My personal notes on provision leveling... Can't remember if those are with or without the inspiration passive from CP. Basically you need to craft the highest you can. Green is fine, iirc blue doesnt give more but it has been a long time since Ive checked inspiration. Never craft lvl 1 recipes, even the scaling ones. The inspiration sucks. Anyone who levels via fishy sticks is a sadist.
I buy 4 green recipes one lvl 15, one lvl 25, one lvl 35 and one lvl 45. Then buy the ingredients needed to craft from guild trader. You will need to craft the amounts shown below and place a skill points when you can.
Provision Leveling
95 = 15lvl 1 lvl Craft 95 of the level 15 recipe and you should be at lvl 20, place a skill point in.
77 = 25lvl 2 lvl Craft 77 of the lvl 25 recipe and you should be lvl 30, place another skill point in.
92 = 35lvl 3 lvl Craft 92 of the lvl 35 recipe and you should be lvl 40, place another skill point in.
126= 45lvl 4 lvl Craft 126 of the lvl 45 recipe and you should be lvl 50. Gratz.
Again I don't recall if these numbers are with or without the inspiration passive from champion points..
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The confusion here is that blue is different from green in a different way than it applies to equipment. Blues affect twice as many attributes as green, and the inspiration for making one is only slightly higher than the same level green, if at all.
Once you're past provisioning for levels, you'll most likely be making blues to use. These will be for health + magicka/stamina according to which of the two your character uses up. Some folk will make greens for the higher restoration of the single stat at a given level, and a few will use tri-stat potions because their play style needs them.
But for levelling, you can do fine with the all-green method already given, raising recipe improvement whenever you can do so. Don't forget to put points into recipe quality, as well as recipe improvement, so you can make everything, but that can wait to the end.
You can get from lvl1 to lvl 50 in 15 minutes. One lvl15 recipe to go up to lvl20, than a lvl25 recipe up to lvl30, and finaly a lvl35 recipe to reach lvl50. Once you get the recipes you buy the ingredients (cost peanuts is guildstores) than start pushing buttons (or get multicraft addon on pc).