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Where do I go to level at?

I was hoping this would be like the Elder Scrolls games in the sense of the game scaling with my level... I ran through like three quests and already everything is twice my level.... Did I just pick a hard questline or do I have to grind it out?
  • Raubrey
    While I encountered a period in AD whereas I was both significantly over-leveled and under-leveled for the quests I had --around level 8 -- I started exploring and eventually it worked out. I didn't find it grindy as I explored and took risks like dungeon delving (caves etc.). Additionally, I love the game world, many aspects of it -- so killing lower level enemies on the way was good too.

    Anyway, this usually worked out as I am a Nightblade and don't charge into fights. I either worked with others that happen to be there, or kited, sneaked etc. and sometimes died having a good time or at least finding a skyshard -- if I couldn't solo it.

    But, it sounds like you might have missed some quests. If one follows a singular questline there will be more difficulty jumps (usually), whereas if you scout out the side-quests of the general area you can often find some variation and perhaps some closer to your level.

    Additionally, given the feedback from my guild members and my own experience, while player skills vary and some can conquer higher level content, others -- depending on their build, skills and equipment -- may have to return at a later time even if the quest is listed at the same level.

    However, I do agree that the game has inconsistent difficulty jumps which may take some getting used to if you are not accustom to it. At least there are options -- explore, group (if you can), practice your skills in the world and so on.

    With all the options in character builds, I imagine game balance can be quite the tightrope for the developers. Overall, I have found the game both challenging and fun, but there are times I miss being overpowered, like in Skyrim. ;)

    Edited by Raubrey on April 3, 2014 3:51AM

    Greybeards & Gals Founder
  • RipVanWinkleX
    I believe the game opens up at 50 where you can go to the other faction lands at max level and quest there.
  • Self1sh
    I think I'm just used to an assassin playstyle on Elder Scrolls games and being able to pick my battles. I already had a Nightblade duo character with my girlfriend and we've not had the problem of being underleveled so far, but I think I'm going to start another with another faction so I can play my preferred way solo.

    It probably is partly me being underleveled but partly me not knowing how to use my character. But I feel like I have the Nightblades part down pretty good.

    Thanks for the advice.
  • Chirru
    Self1sh wrote: »
    I was hoping this would be like the Elder Scrolls games in the sense of the game scaling with my level... I ran through like three quests and already everything is twice my level.... Did I just pick a hard questline or do I have to grind it out? skipped the starter Island
    either that..or you ran through the prison
    guideline: leave prison level 3
    leave starter island level 5-6
  • Self1sh
    But I am a level 6 :/

    I'll figure it out. I already started up my Shadowscale alt, so this time I'll do it right.

    Side note: how do I unlock LFG Dungeons? Or do anchors? I've seen several anchors but couldn't interact with them in any way and I've yet to "find" a dungeon on any of my characters.
  • parangea
    First 4-player dungeon is adviced to be with a group of lvl 12-15. Its in one of the most north places and the mobs around are lvl15.

    You can do public dungeons tho. They're the "torch" icon on your map.
    -The herd shall bleed to feed their masters, House Nyssara shall reign supreme-
    ~For the Dread Father and the Night Mother~
    Dunmer Vampire Sorcerer. Aldmeri Dominion
  • Raubrey
    Self1sh wrote: »
    But I am a level 6 :/

    After Khenarthi's Roost - Minstral -- you should be in southern Auridon -- it's called something like Vhaghl's Guard but that's not the exact name. From there it gets a little tricky if your <7-8.

    Skywatch quests were level 9 & 11 to start (some higher) --at least where I was sent.

    I think I had better luck on the NW side of the map (and on some of the costal areas) and remember going though Tanzelwil (LV 8 baddies/ancestoral ghosts) quite a few times.

    The first Fighter's Guild quest is fun but ends in a lv 8 boss/lv 9 quest that has proven quite difficult for some people (the boss) -- but you can hold off on the boss until you're ready.

    Since hitting lv 10 things have continued to improve especially since I use more ranged attacks now, my equipment is decent (well, relatively speaking) and I have improved sneak.

    Agony is my best friend (other than funnel health), and keeps me from getting overwhelmed when exploring or taking a higher level quest, unless I walk into a group of 4-5 not paying attention. :D

    Edited by Raubrey on April 3, 2014 5:12PM

    Greybeards & Gals Founder
  • firehawk2324
    Self1sh wrote: »
    But I am a level 6 :/

    I'll figure it out. I already started up my Shadowscale alt, so this time I'll do it right.

    Side note: how do I unlock LFG Dungeons? Or do anchors? I've seen several anchors but couldn't interact with them in any way and I've yet to "find" a dungeon on any of my characters.

    As far as I know, Dark Anchors just happen. I don't know if they are random, or set on a time table. They have also been bugged, so they weren't working. You may have encountered that. I've also encountered what I call "mini anchors" events. Sometimes when I'm just running around exploring, a purple portal will open in the air above me, and things will pop out of it. Nothing too hard, easily solo'able.
    Why not? Something has to work. Once, I dug a pit and filled it with clouds. Or was it clowns? Doesn't matter. It didn't slow him down. To be honest, it wasn't the best idea. And it really began to smell. Must have been clowns. Clouds don't smell bad. They taste of butter! And tears. - Sheogorath
  • Pseudonym
    Don't worry, once you reach level 10 you always have the option of going to Cyrodiil, if or when you run out of quests to do, as there are plenty of PvE quests to be had there.

    That being said, there are more than enough quests in each zone, you just need to find them. Exploration is your friend; and level gaps here in ESO aren't as punishing as they are in other games. I just did a level 38 quest as a level 20.
  • Korva
    As far as i have noticed the actual Level of the monsters mean nothing, it is the "elite" status or whatever it is called. I was questing in 35-40level zone as lvl 21, no problems in surviving at all. I play wood elf nightblade with bow only.
  • Ohioastro
    Explore around. In general you'll discover new locations and there are usually things to do in them; this uncovers a large number of quests, which tend to be somewhat easier in my experience than the ones you see if you follow the main paths.
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