Please send a request to join the Facebook group Witches of Nocturnal and one of our officers will be happy to add you to our roster. If you do not have a Facebook account, we may ask you to arrange a quick interview via voice chat. Feel free to contact me (@CadenceRowan) or our GM @willownz in game if you have any questions about joining the guild!
For those looking to contact us in-game- @cadencerowan and @swankery and @Flashygrrl !! FYI@willowns has retired. Looking forward to some new recruits.
I have requested an add on the Facebook group and would also love an invite to the guild @BITEMYC00KIE You can also add my bestie @TheHermioneDanger she doesn't use the forums but I will have her add the facebook group as well.
Good Morning! I am a returning player, played in beta etc. I am looking for a friendly place to call home, that accepts that I am a casual player now (not enough hours in the day for family, work and raiding nonstop in games), with a love of crafting. I have requested to join the FB page as well.
Hi! I received a message regarding my fb app this morning, but I cannot locate the message now. I have updated my fb with a pic of myself, so you don't have to wade through my pics of various pets
Edited by annskelleyb14_ESO on February 7, 2017 4:22PM