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So basically vendor 100's of iron bars?

500 man guild and can't sell on guildstore as noone buys stuff.

Post up 100 iron bars at the default which in most games is way under an items cost but here 100 iron bars is only 1200g by default. 2 days later forced to repost for 800g cause 1200g is too much. Now i'm thinking I may have to vendor it for 400g because my 84 bag slots are full, my 60 bank slots are full, my 5 guilds have 30 items up on each not selling, and I can't loot or make and gold this way.

Left with the very real possibility that the only way to make gold in game is vendor all the crafting mats. 400g instantly so I can go out and get more items is just way more attractive than sitting here for a week trying to sell it for a profit.
  • Teroh
    The issue is raw materials are not needed to level up crafting skills. What you should do is craft those ingots into varying pieces of armor. Id craft sets of lvl 10-12-14 armor and sell each piece for 50-100g. You'd make more than vendoring the bars.

    TLDR: Your a crafter , craft and sell your wares.
    Edited by Teroh on April 6, 2014 1:42PM
    The Fallen Legion is Recruiting, Help us Retake Cryodiil! Message me for more information.
  • lordspyder
    Yeah, I really wish there was a server wide AH then maybe I could unload my crafting mats, but also the problem is that iron is so plentiful every one is in the same boat, From what I hear as you level the mats become increasingly rare, so you shouldn't have much of a problem unloading them
  • peteed1985
    Trouble is most gear I can make is white, the better green and blue crap either takes alot of items to make it 100% chance to upgrade or has a high chance to lose the items. Not even really sure how to get those upgrade items lol, they just kinda randomly are in my bags from somewhere and I never tried to get them.
  • Teroh
    I would't upgrade them just sell the white items. Let the people enchant them. Sell them for cheap but still at a profit and people will buy them to fill missing or needed item slots.

    Especially pre level 20 people need new items all the time for leveling armor lines or meeting passive requirements.
    Edited by Teroh on April 6, 2014 2:02PM
    The Fallen Legion is Recruiting, Help us Retake Cryodiil! Message me for more information.
  • Laerian
    From wiki

    "Guild Stores will work in two distinct ways. First, it will allow players in the Guild to sell items to one another internally.

    Secondly,if the Guild has captured a Keep in Cyrodiil, there will be an opportunity to sell to players who are not members of the guild.

    Since there is no global auction house system in The Elder Scrolls Online, guilds can be created with massive amounts of players for the sole purpose of trading/buying/selling"

    Besides all of the above, players who may need those iron bars are disconnected from the guild stores.

    There's your answer.
  • XDem
    The thing is this game kind of works the other way around. It nets more xp to deconstruct gear, and then recraft it from the ingots you get. If you sell the ingots you basically take half the xp away.

    So as people said before me, you are much more likely to sell your ingots if you craft them into white items first.
  • Greydog
    peteed1985 wrote: »
    Trouble is most gear I can make is white, the better green and blue crap either takes alot of items to make it 100% chance to upgrade or has a high chance to lose the items. Not even really sure how to get those upgrade items lol, they just kinda randomly are in my bags from somewhere and I never tried to get them.

    You get those items by deconstructing your green. blue, purple gear.

    You need to remember the game just started and most don't have 1200g to spend yet. They're all in the same boat you are.

    Don't throw everything up on the store.
    - Vendor whites unless it has the "intricate" trait or has another trait you wish to research.
    - Food stuffs are readily available to everyone. Cook and vendor those.
    - Recipes are also readily available for the most part. If you found it in a crate chances are most other have also.
    - Greens, Blues etc you can decide what to do with depending on the enchantments or traits they have. (I deconstruct about 75% of these)
    - Enchantments seem to sell if they have useful stats.

    Remember, all this stuff is laying out there for everyone to grab, and most do. Use a little discretion on what you put up ;)

    "I Plan on living forever ..so far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • Vikova
    Construct whites then send them to an alt to deconstruct. Then construct more whites on the alt, send the materials to your main to craft more. Repeat process to level.

    If you don't want to level it anymore, then just craft whites and sell them like others have said.
  • MaxBat
    Really, as others have said, iron bars are so freakin easy to get. That's why no one wants to buy them. Creating an auction house so you can try - again - to sell something that has no value is silly. Make armor, sell it. End of story.

    Materials like iron, jute, etc. are just way too common to have a market. I saw someone trying to sell cooking materials in-game yesterday. Really? I'm not even picking up pork any more. But people are lead to believe by a number of internet sources that they can "make money" by selling this stuff. Good luck.

    Someone suggested yesterday - in-game - that raw materials should be restricted so there would be more of a market for these things. Again, seriously? So the overall goal of the game is to make a market, not to play a game? Again, that seems silly to me.

    You know what I have hundreds of? Natural water. Really. I ought to be able to sell it in the desert, right?

    Edited by MaxBat on April 6, 2014 4:30PM
    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • Nox_Aeterna
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    Construct whites then send them to an alt to deconstruct. Then construct more whites on the alt, send the materials to your main to craft more. Repeat process to level.

    If you don't want to level it anymore, then just craft whites and sell them like others have said.

    Yeah , i was wondering about this , does the exp bonus/penalty is per char or per account.

    If it is per char , then doing this would be probably the best choice.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • MaxBat
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    Construct whites then send them to an alt to deconstruct. Then construct more whites on the alt, send the materials to your main to craft more. Repeat process to level.

    If you don't want to level it anymore, then just craft whites and sell them like others have said.

    Yeah , i was wondering about this , does the exp bonus/penalty is per char or per account.

    If it is per char , then doing this would be probably the best choice.

    Experience is awarded per character.
    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • Nox_Aeterna
    MaxBat wrote: »
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    Construct whites then send them to an alt to deconstruct. Then construct more whites on the alt, send the materials to your main to craft more. Repeat process to level.

    If you don't want to level it anymore, then just craft whites and sell them like others have said.

    Yeah , i was wondering about this , does the exp bonus/penalty is per char or per account.

    If it is per char , then doing this would be probably the best choice.

    Experience is awarded per character.

    Yes i know , my point is:

    There is a bonus if you break items made by other players right?

    Is that per char? Which means if my main makes gear and sends my atls , they get this bonus.

    OR is it per acc? Which means any gear any of my char make do not grant said bonus to one another.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Seraseth
    Yes, if you break things an alt made, you get the bonus xp. So I get my alt to craft the gear, then I break it with my main.
  • knightblaster
    The game isn't really designed around making a lot of money. The most lucrative thing in the very early days has been selling racial motifs, which people tend to want, if you find them. But otherwise, mats don't sell because you don't need that many of them to craft and level (not huge piles at least), and they are extremely easy to obtain. You can try selling some armor if you make it, or vendor that, but really this game is not built around a market or an economy, but rather around the players being able to make things for themselves for the most part. The economy is deliberately limited by design.
  • nlnj_a
    Btw, iron is crap.
    Nobody wants it because low levels don't have much gold and people understand that they will outlevel iron soon enough.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Seraseth wrote: »
    Yes, if you break things an alt made, you get the bonus xp. So I get my alt to craft the gear, then I break it with my main.

    Ic , ty for the intel , i will begin to do that on my alts.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Vikova
    In addition, what exactly are you wanting the gold for? There is very little in this game you need gold for except for mounts. And feeding a horse every day doesn't take much.
  • MaxBat
    The game isn't really designed around making a lot of money. ... The economy is deliberately limited by design.

    And it's my hope that it stays that way.

    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • morgueanna
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    In addition, what exactly are you wanting the gold for? There is very little in this game you need gold for except for mounts. And feeding a horse every day doesn't take much.

    Really? Extra bag/bank slots, materials for levelling crafting (15g a pop for each racial motif stone you need, and you need one for each item you want to craft), racial motif books off of other players, any gear/weapons you want to buy off an NPC are ridiculously priced, etc.

    You need gold for practically everything in this game.
  • Vikova
    morgueanna wrote: »
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    In addition, what exactly are you wanting the gold for? There is very little in this game you need gold for except for mounts. And feeding a horse every day doesn't take much.

    Really? Extra bag/bank slots, materials for levelling crafting (15g a pop for each racial motif stone you need, and you need one for each item you want to craft), racial motif books off of other players, any gear/weapons you want to buy off an NPC are ridiculously priced, etc.

    You need gold for practically everything in this game.

    I think it is that last one that is getting you. The vendors are so overpriced and mats are so widespread, it is much easier to just craft your own as you level. Or hop in a guild store and get a green for 50g instead of a white of the same level for hundreds. Doing this, that leaves all other gold for bags and mounts. (Not including the pitiful 15g for racial element)
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