Remembered why I stopped playing

Took a break for a few months. Decided to fire up eso last night to see if anything has changed in pvp.

1. Lag is still there and the same. Weapon swap delays, skills firing delays, break free delays, and potting delays. Pings above 200. Game feeling sluggish and at peak game just unplayable at times.

2. Heavy armor tank meta. Guy has 30k sitting afk on a horse. I tag him with assassins will. My assassins will has a tooltip for around 16k. I know that's not high. But my AW hits for 2.2k... Really? 2.2k on a guy sitting afk from 16k? Zos went way heavy on the right with damage mitigation, battle spirit, and heavy armor.

3. Same old melee stam players kiting around rocks and timing dawn breakers. Kite, kite, kite. Why don't you people challenge yourself in open field combat. But nope. same old boring tactics. And these players never seemingly to run out of resources.

4. Bleeds

5. Sorcs tanking multiple people despite the shield Nerf. Shield Nerf say what?!
Edited by LegacyDM on December 24, 2018 4:33AM
Legacy of Kain
Vicious Carnage
¥ampire Lord of the South
  • oxygen_thief
    LegacyDM wrote: »
    Really? 2.2k on a guy sitting afk from 16k?
    5. Sorcs tanking multiple people despite the shield Nerf. Shield Nerf say what?!

    i think its a 2.2k damage from 8k.
    now its an official #nerfsorcs thread by the way
  • LegacyDM
    LegacyDM wrote: »
    Really? 2.2k on a guy sitting afk from 16k?
    5. Sorcs tanking multiple people despite the shield Nerf. Shield Nerf say what?!

    i think its a 2.2k damage from 8k.
    now its an official #nerfsorcs thread by the way

    Yes. Battle spirit from 16k makes it 8k and then add on cp, base resistances, and heavy armor it knocks it down to 2.2k.
    Legacy of Kain
    Vicious Carnage
    ¥ampire Lord of the South
  • yodased
    1. there is a bandaid fix for this. Go into your largest guild and hide offline players, then in the right text box search your name. This will give you a "list" of just you to ping for location. Helps some quite a bit, others not as well.

    2. Split all damage in half, so you are looking at 8k tooltip in pvp. Unless you have a 32k tooltip in pve. Maxing mitigation is around 70% so 8000x.3 - 2400 damage. Very many ways to cap resistance and mitigation on a troll tank build, but they aren't killing you.

    3. You have to learn not to chase them around whatever, they are going to be faster than you, they have to be the fastest one on the field to be able to play that way. There are ways to get resources back while line of sight is broken around a rock or tree or whatever. They are using passive HOTs, or trees or magma or barrier, lots of ways to bring the fight back into their world. Kind of have to just leave them playing pop goes the weasel.

    4. Bleeds suck, always have really, but now there are sets adding to and giving more bleed damage and proc %. Definitely over tuned right now. I agree.

    5. Sorcs have a great toolkit for mobility or evasion tanking, a magsorc isn't going to stand midfield and face tank several people, they are going to use mobility to los and not die.

    Nothing really has changed much
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Vapirko
    Hmm if you’re being kited me thinks you’re trying to Xv1 or outnumber in which case what do you expect them to do? If it’s just one weirdo LOSing in a 1v1 either walk away or just stand in one spot and wait for them to come around, then CC and initiate, or make good use of snares. They will run out of resources. Based on your dislike of Melee stamina players I’ll assume you’re a magblade. And if that’s so you have crippling grasp and flame reach which are two of the best tools for running players out of Stam. And if you’re a stamblade well you have incredible disengage tools and fear so this really shouldn’t be an issue. If anything you should be the one kiting.
    Edited by Vapirko on December 24, 2018 6:09AM
  • amir412
    Vapirko wrote: »
    Hmm if you’re being kited me thinks you’re trying to Xv1 or outnumber in which case what do you expect them to do? If it’s just one weirdo LOSing in a 1v1 either walk away or just stand in one spot and wait for them to come around, then CC and initiate, or make good use of snares. They will run out of resources. Based on your dislike of Melee stamina players I’ll assume you’re a magblade. And if that’s so you have crippling grasp and flame reach which are two of the best tools for running players out of Stam. And if you’re a stamblade well you have incredible disengage tools and fear so this really shouldn’t be an issue. If anything you should be the one kiting.

    Some pepole kite in 1 vs 1 like trash until they get help.

    Pepole kite in 1 vs x cuz they are proably not NBs who can cloak away, kiting is the best mitigation and without it no1 would ever be possible to fight outnumbered decent players.
    Edited by amir412 on December 24, 2018 7:07PM
    PC | EU | AD |Stam Dk named "-Saidden"| 1700 CP|
    "..A world without fire. Ashen one, is this truly thy wish?.."

  • idk
    LegacyDM wrote: »
    Really? 2.2k on a guy sitting afk from 16k?
    5. Sorcs tanking multiple people despite the shield Nerf. Shield Nerf say what?!

    i think its a 2.2k damage from 8k.
    now its an official #nerfsorcs thread by the way

    This is a good point for starters. Always best to use the correct information to prevent it looking like one is skewing it for drama. Also have to wonder what spell pen we are talking about.

    And for the third point, I prefer PvP that is more than just standing their trading punches. Movement in combat, especially using the environment is great. It you get someone to do something foolish and kill them in the process even better.
  • Priyasekarssk
    LegacyDM wrote: »
    Took a break for a few months. Decided to fire up eso last night to see if anything has changed in pvp.

    1. Lag is still there and the same. Weapon swap delays, skills firing delays, break free delays, and potting delays. Pings above 200. Game feeling sluggish and at peak game just unplayable at times.

    2. Heavy armor tank meta. Guy has 30k sitting afk on a horse. I tag him with assassins will. My assassins will has a tooltip for around 16k. I know that's not high. But my AW hits for 2.2k... Really? 2.2k on a guy sitting afk from 16k? Zos went way heavy on the right with damage mitigation, battle spirit, and heavy armor.

    3. Same old melee stam players kiting around rocks and timing dawn breakers. Kite, kite, kite. Why don't you people challenge yourself in open field combat. But nope. same old boring tactics. And these players never seemingly to run out of resources.

    4. Bleeds

    5. Sorcs tanking multiple people despite the shield Nerf. Shield Nerf say what?!

    Sorcs tanking multiple people ? Only dk and warden is doing now.
    Liars what more cheese. Do you know many people quit eso due to sorc nerf ? Oh yes DK is perfectly fine now. If you cannot kill a sorc just quit the game no one cares.
    Can we delete sorc from game and give a race change for all sorcs. Pathetic noob cry babies.
    Edited by Priyasekarssk on December 24, 2018 5:28PM
  • Waffennacht
    LegacyDM wrote: »
    Took a break for a few months. Decided to fire up eso last night to see if anything has changed in pvp.

    1. Lag is still there and the same. Weapon swap delays, skills firing delays, break free delays, and potting delays. Pings above 200. Game feeling sluggish and at peak game just unplayable at times.

    2. Heavy armor tank meta. Guy has 30k sitting afk on a horse. I tag him with assassins will. My assassins will has a tooltip for around 16k. I know that's not high. But my AW hits for 2.2k... Really? 2.2k on a guy sitting afk from 16k? Zos went way heavy on the right with damage mitigation, battle spirit, and heavy armor.

    3. Same old melee stam players kiting around rocks and timing dawn breakers. Kite, kite, kite. Why don't you people challenge yourself in open field combat. But nope. same old boring tactics. And these players never seemingly to run out of resources.

    4. Bleeds

    5. Sorcs tanking multiple people despite the shield Nerf. Shield Nerf say what?!

    Sorcs tanking multiple people ? Only dk and warden is doing now.
    Liars what more cheese. Do you know many people quit eso due to sorc nerf ? Oh yes DK is perfectly fine now. If you cannot kill a sorc just quit the game no one cares.
    Can we delete sorc from game and give a race change for all sorcs. Pathetic noob cry babies.

    There is health sorc tank. It can face tank several players (depending on the players of course)

    Thing is; it doesn't use any shield except bone shield, which is buffed by the changes (same scaling; more resistance) if it does indeed run it.

    If it's a mag sorc it's a player skill issue
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • frostz417
    Issue with people kiting around rocks are you kidding me? Okay guess our 4-6 man is gonna just open field fight 24 people.
    Geez what’s next. Nerf rocks and kiting? Just make cyro a completely flat environment with nothing but the castles so you mindless zerglings can easily get kills by Xv1’ing people. Yep sounds legit.

    2.2k assassins will, that just spews L2p all over it.

    Zos didn’t nerf shields. They changed the way they’re used. So now instead of fighting a sorc who does fat damage and has fat shields. You now fight tanky sorcs with not as much damage but amazing resistances and shields to complement them.

  • pzschrek
    With the lag you’re completely right.

    As far as sorcs, yeah, people complained about the shield nerf.

    But actually good sorcs are tougher than they’ve ever been. The speed nerf was a stealth buff for streak in relative terms. Does take a damage hit to get there though. A lot of the class identify as a burster is gone. It has a different identity now.
    “The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which side he is on.”
  • Morgul667
    Agree with you for the lag

    Disagree for the rest but anyway we just need an okay performance game, nothing more
  • Iskiab
    It’s pvp, adapt or die, same as it always was. I dont understand the ‘nerf x’ threads in this context. You’re saying there’s too much mitigation and then saying that unmitigatable damage sucks.

    Sounds like whining and you want to be able to walk into pvp in your preferred spec and dominate. Things only need to be nerfed if it becomes mandatory. Less mitigation is not the issue, your lack of penetration is, if anything what needs to happen is increased light armour mitigation and a further nerf to sorc shields.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • Slack
    AW for 2.2k?
    Well on my warden even my Flame Clench usually hits for 3-4k
    Try to shift your CP allocation around a bit
    Edited by Slack on December 25, 2018 8:34PM
    PC EU
    Betty Breeze - Magwarden
    Hunts S'hitblades - Stamplar
    Aschavi - Magplar
  • Priyasekarssk
    pzschrek wrote: »
    With the lag you’re completely right.

    As far as sorcs, yeah, people complained about the shield nerf.

    But actually good sorcs are tougher than they’ve ever been. The speed nerf was a stealth buff for streak in relative terms. Does take a damage hit to get there though. A lot of the class identify as a burster is gone. It has a different identity now.

    Ooh yes. All top rankings in BGs are sorcs. Not even 1 there , even stam sorcs. What ever is meta is always meta. Combat balance team corrupted full of NB and DK streamers and now warden joined . If I am share holder of ZOs I will definitely impeach them in court. They are working on personal benefits rather than health of the game or ZOs.
    Thats why this game PVP never come on par with other MMOs. Never will until corruption ends. Many quit the game forever and many will.

    I dare ZOs to release stats for all classes in BGs or duels . What they are hiding ? Why they are asking noob streamers for combat and quote them for every combat balance changes ,which in fact suite their needs. Are they dont have the data ? Release the data. No one knows whats going inside ZOs.

    All we know is meta will rule for ever . DKs and wardens never die. Nbs will dish out 30K damage in 1 second from half miles away. It will never change.
    Edited by Priyasekarssk on December 26, 2018 5:03PM
  • Priyasekarssk
    LegacyDM wrote: »
    Took a break for a few months. Decided to fire up eso last night to see if anything has changed in pvp.

    1. Lag is still there and the same. Weapon swap delays, skills firing delays, break free delays, and potting delays. Pings above 200. Game feeling sluggish and at peak game just unplayable at times.

    2. Heavy armor tank meta. Guy has 30k sitting afk on a horse. I tag him with assassins will. My assassins will has a tooltip for around 16k. I know that's not high. But my AW hits for 2.2k... Really? 2.2k on a guy sitting afk from 16k? Zos went way heavy on the right with damage mitigation, battle spirit, and heavy armor.

    3. Same old melee stam players kiting around rocks and timing dawn breakers. Kite, kite, kite. Why don't you people challenge yourself in open field combat. But nope. same old boring tactics. And these players never seemingly to run out of resources.

    4. Bleeds

    5. Sorcs tanking multiple people despite the shield Nerf. Shield Nerf say what?!

    Sorcs tanking multiple people ? Only dk and warden is doing now.
    Liars what more cheese. Do you know many people quit eso due to sorc nerf ? Oh yes DK is perfectly fine now. If you cannot kill a sorc just quit the game no one cares.
    Can we delete sorc from game and give a race change for all sorcs. Pathetic noob cry babies.

    There is health sorc tank. It can face tank several players (depending on the players of course)

    Thing is; it doesn't use any shield except bone shield, which is buffed by the changes (same scaling; more resistance) if it does indeed run it.

    If it's a mag sorc it's a player skill issue

    You cannot sustain in sorc. Only DK or warden can permablock and retain resources while blocking. Probably a test can be made with lizard sorc with infused potion jewelry. I still doubt it even with healers. Only thing can be done is streak around objects and wait for loose ends.

    No way a stam sorc can stand like mighty DK or warden on front of multiple people and holding the majestic block and survive infinitely.
    Edited by Priyasekarssk on December 26, 2018 6:44PM
  • Xvorg
    my assa will hits for 4.4k on tanks.

    The word is "penetration".
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Waffennacht
    LegacyDM wrote: »
    Took a break for a few months. Decided to fire up eso last night to see if anything has changed in pvp.

    1. Lag is still there and the same. Weapon swap delays, skills firing delays, break free delays, and potting delays. Pings above 200. Game feeling sluggish and at peak game just unplayable at times.

    2. Heavy armor tank meta. Guy has 30k sitting afk on a horse. I tag him with assassins will. My assassins will has a tooltip for around 16k. I know that's not high. But my AW hits for 2.2k... Really? 2.2k on a guy sitting afk from 16k? Zos went way heavy on the right with damage mitigation, battle spirit, and heavy armor.

    3. Same old melee stam players kiting around rocks and timing dawn breakers. Kite, kite, kite. Why don't you people challenge yourself in open field combat. But nope. same old boring tactics. And these players never seemingly to run out of resources.

    4. Bleeds

    5. Sorcs tanking multiple people despite the shield Nerf. Shield Nerf say what?!

    Sorcs tanking multiple people ? Only dk and warden is doing now.
    Liars what more cheese. Do you know many people quit eso due to sorc nerf ? Oh yes DK is perfectly fine now. If you cannot kill a sorc just quit the game no one cares.
    Can we delete sorc from game and give a race change for all sorcs. Pathetic noob cry babies.

    There is health sorc tank. It can face tank several players (depending on the players of course)

    Thing is; it doesn't use any shield except bone shield, which is buffed by the changes (same scaling; more resistance) if it does indeed run it.

    If it's a mag sorc it's a player skill issue

    You cannot sustain in sorc. Only DK or warden can permablock and retain resources while blocking. Probably a test can be made with lizard sorc with infused potion jewelry. I still doubt it even with healers. Only thing can be done is streak around objects and wait for loose ends.

    No way a stam sorc can stand like mighty DK or warden on front of multiple people and holding the majestic block and survive infinitely.

    Health sorc, clannfear gives (this is in BGs - after Battle spirit is applied) an 8-10k heal without crit (I have healed for 15k in a BG from a single clannfear use)

    Bone shield can give a 7k shield with nearly full resistance,

    Dark Conversion is the smallest heal and should actually be used more as resource management

    My version personally runs Zaan and Sload so I forgo spell/wpn dmg completely and focus on sustain

    Mine personally has 41k health in BGs (coupled with above heals and Shields)

    I do run boundless and streak, to do exactly what you said (flee when focused by 3+ while alone)

    I do not block at all on this build (I suppose I could) but I don't like giving up such resources.

    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • heavier
    LegacyDM wrote: »
    Took a break for a few months. Decided to fire up eso last night to see if anything has changed in pvp.

    1. Lag is still there and the same. Weapon swap delays, skills firing delays, break free delays, and potting delays. Pings above 200. Game feeling sluggish and at peak game just unplayable at times.

    2. Heavy armor tank meta. Guy has 30k sitting afk on a horse. I tag him with assassins will. My assassins will has a tooltip for around 16k. I know that's not high. But my AW hits for 2.2k... Really? 2.2k on a guy sitting afk from 16k? Zos went way heavy on the right with damage mitigation, battle spirit, and heavy armor.

    3. Same old melee stam players kiting around rocks and timing dawn breakers. Kite, kite, kite. Why don't you people challenge yourself in open field combat. But nope. same old boring tactics. And these players never seemingly to run out of resources.

    4. Bleeds

    5. Sorcs tanking multiple people despite the shield Nerf. Shield Nerf say what?!


    1. I've played my share of f2p type videogames with latency issues and ESO just about takes the cake for any game I've tried in the last 8 or so years, but hey these dudes are noob devs they'll learn if we back off and let them (right guys? amirite?)

    2. roll penetration and proc fracture/breach, remember your dmg goes thru a funnel of 50% nerf just for trying to pvp. it's a bit heavy handed because it also rekts healing (should be amended to have less of a harsh penalty against healers imo)

    3. the terrain is a bit lulz

    4. yes, bleeds

    5. sometimes I run into builds where I'm really confused on how I can't dmg them and they do good dmg on me without really animations that look very damaging...
    TERA PvP you could gauge how heavy a hit was gonna land based on the animation or the cast time...longer cast time usually meant greater ESO there isn't much contrast between a skill that will kill you and one that is a fast cast in-between type deal. I like my templar's animes bc SA is LIT FAM

  • heavier
    Xvorg wrote: »
    my assa will hits for 4.4k on tanks.

    The word is "penetration".

    I'm a lover baby
    and a fighter
  • Lord-Otto
    LegacyDM wrote: »
    Took a break for a few months. Decided to fire up eso last night to see if anything has changed in pvp.

    1. Lag is still there and the same. Weapon swap delays, skills firing delays, break free delays, and potting delays. Pings above 200. Game feeling sluggish and at peak game just unplayable at times.

    2. Heavy armor tank meta. Guy has 30k sitting afk on a horse. I tag him with assassins will. My assassins will has a tooltip for around 16k. I know that's not high. But my AW hits for 2.2k... Really? 2.2k on a guy sitting afk from 16k? Zos went way heavy on the right with damage mitigation, battle spirit, and heavy armor.

    3. Same old melee stam players kiting around rocks and timing dawn breakers. Kite, kite, kite. Why don't you people challenge yourself in open field combat. But nope. same old boring tactics. And these players never seemingly to run out of resources.

    4. Bleeds

    5. Sorcs tanking multiple people despite the shield Nerf. Shield Nerf say what?!

    Sorcs tanking multiple people ? Only dk and warden is doing now.
    Liars what more cheese. Do you know many people quit eso due to sorc nerf ? Oh yes DK is perfectly fine now. If you cannot kill a sorc just quit the game no one cares.
    Can we delete sorc from game and give a race change for all sorcs. Pathetic noob cry babies.

    There is health sorc tank. It can face tank several players (depending on the players of course)

    Thing is; it doesn't use any shield except bone shield, which is buffed by the changes (same scaling; more resistance) if it does indeed run it.

    If it's a mag sorc it's a player skill issue

    You cannot sustain in sorc. Only DK or warden can permablock and retain resources while blocking. Probably a test can be made with lizard sorc with infused potion jewelry. I still doubt it even with healers. Only thing can be done is streak around objects and wait for loose ends.

    No way a stam sorc can stand like mighty DK or warden on front of multiple people and holding the majestic block and survive infinitely.

    Health sorc, clannfear gives (this is in BGs - after Battle spirit is applied) an 8-10k heal without crit (I have healed for 15k in a BG from a single clannfear use)

    Bone shield can give a 7k shield with nearly full resistance,

    Dark Conversion is the smallest heal and should actually be used more as resource management

    My version personally runs Zaan and Sload so I forgo spell/wpn dmg completely and focus on sustain

    Mine personally has 41k health in BGs (coupled with above heals and Shields)

    I do run boundless and streak, to do exactly what you said (flee when focused by 3+ while alone)

    I do not block at all on this build (I suppose I could) but I don't like giving up such resources.

    Zaan and Sload... On a tank...
    THAT'S the answer why people stop playing. Right there.
    (no offense to you, Nacht, it's ZOS' responsibility to design better)
  • Palidon
    I stopped playing ESO because after 4 years the game just got old. Was time to check out some other games. Even their new content DLC's were just clones of previous ones with new gear grinds. Now I just come to the forums to see what is going on. And I see nothing has changed.
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