5 items: When you deal damage, you have a 50% chance to deal an additional 33-2838 Disease damage. This effect can occur once every 4 seconds.
So, let's say I hit a group of 5 mobs with an AOE DOT, like Caltrops, or Shooting Star. My questions are, is the 50% chance rolled five times per tick (IE: five chances of 50% to apply the proc), or is it 50% chance every four seconds on any number of DOTs, melee hits, or nukes hitting at any given moment? And will the proc hit only one target of the five, or will all five receive the extra damage? IOW: let's say I have 5 DOTS running on 8 mobs at once, is the proc chance rolled the same for 1 mob or 8, and will it hit only one mob or 8?
Thanks in advance.