StamBlade needs buffs, proof: this video
Lieblingsjunge wrote: »Gooooooooooooood job, Jaxaxo :>
I hope you enjoy the changes for enchants with your bleeds
Lieblingsjunge wrote: »But Jaxaxo... Magicka sorcerer is dead, useless and unplayable. HOW DARE YOU SHOW OTHERWISE? How dare you show that they still exist in pvp!!!!!
Also, nice vid as always. :^
Funny thing, if u're aware how to build and play it, it got quite nice buff on noncp. Which is awesome
JackWest92 wrote: »Look ma, I am on TV. That EP argonian sitting around Aleswell just watching you fight
One thing I wonder how you manage is all that 1vX with your fps dropping sub 20 in some occasions
If u're used to play on constant 15-25 fps with dropping to 5 on some occasions(before i started recording, on old laptop), that 20 fps is nothing
Will you tell us the setup so we can judge you based on choice like op masteraxes and stuff like that?
Heh, it's cancer, dont even need to hide this. In my own defense, im trying to fight in this hostile environment of ep zergs everywhere
JackWest92 wrote: »
If its the same as when i met you last year, still not as cancer as the fellas running infused torug all bleeds spin to win. I never miss to teabag someone after i kill them if they spammed Steel Tornado while i have 3-4 bleeds on me
But yeah, you need some ‘cancer’ if you wanna tackle on whole grps alone. But at least its not ‘full cancer’