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Arena Gladiator Costume

I've already earned the Arena Gladiator costume, just wondering how much it sells for at guild traders and the open market.6unk4i7gzhyk.jpg
  • Master_Kas
    1-2 mil on PC EU according to master merchant addon, it depends on your tradeguild tough.
    EU | PC
  • TGO8694
    What about NA? And consoles?
  • NBrookus
    I've seen sales for 2m, but I've had one listed at 1.6 for a couple of weeks and hasn't sold yet.
  • TGO8694
    So a safe bet would probably be between 1mil to 1.5mil then? It does take about 50 days to earn it as it is lol
  • ScruffyWhiskers
    PSA from a complete idiot: Don't save up the boxes and them open them all up at once every once in while. LOL/CRY. Not that I really need millions of gold. Although it would have helped with buying potion mats.
  • TGO8694
    PSA from a complete idiot: Don't save up the boxes and them open them all up at once every once in while. LOL/CRY. Not that I really need millions of gold. Although it would have helped with buying potion mats.

    Are you talking about the gladiator rucksacks?
  • ScruffyWhiskers
    TGO8694 wrote: »
    Are you talking about the gladiator rucksacks?

    Yes, Isn't that the reward you get from the Cyrodiil daily?

    I just noticed that not every one of those gives the purple gladiator proof thing. I assumed it was because I was opening a bunch on the same day. Or does it work differently?

    Edited by ScruffyWhiskers on October 23, 2018 5:40PM
  • milkbox
    TGO8694 wrote: »
    Are you talking about the gladiator rucksacks?

    Yes, Isn't that the reward you get from the Cyrodiil daily?

    I just noticed that not every one of those gives the purple gladiator proof thing. I assumed it was because I was opening a bunch on the same day. Or does it work differently?

    Yeah, there is a timer on those. 20 hours, maybe? I opened a few at once before I got it, too.
  • TGO8694
    TGO8694 wrote: »
    Are you talking about the gladiator rucksacks?

    Yes, Isn't that the reward you get from the Cyrodiil daily?

    I just noticed that not every one of those gives the purple gladiator proof thing. I assumed it was because I was opening a bunch on the same day. Or does it work differently?

    Yes, you get one every 20 hours. Open just one each day, otherwise it's a waste. On average it'll take 50 total days to have enough for the costume.
  • Endding
    Soul Shriven
    Im looking to buy this if anyone has one for sale on PS4-NA : )
  • Minnesinger
    NBrookus wrote: »
    I've seen sales for 2m, but I've had one listed at 1.6 for a couple of weeks and hasn't sold yet.

    Sold one for 1599999 gold :)
    Edited by Minnesinger on October 29, 2018 1:40PM
    The wind is cold where I live,
    The blizzard is my home,
    Snow and ice and loaded dice, the Wizard lives alone.
  • TGO8694
    Yeah they sell between 1mil to 1.5mil depending if someone wants it bad enough. I've earned two so far lol. Sold my spare for 1.5mil 😄🎃💰
  • Pajor
    The costume looks great, I wonder how much the helm would cost.
  • TGO8694
    Klasen wrote: »
    The costume looks great, I wonder how much the helm would cost.

    It's 20 gladiator proofs. Gold value is between 100k to 200k I believe. Anyone wanna price check for me?
  • Asgari
    The Dye system is so terrible, legate black isnt even black on it. Its grey

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  • TGO8694
    Asgari wrote: »
    The Dye system is so terrible, legate black isnt even black on it. Its grey


    Cold Harbour Black and Fire Drake red are the best for it 👍 That's the colors I used in the picture up top 😄
  • Kartalin
    I agree Fire Drake Red looks great on most gear, but you found coldharbor black to be superior to legate black in this case??
    • PC/NA
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  • TGO8694
    Kartalin wrote: »
    I agree Fire Drake Red looks great on most gear, but you found coldharbor black to be superior to legate black in this case??

    Well I don't have negate black yet so honestly I can't compare but coldharbour ash black works for me 😁
  • TGO8694
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