Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24

A Promise Unfulfilled Documentary

Edited by Grind_Zilla on October 22, 2018 11:21AM
  • AzraelKrieg
    Summarise it because there is no way in Oblivion that I'm watching that.
    Gold Dragons Guildmaster PC-NACR2000+
    Kalthar Wolf-Brother – EP Templar - 50 Maeli Valen - EP NB - 50Naps-During-Trials – EP Templar - 50Rulnakh - EP Sorc - 50Azrael Krieg - EP NB – 50Uvithasa Telvanni – EP DK – 50More-Tail - EP Warden - 50Narile Galen - EP Sorc - 50Bone Soldier - EP Necro - 50Naps-During-Trails - EP Necro - 50
  • purple-magicb16_ESO
    I really enjoyed watching. Gives you a lot to think about. Hopefully the ESO team has seen this and discussed long-term goals and direction of the series. Thanks for posting.
    I don't comment here often but when I do, I get [snip]
  • Grind_Zilla
    yea purple-magicb16_ESO glad to share , it is a very well fact ritch.

    have a great game week

    take care stay safe and HF =)
  • drkfrontiers
    Took me way back to old school rpg - thx
    "One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star."
    ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Robvenom
    Summarise it because there is no way in Oblivion that I'm watching that.

    Puppet the Peanut - Templar Tank/Healer
  • Grind_Zilla
    yea drkfrontiers ^^,

    it hit me very nostalgic too and seeing that "OP" gaming graphics of the 80`s 90`s <3 one of the reason i wanted to share with a care "

    have a great game week drkfrontiers , may the"Rng gods of Zenimax be with you" ^^
  • jcm2606
    ESO & Legends really should not be in there, because they're not in the same genre as the mainline TES series.

    Legends, well, I don't even need to explain.

    ESO, it's an MMORPG, of course it won't "feel" and "act" like any entries in the mainline TES series, because the hallmark things people expect from a single player TES game simply can't be done within an MMO, for one reason or another.

    ESO has to be looked at within its own little scope, which is fine, because, at the end of the day, ESO is not, was not, and never was marketed as a true mainline TES-but-online game. That expectation came squarely from the players, and though it is understandable, you cannot fault ESO for an expectation set by the players.

    Otherwise, great video. Hit the nail right on the head about the mainline TES series.
    Edited by jcm2606 on October 22, 2018 11:56AM
  • Grind_Zilla
    jcm2606 i agree with you.

    have a great game week ^^,

    stay safe, take care HF =)
  • neverwalk
    great video Zilla, i was hooked with Skyrim and now 8,000 hours in ESO.
  • Grind_Zilla
    yea as we gamer`s spend a ton of time ingame and of our lifetime in general making internationaly friendships, and with a healthy approach for future developments of gaming companys for gamers the line between the two should be even better, then it currently is.

    perhaps some things are already on the planning table ( i hope so ).

    " The time you enjoyed wasting , is not time wasted"


  • AchlysNox
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    ESO & Legends really should not be in there, because they're not in the same genre as the mainline TES series.

    ESO, it's an MMORPG, of course it won't "feel" and "act" like any entries in the mainline TES series, because the hallmark things people expect from a single player TES game simply can't be done within an MMO, for one reason or another.

    ESO has to be looked at within its own little scope, which is fine, because, at the end of the day, ESO is not, was not, and never was marketed as a true mainline TES-but-online game. That expectation came squarely from the players, and though it is understandable, you cannot fault ESO for an expectation set by the players.

    Otherwise, great video. Hit the nail right on the head about the mainline TES series.

    I think his main point stands though, about the unfulfilled promise. ESO could have been so much more than what it is, the scope could have been grander, the aim higher - but ZOS is very much about continuing the trend that he identifies as starting all the way back in Morrowind of smaller scale in a more condensed world.

    This trend seems to continue with each expansion to ESO as well, the Vvardenfell and Summerset chapters are so dense you literally can't turn around without running into some location, quest or NPC.

    My ideal ESO would be a much much bigger place, probably not as pretty as everything is now but more substantial and less theme park-ish.

  • Iselin
    Nice video. Much nostalgia.

    Not only have I been with the Elder Scrolls since the beginning in Arena I had already been a Bethesda customer before that with Gretzky Hockey which was the first hockey sim I played that made an effort to be stats based,,, and a pretty good effort it was for its day.

    I still miss spellcrafting and it has been #1 on my ESO wishlist since it was announced. I also loved that original Dunner Sorcerer I played in Arena who couldn't regen magicka but could absorb harmful spells cast at him to replenish his magicka and avoid damage as long as his magicka pool wasn't full. The game play tactics generated by that one small difference were a lot of fun to manage.
  • Zorgon_The_Revenged
    After all these years and 1st person view still make me feel ill.
  • Grind_Zilla
  • Donny_Vito
    Interesting video, good insights. The author didn't come out and specifically state it, but it sounds like the root of his "problems" with the changes in TES series (from his personal favorite Daggerfall to now) stem from how the game was made to please console players as well, not just PC players like Daggerfall was made to do. In having to adapt the game to casual console players, the development team had to simplify a lot of the functionality to work on console controllers. Also, the game has turned into more of a combat-based RPG (specifically with Oblivion and then all-out with Skyrim) rather than how Daggerfall was a fantasy-based RPG and more about dialog and exploration.

    I never actually played Daggerfall, but I did start on Morrowind as a teenager. I can personally say I enjoy how TES has aged and progressed. I'm currently on console.
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