great actually.
Sandman929 wrote: »
He wasn't great with the quotes...either that, or he didn't understand the animal kingdom very well.
Or maybe he was talking about personality, since lion and sheep don't actually form armies.
Crown wrote:Nova (Templar Ult): Forget about it. It might show up 20 seconds late on the other side of the map.
Sandman929 wrote: »
You just blew my mind.