Alright so my last thread was about sexual harrassment and how zos actually handles it. I'm a PS4 player, PS4 does NOT have an ignore list. PC does and so does Xbox. So when you report a player instead, this is the AUTOMATED response from ZOS. Which doesn't help or give me a solution to harrassment. When we report someone about something serious like that, we get a minimal effort automated response that does nothing. You can't ignore people on PS4, and reporting them doesn't solve your problem either. You can only BLOCK people which only BLOCKS people's PSN profiles, not actually in game. I've blocked several people and they can still see me in the text box and whisper me, send me mail, send me group invites etc etc what they CAN'T do though is send me a friend request, ps message or PS voicechat. Super helpful in game right? I was told to stop concerning myself with this from ZOS and they closed my thread and told me to report. So you report, and THEY decide if they should be blocked or not. GIVE US AN IGNORE LIST. YOU'RE MINIMAL EFFORT HANDLING HARRASMENT SITUATIONS IS WEAK. Someone who has been harrassed DOESN'T deserve an automated response that DOES NOTHING.
Julia Ghoulia