Maintenance for the week of January 20:
· [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for maintenance – January 22, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EST (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – January 22, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 14:00 UTC (9:00AM EST)

Continuously logged out to Start Screen

Hi all,

I recently returned to ESO after a long absence. I’ve been enjoying many of the new features with the exception of one major flaw; since returning, I have been getting logged out to the start screen with infuriating frequency. An error message is displayed which reads “Unable to connect to server.” This typically happens around every half hour, mostly occurring when I travel via a wayshrine but sometimes when doing something where I’m not moving (like sending in-game mail, guild administration etc). I tried running a veteran dungeon the other day and was logged out 4 times during its course.

While the game had issues in the past, it was never like this and I’m using the same console and internet provider I had back in 2015. I’ve sent numerous tickets and followed the instructions on the responses I’ve received but it’s not changed anything. I don’t suffer with connection issues on other games, platforms or devices and my high-speed internet is stable.

Please help! It’s impossible to enjoy the game properly or it’s content. I can’t run anything lengthy without getting dropped. I pay for ESO+ as I always have but with the lack of any proper help, it’s starting to feel a little like I’m being ripped off and I’m going to stop paying and playing if I can’t get this resolved.
  • ZOS_Bill
    You can check the current status at the service alerts page. As of this moment the PS4 megaservers should be up. If you continue to receive the message “Cannot connect to server” please try the troubleshooting in the link below.

    What do I do if I keep getting disconnected on Playstation 4 with the error message "Unable to connect to server. Please check your internet connection."?
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    I’m sorry but it’s nothing to do with any of those things and I think you know that.

    The fact it seems to happen paticularly when I travel between locations would indicate there’s a persistent bug that’s occuring when loading up new environments, and if it is a networking issue, it doesn’t seem to affect any other games, PSN services or other devices.

    The final straw has been getting logged out after spending hours defeating Seht’s Balcony on the Veteran Maelstrom Arena, returned to Deshaan then finding I’’ve been sent to the following phase, having bypassed the chest/reward.
    I’m sick and tired of wasting time and money, limping through a broken game and not getting any genuinely useful help in resolving the issue. I’m cancelling my ESO subscription and regret having invested the time and money I have already.
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »
    You can check the current status at the service alerts page. As of this moment the PS4 megaservers should be up. If you continue to receive the message “Cannot connect to server” please try the troubleshooting in the link below.

    What do I do if I keep getting disconnected on Playstation 4 with the error message "Unable to connect to server. Please check your internet connection."?

    You must have a very low opinion of your customers to publicly reply with such an inane response. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m not the most tech savvy individual but what does the status of the mega-servers have to do with me being continually dropped? Surely, if they were down I wouldn’t be able to get on in the first place? Or otherwise, would this not be a more widespread issue?

    And if the issue related to PSN or my connection, why is it mostly happening when I travel between wayshrines (infuriating occasions in Cyrodill/dungeons/VMA not withstanding.) Would really appreciate an answer where I’m not being treated like an idiot.
  • ZOS_Bill

    If you've already went through our standard troubleshooting and this continues to happen, we recommend opening a support ticket to investigate this further. Normally getting logged out with the message "unable to connect to server" is a connection related issue. Our support team can help determine if that is the case, or if something else is possibly causing your character to get logged out.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
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