help me get better

Soul Shriven
hello fellow eso players,

i am struggling to enjoy pvp. i have played for years now but do not seem to comprehend a blatantly clear thing that is sitting right in front of me. i have tried dozens of cooky cutter builds, and my own creations, but i never seem to get viable. ive been playing mmo's for more then 15 years and in every game i could become at least decent. Not in eso. against some players i do ok, but i quickly encounter players that seem to do 3x my danage while also being 3x as tanky. once they start dpsing on me its over in 3-5 second. blocking doesnt work and does not kill a player, stunning and then quickly retaking initiative via dps is futile. my heals are lackluster. damage is lackluster. ability to absorb damage is lackluster. ive tried wizards riposte, pirate skelly and fortified brass, still a 4 second instagib. stam nbs? die in 2 seconds. magdk? 3! stamina anything? 3 seconds.

my current build (builds seem to make little difference at this point) on my temp is:
light julianos,
pirate skelly,
wizards riposte.
i play non cp bg's. using normal skills and am vampire.
tried heavy julianos before this, i could take one additional hit compared to light. in eso thats 0.33 seconds

what am i missing?
  • Fiveboro
    charunks wrote: »
    hello fellow eso players,

    i am struggling to enjoy pvp. i have played for years now but do not seem to comprehend a blatantly clear thing that is sitting right in front of me. i have tried dozens of cooky cutter builds, and my own creations, but i never seem to get viable. ive been playing mmo's for more then 15 years and in every game i could become at least decent. Not in eso. against some players i do ok, but i quickly encounter players that seem to do 3x my danage while also being 3x as tanky. once they start dpsing on me its over in 3-5 second. blocking doesnt work and does not kill a player, stunning and then quickly retaking initiative via dps is futile. my heals are lackluster. damage is lackluster. ability to absorb damage is lackluster. ive tried wizards riposte, pirate skelly and fortified brass, still a 4 second instagib. stam nbs? die in 2 seconds. magdk? 3! stamina anything? 3 seconds.

    my current build (builds seem to make little difference at this point) on my temp is:
    light julianos,
    pirate skelly,
    wizards riposte.
    i play non cp bg's. using normal skills and am vampire.
    tried heavy julianos before this, i could take one additional hit compared to light. in eso thats 0.33 seconds

    what am i missing?

    I'm sure this is not the answer you're looking for but how much time have you really put into PVP? Because all i can think of is you need more practice with mechanics, healing, damage output and all that...your build is really only so helpful it's all of the little things that go into making you good at PVP. Like do you kite people, do you use LoS, are you keeping buffs up 100% of the time, do you know when to pop heals, what procs your sets, weaving light attacks, animation cancelling like all of these things can only come to you by dying in PVP A LOT. In the range of 100s of hours worth of PVP experience.
  • ChunkyCat
    Vampire using Light Armor.

    You’re my favorite opponent <3
  • Sharee
    Go for tanky.

    5/1/1 Heavy, shacklebreaker/salvation, 2x protective jewelry, Lady sign, pirate skeleton, werewolf. Stam DK. DW main(WW ult), 1h/S offbar(temporal guard ult, do not use, just passive while charging 201 ult).

    42000+ physical resistance (in CP) while in WW form as long as armor buff lasts. Laugh at those armor debuffs/penetration sets. If skeleton procs you can wade through zergs. Fun times.
  • ccmedaddy
    I'm not sure if telling someone to go with heavy armor is a good advice when he's having issues with killing other players. Besides, he's already running Riposte+Pirate Skelly which should make him tankier than running a heavy dmg set.

    To OP: It honestly sounds like you just need more practice. Your build should be nearly unkillable in 1v1 situation tbh. What are your front bar and back bar weapons? Skill setup?
  • Vapirko
    I haven’t played magplar for a while but I do know that heavy armor synergizes incredibly well with magplar even in the current patch. This will also give you more room for error and time to breath and think about what you’re doing. Breath or life or honor the dead alone should keep you alive at least for a while. Riposte definitely isn’t as good as it once was. Basically without seeing your gameplay it’s hard to say. That build should be ok in theory. Magplar basics though, put down your time of protection or whatever, put down your ritual and stay in your damn circle when 1v1, or if outnumbered try to lure people into a choke point where you can stand on your rune. The heal from puncturing sweeps and BOL should be enough for the rest of it. Skoria is always a good set for heavy magplar. Other than that watch for CC immmunity and try to line up your burst.
  • SugaComa
    Cure the vampirism, you can run 5 light if you want or 5 heavy

    My opinion is decide if you want to tank damage or deal damage once you decide build and spec for that

    Dealing damage means high damage to kill them before they kill you

    Tanking damage means taking damage until a window opens to switch to kill ... This in my opinion is a good place to start ...

    Key is to learn to switch gears and bars as confidence and skill grows you can become less tanky and more damage orientated ... Now instead of changing gears and bars to go offencive in small windows ... Your driving offencively and switching to defend

    Might I suggest as a starting setup go with steadfast hero, wyrd trees blessing and skoria it's not going to do a lot of damage but it's going to be a mid way set up for you to practice your skills and bar swapping
  • Reefo
    2x pirate
    5x wizards body
    5x Lich (back bar SnB)
    2x willpower dual wield

    5impen 3sturdy
    Nirnhoned sharpened Swords + powered 1h
    Argonian vampire
    Atronach Mundus
    All spell damage glyphs

    To survive
    Channeled focus, extended ritual and honor the dead will be enough, must mist form when 3 or more until you can burst them

    Burst combo is purifying light, reflective light, dawnbreaker of smiting and puncturing sweeps with radiant glory to finish and have entropy and inner light slotted for max damage.

    Aslong as you can survive and mist away and burst them with an ulti that stuns you gonna do well.
  • UndeniablyAVG
    If you use jabs as your main spammable, I would look into using Cyrodils light set. It makes you very tanky as you just have -15% damage while you are casting jabs and you should also be healing from jabs at the same time.

    I'd maybe pair this with the bright throats boast set that came out in Murkmire or possibly Shacklebreaker as it might be better for you to be in heavy armor, and I'd always choose bloodspawn over pirate skelly, however if you run heavy armor I don't think it's necessary to run two defensive sets so I'd probably run Skoria or Zaan. Zaan's a bit cheesy but it hits like a truck.

    I heard wizards riposte got a nerf and now only works on direct damage so pretty much everyone dropped it. It's a shame as i was selling rings for like 25k a piece every day when it was popular.
    PS4 EU - Daggerfall Covenant
    PSN - N_O_B_L_E-
  • bagon
    Sharee wrote: »
    Go for tanky.

    5/1/1 Heavy, shacklebreaker/salvation, 2x protective jewelry, Lady sign, pirate skeleton, werewolf. Stam DK. DW main(WW ult), 1h/S offbar(temporal guard ult, do not use, just passive while charging 201 ult).

    42000+ physical resistance (in CP) while in WW form as long as armor buff lasts. Laugh at those armor debuffs/penetration sets. If skeleton procs you can wade through zergs. Fun times.

    These replies are always my favorite. Instead of learning 2 play, jUsT bUiLd A tAnK
  • Waffennacht
    To mitigate damage you need a mixture of both base damage mitigation (can be major protection, armor resistance, etc) and critical damage mitigation (CP, transmutation, impenetrable trait, Impregnable)

    You then use block, dodge, or shield to elevate pressure and create offensive windows.

    Hard CCs (stuns, knock back, fear, etc) are used both offensively (to allow uncountered damage) and defensively (to disrupt an opponent's burst or pressure)

    Using Line of Sight (LoS) is another mitigation tactic that requires situational awareness.

    Movement is key when dealing with LoS. Both in keeping objects between yourself and your opponent as well as "walking through" (your opponent will fail target checks on cast time abilities when you walk through them)

    HoTs, and HP Regen work similarly to mitigation as they give you more time to react defensively or prolonging an offensive widow.

    There are great threads about the specific forms and calculations of mitigation, as well as gear choices and comparisons. @paulsimonps has great information
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Sharee
    bagon wrote: »

    These replies are always my favorite. Instead of learning 2 play, jUsT bUiLd A tAnK

    It is much easier to "learn 2 play" when you have more than 2 seconds to do so.
    Edited by Sharee on December 3, 2018 7:24AM
  • montjie
    have you set up ur build properly? as in 5L-1M-1H/5L-2M/5L-2H
    do you have all the passives you need unlocked?
    do you have the needed abilities slotted to match your playstyle?

    assuming the above is all checked op ur build is fine (if youre having sustain issues u could swap out juli for a sustain set as i know julianos in noncp environments can be taxing sustain wise)

    id say go duel against people around ur skilllevel. its the best current way to learn to play ur class better imo as i think this is more of a l2p issue than a l2b one
    if ure not running ultimate cheese bg can be brutal learning grounds as you clearly already have noticed so therefor a more controlled environment is what would suit you best imo...just dont forget to disable ur cp when dueling to reconstruct accurate bg stats/performane
    - easy farmable saltbucket -
    - retired QQ king of Daggerfall Covenant PC-EU Azura's Star/Sotha Sil/weird dragon name/Ravenwatch zone chat -
  • fred4
    montjie wrote: »
    id say go duel against people around ur skilllevel.
    This. I'll talk about builds as well, because it's easy to talk about, but this is by far the best advice.

    I would only add that, if you're tentative and backed into spamming Honor the Dead, it is particularly hard to turn the fight around on a magplar.

    I know you've tried everything in terms of builds, but for what it's worth:

    I disagree with Vapirko on heavy armor. Light Armor is the way to go, especially this patch. You lose too much damage by not having the crit and penetration, which now works against everyone. Aside from Pirate + Riposte, tankiness can also be achieved by adding Protective jewelry. I use Pirate + Overwhelming Surge + Amber Plasm + vMA resto back bar. These are my reasons for going with that exact combination:

    Overwhelming helps to detect and stay on top of nightblades. Your best weapon is to jab relentlessly as they try to cloak. It is a little mindless, but it often beats trying to do something more elaborate against nightblades.

    You need stam regen for break free and occasional dodge rolling. Hence Amber Plasm. Since I cannot have the stam sustain from Amber or Shackle, and Riposte, and a damage set at the same time, I choose the stam sustain. I find that ultimately more valuable than Riposte.

    Using Mutagen adds much needed healing over time to a magplar and enables the vMA resto. I also use an Infused Absorb Health enchant on my front bar. This makes it easier not to become backed into defensive Honor the Dead spamming. I therefore use a lightning staff front bar and resto back bar, which I have come to prefer over the more standard blocking 1H+S or ice staff back bar playstyle.
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • fred4
    Stupid question, you're running all Impenetrable, right?
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • chris25602
    so I will throw in a possibly unpopular comment. when I bought i real mmo mouse I went from feeling powerless to crushing stuff as much as it is about knowing how to play having input that makes it easy can be a cheat way to get ahead
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