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I know there are no necromancers in this game and never will be, but what class would be closest to it? Sorcerers have minions, but that is about it. Nightblades have curses and shadow magic. Not sure what else you can add to one of these to get the feel. So just curious if anyone has made a necromancer themed character and what did you use?

Best Answer

  • TheShadowScout
    jonzhao68 wrote: »
    I know there are no necromancers in this game and never will be...
    "Never" is a long time. Who knows, they might add Necromancy in some way, sometime. Maybe as guild skill line like Psijic (though I would hope they'd make it mutually exclusive with that one, considering the psijics stance on necromancy), or possibly as a specialization for Sorcerors like in my old class morph idea...
    jonzhao68 wrote: »
    ...but what class would be closest to it?
    Sorceror is lore-wise closest, since it -is- stated that necromancy is a sub-set of conjuration, which would be represented by the "summoning daedric pets" of the sorcerors.

    Nightblades do have curses and such, but their skills are not necromancy, more akin to blood magic (which is not explicitely a thing in the elder scrolls universe).


    As for "necromantic" setups... well, look no further then the "Soul Magic" line and some undaunted skills. Combine that with sorceror dark and daedric magic, add some "death magic" themes sets like withered hand, baharas curse, necropotence, lich-shroud, worms rainment, and some matching monster sets like nerien'eth, scourge harvester, pirate skeleton, etc,; and you get pretty close... at least until and unless someday the powers that be might decide to give better options (see above)
    Actually your character will practice Necromancy quite often during quests...
    Indeed, and necromancy is not as lore-breaking as some people like to portray it.
    Sure, its despired and oftentimes illegal all across tamriel. So is murder - dark brotherhood, anyone?
    Sure, its the tool of your main antagonists - but not everyone toes the line and join the worm cult, just think of vastarie.
    Sure, people frown at it... but much like espionage, many use it when the need arises.
    In the end, it is a viable possibility. And up to the powers that be if they ever want to go there! ;)
    Answer ✓
  • MashmalloMan
    I'm guessing this is more for RP and adventure concerns? If so, the aesthetic of NB seems more like a Necromancer, but if you want an army of pets, you're better off with magsorc.

    2 pets from class skills and 1 from ultimate.
    Monster set: Maw of the Infernal or Shadowrend
    Some 5 piece set options: Mad Tinkerer (Kind of a summon) or Morkuldin (crafted and stamina set)

    There isn't many options for 5 piece sets. What you could do is use Mad Tinkerer + an ultimate set so that you can try and keep up Greater Storm Atronach ultimate up as much as possible.

    Without any ult regen set, you can have a max uptime of about 49% which isn't too bad.
    Edited by MashmalloMan on November 10, 2018 6:30AM
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • Konstant_Tel_Necris
    Actually your character will practice Necromancy quite often during quests, there will be communications with dead, ghost hunting, possession by ghost, bidding souls to your will via necromantic rituals, creation of skeletons and zombies and even flesh atronach, transformation into skeleton by itself and many other examples.

    For example, I play both Nightblade and Sorcerer as one character with same name, who changed his class after being posses by ancient Telvanni ghost sorcerer who is encountered during ghost hunting quest in Vvardenfell , but since my Nightblade become Vestige after one of Barilzar's inspired experiments by prolongation of his life and removal of vampire blood craving, those Telvanni ghost was trapped in my soulless body like another nordic ghost who try before to posses that Nightblade character in Windhelm Halls of Dead, I roleplay this as my character become something like Raziel from Soul Reaver and Akachi from Mask of Betrayer, vampire being that was transformed into soul devourer and now hunger for souls.

    But also its allow me to roleplay as my character have several personalities as ghost try dominate my will, something like Raistlin Majere have with Fistandantilus or Vaarsuvius have during Soul Splice ritual.

    To support my RP with gameplay I use certain sets, Caluurion's legacy set, its create lich like crystals behind your back who shoot into enemy nasty bolts, Nerien'eth monster set create lich like crystal trap but also have some lich like visuals, Bahraha's Curse set creates necrotic rune on ground who slow enemy and drain health from them and transfer it to player character.

    I also use certain skills: Soul Assault and Consuming Trap, Invigorating Drain and Elusive Mist, Temporal Guard and Deep Thoughts, besides of class skills of both Nightblade and Sorcerer.

    I also use various memento and personalities in my roleplay as well as costumes and hats, particularly I use Vosh Rahk Ceremonial Mask as Guthrag's Mask to hide my undead identity similar to Fane mask from Divinity Original Sin 2, otherwise I use Death Grin Skull Mask as "true face" behind Vosh Rahk Ceremonial Mask, that's works very well with Mind Shriven and Soul Shriven skins and last stages of vampirism, even Psijic mystic tattoo add on top for roleplay as I can switch from them to Mind Shriven and then to Soul Shriven with death grin mask like I have done certain Psijic rites of Moawita to protect self from bad sides of my affection like soul hunger and ritual runes on body broken after resurrection in combat.

    I believe I have created pretty interesting and lore friendly character for roleplay.
  • ezio45
    why do people want to see another class? zos doesnt have a great track record with how they treat treat their other class, by all means lets add another one to nerf into the ground or leave useless since it launched
  • Kimda
    "We'll make a necromancer out of you yet"
    - Abnur Tharn
  • TheShadowScout
    ezio45 wrote: »
    why do people want to see another class?
    I don't.
    And I am on record posting about that, many, many times.

    But another skill line... or a dozend... that is something I would like seeing. ;)
    The more options, the more character diversity, the more fun, yes?
  • rexagamemnon
    I have wanted the necromancer class and others added to the game for a while, but at this point I give up. I don't think it will ever happen
  • emilyhyoyeon
    I chose nightblade for my necromancer because she also uses illusion magic, sap health spells, etc. The conjuring line and dark magic line from sorcerer suits necromancy more though I think
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Salvas_Aren
    When I am the healer I practice necromancy all the time due to team mates not leaving aoes. >:)
  • Unit117
    I will never give up on wanting a necromancer. A necromancer class would be amazing. Hell no to a necromancer skill line. It wouldn’t do it justice and would be disrespectful to all the brave men and women that fought in these forums the last 4 years for a necromancer class. We will get it. Never give up!
  • rabidmyers
    yeah im still waiting/hoping for a necro class
    at a place nobody knows
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