Cost and damage values vary based on character level.
All Ultimate, Active and Passive skill data was collected from level 1 characters with the following exceptions:
- Mages' Guild, Fighters' Guild and The Undaunted skill line data was collected from level 3 characters.
- Alliance War, Lycanthropy and Vampirism skill line data was collected from characters of various levels.
Morph data is difficult to collect because it's not shown until the morphs become available. Since there are many variables that affect morph specs like range, duration, cost, etc. and because they can be unlocked at different times ... those numbers are hard to compare across skill lines. Because of all this, I have not filled in any of the spec data on morphs, only the name and the new effect.
Ability Types: {U} = ultimate; [A] = active; [M] = morph; (P) = passive
Stats: RANK = skill rank required; LVLS = ability levels; CAST = cast time (inst=instant, s=seconds, pass=passive, chan=channel); TGT = target; RG/RAD = range/radius (m=meters, rg=range, rd=radius); DUR = duration in seconds; COST = ability cost (ult=ultimate, mag=magicka, stam=stamina)
GUILD SKILLSFighters' Guild{U} Dawnbreaker : RANK - 10, LVLS - 1, CAST - 0.5 sec, TGT - cone, RG/RAD - 10 m rad, DUR - 0.0, COST - 125 ult,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Deals 48 Magic damage to enemies in front of player, with 60% additional damage to undead and Daedric enemies
[M] M1: Flawless Dawnbreaker : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - While slotted weapon attacks deal 10% more damage
[M] M2: Dawnbreaker of Smithing : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Causes knockback and knock down to Daedra
[A] Silver Bolts : RANK - 2, LVLS - 1, CAST - inst, TGT - enemy, RG/RAD - 28 m rg, DUR - 0.0, COST - 59 stam,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Deals 23 Physical damage
* Knocks down undead and Daedra enemies for 3.5s
* 5% chance on hit to banish undead and Daedric enemies, dealing 165 magic damage
[M] M1: Silver Shards : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Hit 2 additional targets (with less damage)
[M] M2: Silver Leash : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Pull enemy to you and do additional damage
[A] Circle of Protection : RANK - 4, LVLS - 1, CAST - inst, TGT - area, RG/RAD - 5 m rad, DUR - 17.0, COST - 45 stam,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Create an area of protection for 17s
* Friendly targets nearby have Armor and Spell Resistance increased by 30, and an additional 30 against undead and Daedric attackers
[M] M1: Turn Undead : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Daedra and Undead are feared and take damage
[M] M2: Ring of Preservation : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Allies in area have increased health regen
[A] Expert Hunter : RANK - 6, LVLS - 1, CAST - inst, TGT - self, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 10.0, COST - 54 stam,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* 20% chance on hit to deal an additional 32 Magic damage to undead and Daedric enemies, for 10s
* Killing an undead or Daedric enemy increases duration by 15s
[M] M1: Evil Hunter : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Restore stamina
[M] M2: Camouflaged Hunter : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Deal additional damage when stealthed
[A] Trap Beast : RANK - 8, LVLS - 1, CAST - inst, TGT - area, RG/RAD - 2.5 m rad, DUR - 24.0, COST - 63 stam,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Place a trap at location for 24s
* Trap takes 4s to arm, then deals 16 Magic damage and immobilizes closest enemy for 6s
* Burns undead and Daedric enemies for 27 Magic damage
[M] M1: Rearming Trap : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Trap re-arms once after firing
[M] M2: Lightweight Beast Trap : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Can be placed from a long distance
(P) Intimidating Presence : RANK - 1, LVLS - 1, CAST - pass, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Allows player to Intimidate certain NPCs in conversations
(P) Slayer I/II/III : RANK - 3, LVLS - 3, CAST - pass, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Increases Weapon Power by [3%/6%/9%] and Spell Power by [3%/6%/9%] when attacking undead and Daedric enemies
(P) Banish the Wicked I/II/III : RANK - 5, LVLS - 3, CAST - pass, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Bestows [3/6/9] Ultimate when killing an undead or Daedric enemy
(P) Skilled Tracker : RANK - 7, LVLS - 1, CAST - pass, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* While using Fighters' Guild abilities:
* Allows Fighters' Guild abilities that affect undead and Daedric enemies to also affect Werewolves
(P) Bounty Hunter : RANK - 9, LVLS - 1, CAST - pass, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Allows player to accept bounty quests from the Fighters' Guild in Cyrodiil
Mages' Guild{U} Meteor : RANK - 10, LVLS - 1, CAST - inst, TGT - enemy, RG/RAD - 28 m rg, DUR - 0.0, COST - 250 ult,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Deals 64 Flame damage to target and 32 Flame damage to nearby enemies
* All affected enemies are knocked back
[M] M1: Ice Comet : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Meteor now deals Cold damage, Cold AoE damage, and effected enemies are knocked back and snared 70% for 5s
[M] M2: Shooting Star : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Restores 9 Ultimate per target hit
[A] Magelight : RANK - 2, LVLS - 1, CAST - inst, TGT - self, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 36 mag,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Summon a light that reveals hidden and invisible enemies within 12m
* Reduces Max Magicka by 5% and increases Spell Critical strike chance by 7%
* Toggle to activate
[M] M1: Inner Light : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Adds spell critical strike
[M] M2: Radiant Magelight : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Nearby friendly targets take less damage from stealth attacks
[A] Entropy : RANK - 4, LVLS - 1, CAST - inst, TGT - enemy, RG/RAD - 28 m rg, DUR - 12.0, COST - 45 mag,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Deals 14 Magic damage over 12s and restores 7 Health to player every 6s
[M] M1: Degeneration : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Your weapon attacks against target restore health
[M] M2: Structured Entropy : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Increases max health while ability is slotted
[A] Fire Rune : RANK - 6, LVLS - 1, CAST - inst, TGT - ground, RG/RAD - 28/3 m rg/rad, DUR - 30.0, COST - 68 mag,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Creates a Fire Rune at target location for 30s, dealing 22 Flame damage when an enemy enters the area of effect
[M] M1: Volcanic Rune : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Enemy is knocked into the air and stunned
[M] M2: Scalding Rune : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Enemies also take fire damage over time
[A] Equilibrium : RANK - 8, LVLS - 1, CAST - inst, TGT - self, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Trade 66 Health for 33 Magicka
[M] M1: Spell Symmetry : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Next Magic ability used costs 25% less
[M] M2: Balance : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Increased health regen for 20s
(P) Persuasive Will : RANK - 1, LVLS - 1, CAST - pass, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Allows you to Persuade certain NPCs in conversations
(P) Mage Adept I/II : RANK - 3, LVLS - 2, CAST - pass, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Reduce Magicka and Health cost of Mages' Guild abilities by [8%/15%]
(P) Everlasting Magic I/II : RANK - 5, LVLS - 2, CAST - pass, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Increase duration of Mages' Guild abilities by [10%/20%]
(P) Magicka Controller I/II : RANK - 7, LVLS - 2, CAST - pass, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Increase Max Magicka and Magicka regen by [1%/2%] for each Mages' Guild ability slotted
(P) Might of the Guild I/II : RANK - 9, LVLS - 2, CAST - pass, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Casting a Mages' Guild ability increases Spell Power by [10%/20%] with next attack
* Lasts up to 8s after casting a Mages' Guild ability
The Undaunted[A] Blood Altar : RANK - 1, LVLS - 1, CAST - 1.5 sec, TGT - area, RG/RAD - 8 m rad, DUR - 27.0, COST - 72 mag,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Increases Health regen of nearby allies by 15% for 27s
* Allies may activate the Blood Funnel synergy, healing for 26 every 1s over 4s
* Channeling reduces the altar duration for each second channeled
* Only 1 ally may channel at a time
[M] M1: Sanguine Altar : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Increased health regen
[M] M2: Overflowing Altar : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - May be used by mupltiple allies at the same time
[A] Trapping Webs : RANK - 2, LVLS - 1, CAST - inst, TGT - enemy, RG/RAD - 28 m rg, DUR - 0.0, COST - 59 mag,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Deals 16 Magic damage to enemy and snares 40% for 8s
* Nearby allies may activate the Spawn Broodlings synergy, dealing 32 Magic damage and summoning 2 spiders for 15s
[M] M1: Spider Silk : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Upgraded Spiders. Black Widows last longer and have poison DoT
[M] M2: Tangling Webs : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Synergy summons 2 spiders and AoE fear
[A] Inner Fire : RANK - 3, LVLS - 1, CAST - inst, TGT - enemy, RG/RAD - 15 m rg, DUR - 0.0, COST - 54 mag,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Deals 16 Magic damage and forces target to attack you for 15s
* 15% chance to create a synergy opportunity where allies may activate the Radiate synergy to deal 44 Magic damage to target enemy over 4s, then explode for 276 Magic damage to all nearby enemies
[M] M1: Inner Rage : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Increased chance for synergy
[M] M2: Inner Beast : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Has increased range and reduced cost
[A] Bone Shield : RANK - 4, LVLS - 1, CAST - inst, TGT - self, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 5.0, COST - 63 mag,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Gain 150 Armor for 5s
* Nearby allies may use the Bone Wall synergy, granting a damage shield for 60% of their Max Health
[M] M1: Spiked Bone Shield : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Returns damage to melee attackers
[M] M2: Bone Surge : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Synergy increases ally power
[A] Necrotic Orb : RANK - 5, LVLS - 1, CAST - inst, TGT - area, RG/RAD - 5 m rad, DUR - 10.0, COST - 77 mag,
v1.0, 2014-03-27
* Summons an orb for 10s that deals 2 Magic damage to nearby enemies
* An ally may activate the Combustion synergy causing the orb to explode for 32 Magic damage
* Allies restore more Magicka over time for each enemy hit
[M] M1: Mystic Orb : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Orb also restores Magicka over time for each enemy hit
[M] M2: Energy Orb : RANK - , LVLS - 0, CAST - none, TGT - none, RG/RAD - none, DUR - 0.0, COST - 0 ,
v0.16, 2014-01-11
* New Effect - Synergy increases orb DoT instead of destroying it