I wish players did use it for balance. The cases I’ve been in, one faction is obserdly larger then the other on a server. While the others seem to be dwarfed and it becomes who has more numbers to push in.
I can completely see how it may allow people to quickly play with each other. However balancing of teams goes out the window in the concept of friendship.
It does also allows for guilds to switch factions to the underdog faction to help balance the servers. This has happened multiple times on PC/NA. It is definitely not all bad as it even let friends play together more frequently.
Haashhtaag wrote: »Faction loyalty is more detrimental to a campaigns health than faction hopping
Haashhtaag wrote: »Faction loyalty is more detrimental to a campaigns health than faction hopping
Dominion_Nightblade wrote: »
That has got to be about the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Please, elaborate..
Haashhtaag wrote: »Faction loyalty is more detrimental to a campaigns health than faction hopping
Haashhtaag wrote: »
Because people would rather front run and stick to a faction than switch and look for harder fights thus creating campaign imbalance which you see in scoring and etc. especially in a campaign where said faction is either 3 bar or pop locked the entire duration while the other factions have 1-2 bar.
Faction hopping players from guilds and etc go into those campaigns on lower pop factions to get good fights but a lot of times what happens is the faction loyalty kicks in and when these groups start taking keeps from leading faction and making moves you’ll see a huge influx of the leading faction come in and send them back to the gates.
It’s not healthy for pvp or the campaign and a reason a lot of people don’t go to campaigns other than Vivec.
Jimmy_The_Fixer wrote: »
Exactly this, so much toxicity stems from people who just care way too much about the campaign score.
Agree. Players and groups looking for good, challenging fights will generally prefer to log in on the side of underdog factions.
twitch_zero wrote: »
No guilds swap to underdog factions in NA Vivec any more, some players do but not guilds not any more. Guilds swap between EP and AD but never DC.
Dominion_Nightblade wrote: »
Yea, I would hope that people would rather front run and stick to a faction because that is what the pvp portion of the game is about ... Or at least it was when I started playing in 2014...
And granted that balancing issues are a good argument in this case, but give me one time where you have seen a guild actually do that for balance as opposed to being on the winning team for the best prizes at the end... Would PM switch to AD or DC to balance out, no because they represent the pact... Same with TD, DD, on yellow and iron legion on blue.. They all have loyalty because that is was PVP in this game WAS about... The only people who I see faction hopping are elitest plebs who stand around resources while playing with each other, and waiting for pugs to pounce on so they feel cool or good. Actually it was those plebs who made the whole faction loyalty is toxic argument and all the wannabe cool kids started following suite. It still makes no sense to me... I would rather be on team yellow with one bar than fight along side faction hoppers. I play this game to pvp for my faction and that is how this game was made to be played in pvp. That is the reason I might hop on once a week or so anymore to play for AD, because they killed pvp for the much larger pve crowd.. I know a lot of people would agree with me and a lot won't.. You play how you want, that's fine. But I will continue to play how I want with loyalty to my faction..
Yea.. you are one of the plebby followers I was talking about the my reply to hashtag.. We are toxic for wanting to play an alliance war portion of the game for our alliance... with faction pride.... lol, please have a valid and intelligent or at least constructive argument before you make yourself look silly while jumping into the conversation.
Haashhtaag wrote: »
End of camp rewards are a joke. The 30 day camp nets you what 30k gold? You can easily make 30k gold in IC in just 1 hour farming telvar and buy hakeijos or just make 200k AP and buy 2 triune trait gems to sell.
Gold rewards > but all you have to do is make AP for those and faction doesn’t matter.
Dominion_Nightblade wrote: »
Lol, that's all you took from my reply.. ok, my point is, dont call us toxic for playing the game how it was made to be played, and we wont call you toxic for playing how you want to play the game...
How the game was made to be played != what the game has evolved into.
The devs changed the direction long ago. Try to keep up.