Yes but you get the best rewards for being on the winning side.
I'm pretty sure the low pop bonus already doubles your AP gains, in addition to boosting faction score? Either way, I'd prefer any AP-scaling mechanism to reduce AP gains on the dominant faction instead. AP is already flooding the game economy and we don't need any more inflation on that front.
Also, people respond more strongly to disincentives than incentives when it comes to curtailing certain behaviours, even if it leaves a bitter taste. But what works, works.
Aside from bars being not a very accurate population indicator, that would be a bonus of 75% at max, which is still less than the current bonus for low pop - and even those current 100% don't do anything for balance.
Which proves that balancing populations via rewards doesn't work.1st many players aren't able to make much AP (if any) when heavily outnumbered, so they still gain more on a high pop faction. 2nd if players play on a certain faction only for the increased rewards, they'd want to maintain the bonus = keep the population imbalanced, otherwise they leave and nothing is gained in the long run. 3rd not enough players care about AP. I don't think easy AP gain is the main reason for faction stacking. Easy wins are (more referring to winning "fights" than campaigns, though the latter might play a role too). Nobody likes getting farmed and so people flock to the side where this is less likely to happen. Even if it means those wins are achieved against NPC only. The AP are merely a nice side effect of those "wins".
I think dynamic caps would be the only solution to population imbalance, but implementng it properly would take too much effort, so it is not going to happen. Which might be the best, because based on ZOS' record we would likely get a "not so proper" system that could end up being worse somehow.
Jimmy_The_Fixer wrote: »
The rewards suck, nobody cares about them. People tend to swap around for gameplay reasons and not because they’re chasing a carrot.
Low pop bonus gives double AP in addition to the scoring bonus (x2,5) and on certain campaigns/factions it is not that uncommon.
My understanding is that you need 3 hours in a row of 1 bar while other factions have more to get the bonus, which is very hard to get.
I don't know the exact requirements to get the bonus, but i think it is less than 3 hours until it kicks in (they reduced the time at some point) and a faction don't need to be at 1 bar, it depends on the difference to the high pop faction (not sure if absolute or relative difference, but certainly based on the actual player numbers, not on displayed bars).
And hard to get or not, the bonus is still in effect quite frequently and it does nothing other than keeping the scores a bit closer, despite the huge AP bonus.
I get what you are trying to achive with your proposal, i just don't think it would work for reasons i have already stated (and which you ignored).